Outreach Trainers

This list will help you find OSHA-authorized trainers who conduct 10- and 30-hour Outreach Training classes in construction, general industry, maritime, or disaster site work. The Department of Labor/Occupational Safety and Health Administration lists only those trainers who have requested that their contact information be made public.

Trainers who want to be listed with OSHA’s Outreach Training Program as an authorized trainer should contact their Authorizing Training Organization (OTI Education Center).

Inclusion on this list does not imply any endorsement by OSHA.

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Number of records displayed: 1 - 100 / 21173

Trainer`s Name (Last Name, First Name) Trainer`s City Trainer`s State Contact Information Language(s) Industries
Aaron, Ray Land O Lakes FL Phone: 8134826879
Email: raaron101@yahoo.com
English Construction
Abaka, James Clearwater FL Phone: 7274645028
Email: jabaka@pinellascounty.org
English General Industry
Abarca, Eduardo Miami FL Phone: 3053754240
Email: eduardo.abarca@miamidade.gov
English Construction
Abarca, Eduardo Miami FL Phone: 3053383655
Email: eabarca@miamidade.gov
English Construction
Abarca, Eduardo Miami FL Phone: 3053754240
Email: eduardo.abarca@miamidade.gov
Spanish Construction
Abarca, Eduardo Miami FL Phone: 3053383655
Email: eabarca@miamidade.gov
Spanish Construction
Abbate, Jeffrey Lakewood CO Phone: 509-308-7675
Email: jeffa@citrinellc.com
English Construction
Abbott, Billy Irving TX Phone: 8175380081
Email: babbott@walshgroup.com
English Construction
Abbott, Kimberly Manito IL Phone: 3092648610
Email: kim.abbott@syngenta.com
English General Industry
Abbs, Christopher Strongstown PA Phone: 8147132670
Email: cabbs@strbk.com
English Construction
Abdel Aziz, Juan Miramar FL Phone: 9543388976
Email: juan.abdelaziz@ohla-usa.com
English Construction
Abdel Aziz, Juan Miramar FL Phone: 9543388976
Email: juan.abdelaziz@ohla-usa.com
Spanish Construction
Abdel Aziz, Juan Miramar FL Phone: 9543388976
Email: juan.abdelaziz@ohla-usa.com
English General Industry
Abdel Aziz, Juan Miramar FL Phone: 9543388976
Email: juan.abdelaziz@ohla-usa.com
Spanish General Industry
Abdel-Aziz, Juan Miramar FL Phone: 9543388976
Email: juanabdelaziz@gmail.com
English Disaster Site Worker
Abdel-Aziz, Juan Miramar FL Phone: 9543388976
Email: juanabdelaziz@gmail.com
Spanish Disaster Site Worker
Abdulmatlob Alahmadi, Abdullah Riyadh Saudia Arabia 13245 OT Phone: 6549608096
Email: abdullah.abdulmatlob@gmail.com
Arabic General Industry
Abdulmatlob Alahmadi, Abdullah Riyadh Saudia Arabia 13245 OT Phone: 6549608096
Email: abdullah.abdulmatlob@gmail.com
English General Industry
Abdur-Rahman, Yazid Apopka FL Phone: 9174283203
Email: yarahman964@gmail.com
English Construction
Abeita, Ernest Fort Defiance AZ Phone: 9287296585
Email: ernesta@ntua.com
English General Industry
Abell, Clinton Geneseo IL Phone: 3099458811
Email: cabell@jfecc.net
English Construction
Abell, Wade Taylor MI Phone: 6184992124
Email: wade.abell@yahoo.com
English Construction
Abella, Arnold Barrigada GU Phone: 6717970259
Email: arnolda@blackguam.com
English Construction
Abella, Jorge Stuart FL Phone: 5616675080
Email: jabella@ahsresidential.com
English Construction
Abella, Jorge Stuart FL Phone: 5616675080
Email: jabella@ahsresidential.com
Spanish Construction
Abella, Jorge Irving TX Phone: 5616675080
Email: Jauruguayo69@gmail.com
English Construction
Abella, Jorge Irving TX Phone: 5616675080
Email: Jauruguayo69@gmail.com
Spanish Construction
Abens, Robert Excelsior Springs MO Phone: 8166820771
Email: robertjabens@gmail.com
