Standard Interpretations
OSHA requirements are set by statute, standards, and regulations. Our interpretation letters explain these requirements and how they apply to particular circumstances, but they cannot create additional employer obligations. Each letter constitutes OSHA's interpretation of the requirements discussed. Note that our enforcement guidance may be affected by changes to OSHA rules. Also, from time to time we update our guidance in response to new information.
- 1910.95 - "Laboratory-based noise reduction" defined. - 03/13/1984
- 1910.95 - Administering the baseline audiogram either before or after an employee's first exposure. - 03/07/2007
- 1910.95 - An electroacoustic ear can be used for daily testing of an audiometer. - 04/06/1983
- 1910.95 - Applicability of Certain OSHA Standards to Cabin Crew Members on Aircraft in Operation - 04/01/2014
- 1910.95 - Applicability of the noise standard to portable ear muff type radios. - 09/16/1983
- 1910.95 - Applicability of the noise standard to pulpwood logging. - 07/13/1982
- 1910.95 - Audiograms to Retest Hearing for Threshold Shifts - 10/12/2012
- 1910.95 - Audiometric baseline revisions in employee rehire situations. - 02/08/2005
- 1910.95 - Baseline audiograms must be established even if medical problem exists. - 03/26/1984
- 1910.95 - Calculating of hearing threshold shifts. - 03/18/1987
- 1910.95 - Calibration of noise dosimeters - 12/10/1986
- 1910.95 - Clarification of OSHA's requirement for 'quiet time' before audiometric testing. - 12/21/2007
- 1910.95 - Clarification of use of the annual audiogram in place of the baseline. - 11/30/2006
- 1910.95 - Committing a de minimis violation when using an insert earphone designated as ER-3A. - 07/29/1991
- 1910.95 - Comparison to baseline audiograms and retest audiograms - 05/24/1983
- 1910.95 - Compliance determination based on worst day noise exposure. - 09/15/1981
- 1910.95 - Differentiation between the 80 dBA threshold for hearing conservation and the 90 dBA PEL. - 09/26/2001
- 1910.95 - Electronic Posting of the Occupational Noise Exposure Standard - 09/19/2016
- 1910.95 - Employee noise exposure assessment records are part of audiometric test record. - 05/11/1983
- 1910.95 - Exposure to noise during the use of high-velocity dryer nozzles in pet grooming salons - 05/27/2016
- 1910.95 - Fast response noise dosimetry measurement not acceptable. - 02/22/1985
- 1910.95 - Field calibration of noise dosimeters. - 10/10/1986
- 1910.95 - Free audiometric testing for employees exposed over the action level. - 07/27/1987
- 1910.95 - General review of the OSHA noise standard. - 04/10/1986
- 1910.95 - Hearing conservation programs and "ear blasts" on communication headsets - 12/07/1987
- 1910.95 - Hearing conservation standard questions. - 05/09/1994
- 1910.95 - Hearing conservation: referrals, financial responsibility, and documentation. - 06/02/1998
- 1910.95 - Methods of training for microprocessor audiometer technicians. - 04/26/1983
- 1910.95 - Minimum exposure for inclusion in the hearing conservation program (HCP); removal criteria. - 02/13/2004
- 1910.95 - Noise exposure standard and impairment adjustments. - 07/09/1993
- 1910.95 - Noise inspection conducted at Robben's Roost, Louisville, Kentucky. - 12/14/1989
- 1910.95 - Noise regulations apply to all places of entertainment. - 05/01/1983
- 1910.95 - Notification requirements for standard threshold shifts. - 09/27/1983
- 1910.95 - OSHA policy regarding PEL adjustments for extended work shifts. - 11/10/1999
- 1910.95 - OSHA's rationale for the noise exposure PEL. - 07/28/1999
- 1910.95 - Policy concerning OSHA's Hearing Conservation Amendment - 07/19/1989
- 1910.95 - Product endorsement policy and telephone headsets. - 08/24/1990
- 1910.95 - Question of whether the noise standard is adjusted for workshifts greater than 8 hours. - 03/26/1982
- 1910.95 - Questions and answers relative to the noise standard. - 05/08/1984
- 1910.95 - Recertifying technicians who do audiometric testing and pulmonary function testing. - 06/15/1987
- 1910.95 - Reduction of noise exposure for metal spray operations. - 11/20/1987
- 1910.95 - Requirement for instituting engineering and administrative controls for noise. - 06/09/1987
- 1910.95 - Requirement to make a positive determination of work-relatedness of threshold shift revoked. - 05/03/1983
