Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) System Search
Need additional information refining your search? Visit the Search Basics page for helpful search tips.
This page allows for searches of the 1987 version SIC manual by keyword, access descriptive information for a specified 4-digit SIC, and the ability to examine the manual structure.
OSHA publishes information on its inspection and citation activity on the Internet under the provisions of the Electronic Freedom of Information Act. Data for a given inspection will display if data exists for the inspection and the inspection is indicated as being closed. For open cases, in which a citation has been issued, the citation information may not be available for 5 days following receipt by the employer.
Statistics and Data
This links displays the Statistics and Data page. This page displays all the tools to obtain inspection data and statistics.
SIC Manual
The SIC Manual link displays the SIC division structure page. This pages displays a tree-structure of all the divisions and the major group within each division.
Enter a SIC Code
The SIC may be specified at the 2, 3, or 4-digit level. SIC Division level information may be obtained by entering the division letter (e.g., D for Manufacturing). Inspections in all industries will be selected if no SIC specification is made. An online SIC code manual is available for help in finding SIC information.
If an SIC Code is entered and a keyword is entered, these two field will be ANDed together. For example, if 5153 is enter into the SIC CODE filed and GRAIN is enter into the keyword(s) field, the search results will display all records that contain both the SIC code of 5153 and contains the keyword grain.
Enter the search Keyword(s)
Within this field, enter the keywords to search. The words that are searched against within this field will return the Industry group that contains the keyword.
If an SIC Code is entered and a keyword is entered, these two field will be ANDed together. For example, if 5153 is enter into the SIC CODE filed and GRAIN is enter into the keyword(s) field, the search results will display all records that contain both the SIC code of 5153 and contains the keyword grain.
Search Results
The search results displays the Industry groups based on the SIC code and/or the keyword search. To display a description for each of the search results, click on the respective result link.
If an SIC Code is entered and a keyword is entered, these two field will be ANDed together. For example, if 5153 is enter into the SIC CODE filed and GRAIN is enter into the keyword(s) field, the search results will display all records that contain both the SIC code of 5153 and contains the keyword grain.