English Construction
Abernathy, Jordan Pleasant Garden NC Phone: 3365436322
Email: jordan@pdchardscapes.com
English Construction
Abernathy, Lucky Wall NJ Phone: (908) 433-3755
Email: LAbernathy@jaginc.co
English Construction
Abinacer, Harmin Bronx NY Phone: (917) 701-6882
Email: habinacer@yahoo.com
English Construction
Ablog, Ian Rick Waipahu HI Phone: 8083079555
Email: ian_rick.ablog@k12.hi.us
English General Industry
Abner, Jerry Loveland OH Phone: 7608760018
Email: Whattruckamion@gmail.com
English Construction
Abraham, Musy North Bergen NJ Phone: (201) 681-9653
Email: musyabraham@msn.com
English General Industry
Abraido, Andrew Bellmore NY Phone: (516) 882-6061
Email: andrew@GothamSafetyNY.com
English Construction
Abrami, Dan Alameda CA Phone: 5105639719
Email: abramitraining@gmail.com
English Construction
Abrami, Dan Alameda CA Phone: 5105639719
Email: abramitraining@gmail.com
English General Industry
Abrams, Gregory Louisburg NC Phone: (919) 538-5513
Email: gregmabrams@gmail.com
English Construction
Abrams, Gregory M. Louisburg NC Phone: 9195385513
Email: gregmabrams@gmail.com
English Construction
Abrams, Kerry Jacksonville FL Phone: 9046627736
Email: kerry.abrams@navy.mil
English Maritime
Abreu, Jose Fitchburg MA Phone: 9784241571
Email: joseabreu2515@yahoo.com
English General Industry
Abreu, Jose Fitchburg MA Phone: 9784241571
Email: joseabreu2515@yahoo.com
Spanish General Industry
Abreu, Rafael Marietta GA Phone: 6782159205
Email: rafael.abreu@xpo.com
English General Industry
Abreu, Rafael Marietta GA Phone: 6782159205
Email: rafael.abreu@xpo.com
Spanish General Industry
Abrica, Jose Alberto Bakersfeild CA Phone: 6613450215
Email: abricafam@gmail.com
English Construction
Abuzaid, Hamid Clifton Park NY Phone: (518) 364-4720
Email: hamidica@gmail.com
Arabic General Industry
Abuzaid, Hamid Clifton Park NY Phone: (518) 364-4720
Email: hamidica@gmail.com
English General Industry
Abuzir, Musa Ann Arbor MI Phone: 7343535289
Email: mabuzir@yahoo.com
Arabic General Industry
Abuzir, Musa Ann Arbor MI Phone: 7343535289
Email: mabuzir@yahoo.com
English General Industry
Aceituno Castaneda, Miguel Hillsborough NC Phone: 9195646010
Email: castanedami@yahoo.com
English Construction
Aceituno Castaneda, Miguel Hillsborough NC Phone: 9195646010
Email: castanedami@yahoo.com
Spanish Construction
Acevedo, Joel Tuscson AZ Phone: 5202475212
Email: joel.acevedo@progressiveus.com
English Construction
Aceves, Ali Emporia KS Phone: 6204816858
Email: aceves66801@hotmail.com
English General Industry
Aceves, Ali Emporia KS Phone: 6204816858
Email: aceves66801@hotmail.com
Spanish General Industry
Aceves, Gilberto Lomita CA Phone: 3103430670
Email: gilberto.aceves@nrg.com
English General Industry
Achatz, Alan Edward Raleigh NC Phone: 7168299148
Email: akaachatz@msn.com
English General Industry
Acheampong, Charles Chicago IL Phone: 2126710194
Email: acheam7@gmail.com
English General Industry
Achenbach, Richard Bullhead City AZ Phone: 9094725516
Email: rachenbach@mohave.edu
English Construction
Acheson, Jered Tacoma WA Phone: 2532787320
Email: jered11@hotmail.com
English Construction
Achille, Stephen Red Bank NJ Phone: (646) 629-4415
Email: stephenachille@gmail.com
English Construction
Acker, Dale Birmingham AL Phone: 2052424466
Email: dcacker@comcast.net
English General Industry
Ackerman, Christopher Farmington Hills MI Phone: 2487615758
Email: christopher.ackerman@glwater.org
English General Industry
Acord, David Euless TX Phone: 4699786863
Email: david.acord@kdc.com
English Construction
Acord, David Euless TX Phone: 4699786863
Email: david.acord@kdc.com
Spanish Construction