- 1910.95 - Requirements of the Occupational Noise Exposure Standard with regards to hearing protectors. - 03/26/1996
- 1910.95 - Retention of exposure and audiometric testing records by successor employers. - 04/27/2004
- 1910.95 - Some employers have banned portable stereo headsets. - 08/15/1985
- 1910.95 - The noise standard applies to environments with undue atmospheric pressure. - 06/16/1986
- 1910.95 - The use of ANSI S3.1-1999 (R2018) MPANLs for audiometric testing - 10/11/2022
- 1910.95 - The use of noise-canceling headphones in place of intra-aural earplugs - 03/06/2023
- 1910.95 - Use of age-correction tables in OSHA's Noise standard - 02/09/2024
- 1910.95 - Voluntary safety and health audits under the Occupational Safety and Health Act - 09/11/1996
- 1910.95 - Whether use of an artificial ear ISO 318 coupler complies with the noise standard. - 04/23/2010
- 1910.95(a) - Occupational noise exposure limits - 04/01/1991
- 1910.95(a) - OSHA Noise PEL and extended workshifts - 10/12/2021
- 1910.95(b)(1) - Application of the Occupational Noise standard to employees who are deaf or have a diminished capacity to hear. - 08/03/2004
- 1910.95(b)(1) - OSHA Noise PEL and extended workshifts - 10/12/2021
- 1910.95(c) - Hearing Conservation Program - 08/13/2018
- 1910.95(c) - Hearing conservation standard in relation to poultry processing industry. - 06/03/1982
- 1910.95(c) - March 1, 1984 is the deadline for baseline audiograms - 02/03/1984
- 1910.95(c) - Methods of training for microprocessor audiometer technicians. - 08/04/1983
- 1910.95(c) - Positive determination of work-relatedness of standard threshold shift not required. - 03/16/1983
- 1910.95(c) - Provisions to assure that workers are adequately protected from noise exposure. - 01/19/1982
- 1910.95(c) - Revisions of hearing conservation standard under consideration applicable to logging industry. - 08/18/1982
- 1910.95(c) - Variable day to day exposures cannot be averaged for compliance with action level - 01/11/1982
- 1910.95(c)(1) - Minimum exposure for inclusion in the hearing conservation program (HCP); removal criteria. - 02/13/2004
- 1910.95(d) - Citation guidelines in relation to monitoring programs. - 08/15/1983
- 1910.95(d)(1)(i) - Acceptability of Task-Based Noise Exposure Assessment Modeling (T-BEAM). - 02/01/2001
- 1910.95(d)(1)(ii) - Acceptability of Task-Based Noise Exposure Assessment Modeling (T-BEAM). - 02/01/2001
- 1910.95(f) - Observation of monitoring requirement at 1910.95(f) in the occupational noise exposure standard - 03/05/1990
- 1910.95(g) - Audiometric testing using insert earphones - 03/11/2013
- 1910.95(g) - OSHA’s Noise Standard as it applies to temporary employees audiometric testing - 09/04/2019
- 1910.95(g)(1) - No time limit from date of annual audiogram to standard threshold shift determination. - 04/06/1983
- 1910.95(g)(10) - Baseline audiogram revision due to persistent STS or improved thresholds; revision must be made for each ear separately. - 05/08/2003
- 1910.95(g)(10) - Identification of a standard threshold shift (STS) for individuals with a very poor sense of hearing. - 11/17/1989
- 1910.95(g)(10) - Revising baseline audiogram when there is a standard threshold shift in only one ear. - 09/09/2005
- 1910.95(g)(10)(i) - Interpretation of "effective hearing conservation program". - 06/06/1985
- 1910.95(g)(3) - Occupational noise exposure training requirements for technicians - 10/13/2017
- 1910.95(g)(3) - OSHA’s Noise Standard as it applies to medical personnel allowed to interpret audiograms - 12/19/2017
- 1910.95(g)(5) - Successor Employer - 01/11/2017
- 1910.95(g)(5)(i) - Administering the baseline audiogram either before or after an employee's first exposure. - 03/07/2007
- 1910.95(g)(5)(iii) - Clarification of OSHA's requirement for 'quiet time' before audiometric testing. - 12/21/2007
- 1910.95(g)(7) - OSHA’s Noise Standard as it applies to medical personnel allowed to interpret audiograms - 12/19/2017
- 1910.95(g)(7)(ii) - Audiograms conducted in accordance with the hearing conservation amendment. - 06/18/1985
- 1910.95(g)(7)(ii) - Retesting requirements if employee's annual audiogram shows a Standard Threshold Shift (STS). - 08/14/2003
- 1910.95(g)(7)(ii) - Retesting when audiogram shows employees have suffered STS shift - 04/17/1991
