Application Materials


Submit a complete application package consisting of the following documents:

  1. Resume to document your professional experience (provide at a minimum the past 5 years of work experience), education and current certification(s).
  2. A letter of support from the director of your academic program or the person responsible for your academic specialty. The letter should include:
    1. Name and address of faculty advisor, if different from the program director.
    2. Full title of your program of study.
    3. Confirmation of good academic standing.
    4. Documentation of the percentage of required academic credits you will have completed by the start of the internship.
    5. A statement of faculty support for your application. This statement should include an assessment of your skills and abilities, e.g., technical writing abilities; oral and written communications skills; ability to conceptualize and to work dependently/independently; teamwork skills, etc.
  3. Copies of the following items:
    1. List of graduate courses that will be completed by the start of the internship rotation period. (You must have completed at least 50% of the required credit hours toward completion of the program of study by the start of the internship.)
    2. Current nursing license. If your state prohibits the photocopying of the license, indicate this in your narrative and provide the licensure verification procedure for your state.
  4. A personal narrative addressing the following items:
    1. Full title of your program of study.
    2. Indicate your choice of:
      1. Four- or eight-week internship period
      2. Preference for internship in Jul – Aug 2024 or Jan – Mar 2025
      3. Preference for virtual or hybrid experience.
    3. Considering the objectives of the internship program, explain why you are interested in the OSHA Graduate Nurse Internship Program.
    4. Describe your expertise and experience in occupational health and safety, e.g. work experience, formal education, research. Describe relevant OSHA experiences you have had, either in the past or at present.
    5. Indicate your potential areas of interest for projects at OSHA if requesting an eight-week internship (see past projects and recent publications).
  5. A technical writing sample written during your graduate study. The sample does not need to be written specifically for this application but can be a document written for graduate school purposes. However, the sample document should be no older than three years, a maximum of 5 double-spaced pages with one-inch margins all-round; font should be Times New Roman, 12 pitch.