Acosta, Augustin Tucson AZ Phone: 2143472874
Email: nomadicman65@gmail.com
English Construction
Acosta, Augustin Tucson AZ Phone: 2143472874
Email: nomadicman65@gmail.com
Spanish Construction
Acosta, Kelvin Miami FL Phone: 3053351922
Email: kelvinacosta79@hotmail.com
English Construction
Acosta, Keurin Miami Gardens FL Phone: 9545473951
Email: Keurin.Acosta@vecenergy.com
English General Industry
Acosta, Leticia Castle Rock CO Phone: 3038844701
Email: acostama915@gmail.com
English General Industry
Acosta, Leticia Castle Rock CO Phone: 3038844701
Email: acostama915@gmail.com
Spanish General Industry
Acosta, Mabel Sacramento CA Phone: 2093863595
Email: bella_acosta@outlook.com
English Construction
Acosta, Mabel Sacramento CA Phone: 2093863595
Email: bella_acosta@outlook.com
Spanish Construction
Acosta, Mabel Sacramento CA Phone: 2093863595
Email: bella_acosta@outlook.com
English General Industry
Acosta, Mabel Sacramento CA Phone: 2093863595
Email: bella_acosta@outlook.com
Spanish General Industry
Acosta, Marc Huntington Beach CA Phone: 7144657831
Email: marc@careerexpansion.net
English Construction
Acosta, Marcus Eastvale CA Phone: 9097725067
Email: macosta@gonpl.com
English Construction
Acosta Jr., Daniel Chino CA Phone: 9096315604
Email: daosts@ostsinc.com
English General Industry
Acosta Jr., Daniel Chino CA Phone: 9096315604
Email: daosts@ostsinc.com
Spanish General Industry
Acosta-Borbolla, Luz Lake Orion MI Phone: 3097500381
Email: acostal@ccsem.org
Spanish General Industry
Acosta-Velez, Kemil Fort Lauderdale FL Phone: 9545510608
Email: velezk@bakerconcrete.com
English Construction
Acosta-Velez, Kemil Fort Lauderdale FL Phone: 9545510608
Email: velezk@bakerconcrete.com
Spanish Construction
Acra, Brock Dalevillle IN Phone: 7602744639
Email: brockacra54@gmail.com
English General Industry
Acuna, James Denver CO Phone: 7202328899
Email: jacuna777@gmail.com
English General Industry
Acuna, John West Covina CA Phone: 9092084392
Email: jacuna@arizonapipeline.com
English Construction
Acuna Roman, Daniel Gardena CA Phone: 3233819575
Email: acunadaniel25@gmail.com
English Construction
Adabzadeh, Ali Torrance CA Phone: 3107138736
Email: aliadabzadeh@gmail.com
English General Industry
Adabzadeh, Ali Torrance CA Phone: 3107138736
Email: aliadabzadeh@gmail.com
Farsi General Industry
Adagba, Patience Las Vegas NV Phone: 5106972610
Email: pattyadax@gmail.com
English General Industry
Adair, Kyle Crawfordsville IN Phone: (765) 376-1368
Email: ashlee.adair05@gmail.com
English General Industry
Adair, Robert Portland IN Phone: (260) 251-4420
Email: radair@sml.com
English Construction
Adair, Sharli Cordova TN Phone: 9013509679
Email: sharli.adair@yahoo.com
English Construction
Adair, Sharli Cordova TN Phone: 9013509679
Email: sharli.adair@yahoo.com
English General Industry
Adam, Timothy Dry Prong LA Phone: 3187653564
Email: tim.adam@huntforpro.com
English General Industry
Adam, Timothy Dry Prong LA Phone: 3182335690
Email: ta.handyman@yahoo.com
English General Industry
Adamczak, Michael Romulus MI Phone: 7344501595
Email: madamczak@mpwservices.com
English General Industry
Adamczak, Ronald Buffalo NY Phone: (716) 481-8277
Email: ronadamczak@gmail.com
English Construction
Adamczyk, Michael Franklin PA Phone: 8144281641
Email: michael.adamczyk@sru.edu
English Construction
Adamczyk, Michael Franklin PA Phone: 8144281641
Email: michael.adamczyk@sru.edu
English General Industry
Adame, Amanda Freeport TX Phone: 9792027896
Email: adameamanda96@gmail.com
English Construction
Adame, Amanda Freeport TX Phone: 9792027896
Email: adameamanda96@gmail.com
Spanish Construction