- 1910.95(g)(8) - OSHA’s Noise Standard as it applies to medical personnel allowed to interpret audiograms - 12/19/2017
- 1910.95(g)(8)(i) - Time period for notifying employees of a standard threshold shift (STS). - 06/25/1986
- 1910.95(g)(9) - Clarification of use of the annual audiogram in place of the baseline. - 11/30/2006
- 1910.95(g)(9) - Clarification on revising a baseline audiogram if a standard threshold shift occurs in only one ear. - 02/10/2006
- 1910.95(g)(9) - Successor Employer - 01/11/2017
- 1910.95(g)(9)(i) - Interpretation concerning persistent standard threshold shift (STS) . - 06/04/1986
- 1910.95(g)(9)(i) - Revising baseline audiogram when there is a standard threshold shift in only one ear. - 09/09/2005
- 1910.95(h) - OSHA's Noise Standard as it applies to Supra Aural Phones for audiometric testing - 03/21/2019
- 1910.95(h)(2) - Audiometric earphones to be reviewed for acceptability for audiometric testing. - 12/13/1989
- 1910.95(h)(4) - Measurement of background noise levels for audiograms - 04/28/2021
- 1910.95(h)(5) - Audiometer calibration requirements of the March 8, 1983 Hearing Conservation Amendment. - 06/08/1983
- 1910.95(h)(5) - Whether use of an artificial ear ISO 318 coupler complies with the noise standard. - 04/23/2010
- 1910.95(h)(5)(i) - Quest Bio Acoustic Simulator may be used for daily audiometer checks. - 08/30/1984
- 1910.95(h)(5)(ii) - Whether use of an artificial ear ISO 318 coupler complies with the noise standard. - 04/23/2010
- 1910.95(i)(1) - Hearing protection and the responsibility for paying for the hearing protectors including replacement devices/parts. - 10/02/2000
- 1910.95(i)(1) - OSHA's rationale for the noise exposure PEL. - 07/28/1999
- 1910.95(i)(2) - Application of the Occupational Noise standard to employees who are deaf or have a diminished capacity to hear. - 08/03/2004
- 1910.95(i)(2)(i) - OSHA's rationale for the noise exposure PEL. - 07/28/1999
- 1910.95(i)(2)(i) - Use of Walkman Radio, Tape, or CD Players and Their Effect When Hearing Protection Is In Use - 04/14/1987
- 1910.95(i)(2)(ii) - Use of Walkman Radio, Tape, or CD Players and Their Effect When Hearing Protection Is In Use - 04/14/1987
- 1910.95(i)(3) - Ear muffs and ear plugs are not both required if one offers protection. - 09/30/1983
- 1910.95(i)(3) - One type of muff and plug available for employee hearing protector selection. - 10/17/1983
- 1910.95(i)(4) - Ear plug personal fit-testing systems that measure real-time noise reduction - 10/20/2017
- 1910.95(i)(5) - Ear plug personal fit-testing systems that measure real-time noise reduction - 10/20/2017
- 1910.95(j)(1) - Application of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed noise reduction rating (subject fit) (NRR (SF)) - 12/16/2021
- 1910.95(j)(1) - Ear plug personal fit-testing systems that measure real-time noise reduction - 10/20/2017
- 1910.95(j)(1) - Occupational Noise Exposure - The use of hearing aids as hearing protection devices. - 09/02/2014
- 1910.95(j)(2) - Application of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed noise reduction rating (subject fit) (NRR (SF)) - 12/16/2021
- 1910.95(j)(3) - Application of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed noise reduction rating (subject fit) (NRR (SF)) - 12/16/2021
- 1910.95(k) - A film can meet training requirements if questions are answered. - 02/16/1984
- 1910.95(k) - Costs of employee training under the noise standard paid by employer. - 02/01/1984
- 1910.95(l)(1) - Electronic Posting of the Occupational Noise Exposure Standard - 09/19/2016
- 1910.95(l)(1) - Posting of the Occupational Noise Exposure Standard. - 02/09/1988
- 1910.95(m) - Minimum exposure for inclusion in the hearing conservation program (HCP); removal criteria. - 02/13/2004
- 1910.95(m)(2) - Recording criteria for recordkeeping cases involving occupational hearing loss. - 03/04/2004
- 1910.95(m)(3) - Retention of exposure and audiometric testing records by successor employers. - 04/27/2004
- 1910.95(m)(3) - Successor Employer - 01/11/2017
- 1910.95(m)(3)(i) - Noise exposure measurement records must be retained for 2 years. - 08/17/2000
- 1910.95(m)(4) - Successor Employer - 01/11/2017
- 1910.95(m)(5) - Retention of exposure and audiometric testing records by successor employers. - 04/27/2004
- 1910.95(m)(5) - Successor Employer - 01/11/2017