Taylor, an Excel Food Solutions Company

State: Pennsylvania

Company: Taylor, an Excel Food Solutions Company Wyalusing, PA

Industry: Beef Processing - SIC Code: 2011
Employees: 1,200
Success Brief:

The company has achieved a significant reduction in injuries as a result of the ergonomics component of its comprehensive health and safety program.

The Problem:

While the facility's injury/illness rate was below the industry average, the company was not satisfied with the rate of improvement.

The Solution:

Recommendations from a joint employee/management safety and ergonomics committee resulted in annual ergonomics training for all employees and bi-annual training for the company's engineers. The company added a full-time ergonomics coordinator position to identify and correct ergonomic issues, working in conjunction with medical management and training. Ergonomic positioning is incorporated into the monthly behavior-based auditing process. The company maintains an ongoing relationship with Pennsylvania State University ergonomics graduate students, and the safety committee has been certified by the Pennsylvania Department of Labor.

The Impact:

There has been over a 50 percent decrease in the overall incident rate since the program was implemented.

  • Eric Reynolds, Safety/Ergonomics Manager, Taylor, an Excel Foods Solutions Company, Wyalusing, PA, July 2003.