Medical Screening and Surveillance

Medical Screening

Medical screening is a method for detecting disease or body dysfunction before an individual would normally seek medical care. Screening tests are usually administered to individuals without current symptoms, but who may be at high risk for certain adverse health outcomes. The following references provide information about medical screening and clinical evaluation.

Clinical Evaluation
Related Literature
  • Murthy, L.I. and W.E. Halperin. "Medical Screening and Biological Monitoring: A Guide to the Literature for Physicians." Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 37.2(February 1995): 170-184. Summarizes recommended medical tests (including biologic monitoring) by independent investigators as well as OSHA and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Provides guidance to occupational health professionals in accessing the pertinent literature.
  • Terry, T.M. and G. Ryan. "Making Sense of OSHA Standards with Medical Requirements: Part 1." Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene 13.3(March 1998): 144-148.