Ammonia Refrigeration eTool
References » IIAR Bulletin No. 114. Guidelines for Identification of Ammonia Refrigeration Piping and System Components
Bulletin No. 114. Guidelines for Identification of Ammonia Refrigeration Piping and System Components. IIAR Ammonia Refrigeration Library, (1991, September). Provides a comprehensive ammonia labeling scheme for companies in need of an identification system that "covers it all." Offers recommendations on label sizes, colors, installation locations and label material requirements.
- 1.0, Introduction
- 2.0, Scope
- 3.0, Reference Sources
- 4.0, Design Requirements and Considerations
- 4.1, General
- 4.2, Site Consideration
- 4.2.1, Machinery Room Layout and Construction Features
- 4.3, Mechanical
- 4.4, Electrical