Shipyard Employment eTool
Hanging Staging (Marine) >> Key Components: Considerations Component 2. Suspension Cables
Check integrity of suspension cables.
Photo courtesy of OSHA.
Key Components: Considerations
Component 2. Suspension Cables
Suspension cable failure is a major concern with any type of suspended scaffold, and marine hanging staging is no exception.
A number of conditions can cause the cables to part, including:
- Overloading
- Stray welding current
- Internal (hence undetectable) damage from various kinds of chemical and environmental attack
Suspension cable.
Photo courtesy of VSRA.
Consider suspension cables to be tools. Care for them and store them in a dry location, away from potential damage and corrosive agents.
The Qualified Person must thoroughly examine the suspension cables for all conventional signs of wear. Flattening, distortion, individual broken wires, and corrosion are the typical indications that a wire rope cable should be removed from service [29 CFR Part 1915.111(a)].
Buildups of coatings from spray operations make visual inspection even more difficult. Whenever practical, cover all suspension cable assemblies to prevent accumulations of material that will make inspection difficult and ultimately degrade the assemblies' strength.
Observe special precautions when welding or burning from marine hanging staging. For example, use insulation between the structure and suspension cable attachment points to prevent cable embrittlement and stray current. Protect suspension cables from contact with exposed energized welding cables [29 CFR Part 1915.56(b)(4) and 29 CFR Part 1915.56(c)(6)].