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Medical Services and First Aid » First Aid Requirements
The "269" standard requires employers to comply with the medical services and first aid provisions in 1910.151, which requires that:
Someone in the workplace is trained in first aid if no medical facilities exist in near proximity.
First aid supplies are readily available.
Quick-drenching or flushing facilities are provided for immediate emergency use where the eyes or body of a person may be exposed to injurious corrosive aterials.
In addition, 1910.269(b)(2) requires that field crews have first aid kits placed in weatherproof containers if the contents of the kits could be exposed to the weather.
Inspection and availability of first aid kits. First aid kits in vehicles or at company facilities must be placed in locations where they will be readily available when needed. 1910.151, Appendix A provides guidance on first aid kit contents and how to assess the needs of the work place, including exposure to Blood Borne Pathogens. Additionally, the contents of first aid kits must be inspected at least annually to ensure that the items are useable and all required items are present in the kits (1910.269(b)(3)). While the standard does not specifically cover documenting the results of first aid kit inspections, some companies have initiated inspection documentation procedures in which staff inspect the contents of first aid kits at regular intervals and enter the inspection date and the inspector's initials on an inspection tag inside the kit.

1910.269(b) on medical services and first aid
1910.269(t)(3)(i) on first aid for work in manholes