Hazard Recognition
Logging operations involve felling, moving trees and logs from the stump to the point of delivery, transporting machines, equipment and personnel to and from and between logging sites. Loggers need to recognize the hazards associated with marking danger trees, felling, limbing, bucking, debarking, chipping, yarding, loading, unloading, and storing logs. This page addresses safety practices for all types of logging, regardless of the end use of the wood. These include pulpwood and timber harvesting and the logging of sawlogs, veneer bolts, poles, pilings and other forest products.
- Potential Hazards of Mislabeled Steel Toe Logger Boots. OSHA Safety and Health Information Bulletin (SHIB), (September 30, 2004). Alerts employers and employees of the potential electrical hazards of Georgia Boot's mislabeled steel toe logger boots; to provide Georgia Boot customers with the manufacturer's recall instructions for the subject boots; and to remind users of OSHA's requirements for electrical protective equipment as covered by 29 CFR 1910.137.
- Logging Safety. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Workplace Safety and Health Topic. Contains a listing of several NIOSH publications related to safety in the logging industry.
- Timber, Noise, and Hearing Loss: A Look into the Forestry and Logging Industry. NIOSH Science Blog, (May 24, 2018).