Hanging Staging (Marine) >> Use of Staging: Fall Protection SWP 5. Implement Precautions for Materials Handling

During Use: Fall Protection

SWP 5. Implement Precautions for Materials Handling

Moving Materials

Operations in close proximity to the marine hanging staging, such as those involving lifting equipment and suspended loads, can cause uplift, horizontal movement of the stage, or displacement of critical scaffold components.

  • Always attach chain falls and pull lifts to anchorages that are separate from those supporting the scaffold [29 CFR Part 1915.114(d)].
  • Loads in suspension or being brought under tension (other than scaffold components during assembly or disassembly) should never be in contact with the staging.
  • As in any lifting operation, the Qualified Person is expected to meet with all persons involved or who may be potentially exposed to hazards posed by the lift. He or she will determine who has overall responsibility for the lift, who will give signals, and where persons will be positioned.

Storing Materials and Other Improper Uses

Key Point

Because marine hanging staging is designed only as a temporary elevated support for workers and their tools, using the staging for storage of materials or as an attachment point for lifting and tensioning devices such as chain falls, come-alongs, and spreaders is considered an unsafe work practice.

