Computer Workstations

Hazards and Solutions

Many who use a computer at work or home may be unaware of workstation situations that can increase their risk of development of injury. The following references aid in recognizing potential hazards associated at computer workstations and give possible solutions to address those hazards.

Hazard Recognition
  • Computer Workstations. OSHA eTool. Includes new material developed by the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Also, incorporates a checklist to assist the computer user with evaluation of their workstation and with purchasing of new equipment.
  • A Survival Guide to Computer Workstations. Occupational Health, Safety, and Education (OHSE), Ohio State University. Presents hazard and radiation information.
  • NIOSH Publications on Video Display Terminals. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Publication No. 99-135, (September 1999). Provides a compendium of NIOSH publications and reports on video display terminals (VDTs).
Possible Solutions