OSHA Success Story and Best Practice Submission Template

OSHA's Office of Partnerships and Recognition (OPR) is seeking your Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP) and/or OSHA Strategic Partnership Program (OSPP) success stories and best practices. These submissions are vital to conveying the positive impact that these cooperative programs have on workplace safety and health. Once you have completed this form, please email it to Patrice Peoples our Success Story Coordinator. To see examples of VPP and OSPP success stories and best practices on OSHA's website, go to OSHA Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP) and OSHA Strategic Partnership Program (OSPP).

  1. General Information: Please check the appropriate box related to your submission and provide the information below.

    Date Submitted: ____________________

    These tables are best viewed on tablets, notebooks, or desktop computer screens.

    General Information
    Submitted By Phone # Origin (Region #) Name and Location of Organization (Focus of Submission)
    Industry Description and NAICS Code   # employees   # of employer/s  
    Date Participant Entered VPP or Date OSP Agreement was signed:    

    Success Story – A story that highlights successes resulting from participating in the programs, such as: a reduced Total Case Incident Rate (TCIR) and/or Days Away, Restricted, and Transferred (DART) rate; cost savings; improved workplace safety and health culture; and increased employee involvement and management commitment.

    Best Practice – An innovative method or system within the SHMS that resulted in successful outcomes, such as changing work practices to reduce ergonomic injuries and improving employee morale and productivity.

  2. Success Story or Best Practice Narrative: Please check the appropriate below box or boxes that your submission includes, followed by your narrative. (Each narrative should include two or three paragraphs. It is possible that a story may include more than one of the below categories.)

    Quantitative Results – percentage of reductions in TCIR and/or DART rates; workers compensation savings; # of employees, managers, and supervisors that received specific safety and health training over the past year.

    Anecdotal/Human Interest – stories where the results may not have been measured numerically but present examples of how the workplace's safety and health culture improved (e.g., increased management commitment and employee involvement).

    Quote/Testimonial from employees, employers, management, executive leadership, union officials, OSHA field office staff, etc.

    Photos of OSP signings, VPP ceremonies, program participants, etc. If possible, please make sure you provide each person's name, title, and organization affiliation in the photo.

  3. Quantitative Results Data

    If your submission highlights percentage and/or number reductions, please use the below table and provide data for the past three years, if possible. You do not need to complete every column – just what relates to your submission.

    Quantitative Results Data
      *TCIR **DART Rate Number of Fatalities Dollar Value of Worker Compensation Claims
    Year 1:        
    Year 2:        
    Year 3:        
    3-Year Rate (Avg.)        
    Bureau of Labor Statistics' (BLS) National Average for Most Recent Year Available (Year)***        
    Percentage Difference between BLS and Most Recent Year in Program        
    • * TCIR: (Total Case Incident Rate) = (# of injuries x 200,000) / total hours worked
    • ** DART (Days Away, Restricted, and Transferred) Rate = (# of lost time injuries x 200,000) / total hours worked
    • ***For the respective industry related to the submission.


Thank you for taking the time to help promote the value of VPP and OSPP!