Nursing Homes and Personal Care Facilities

Hazards and Solutions

The information below provides a list of the most prevalent hazards in this industry and possible solutions for hazards associated with working in nursing homes and personal care facilities.

Assistance Identifying Workplace Hazards
Musculoskeletal Disorders

The following provide guidelines to help you identify areas in your workplaces where musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) may be a concern. It also offers recommendations for developing procedures to reduce the risks.

Bloodborne Pathogens/Needlesticks

The following provide information to help you identify areas in your workplace where needlesticks and Bloodborne pathogens hazards may be a concern. Also, links to tools you can use to come into compliance with the OSHA requirements are included below.

Tuberculosis (TB)

The following provide guidelines to help you evaluate your workplace for exposure to tuberculosis and recommendations for developing procedures to reduce the risks.

Workplace Violence
Slips, Trips and Falls

The following provide tools to help in your evaluation of slip, trip and fall hazards in your workplace and guidance on preventing falls in nursing homes.

  • Hospitals. OSHA eTool. Focuses on some of the hazards and controls found in the hospital setting and describes standard requirements as well as recommended safe work practices for employee safety and health.
  • Older Adult Falls. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Provides information to help prevent falls in older adults.
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)

MRSA infections occur most frequently among persons in hospitals and other healthcare facilities (such as nursing homes and dialysis centers) who have weakened immune systems.

  • Hospitals. OSHA eTool. Focuses on some of the hazards and controls found in the hospital setting and describes standard requirements as well as recommended safe work practices for employee safety and health.
Chemicals/Hazardous Drugs

The following provide tools to help in your evaluation of chemical hazards in your workplace and offer links to recommended solutions.

  • Hospitals. OSHA eTool. Focuses on some of the hazards and controls found in the hospital setting and describes standard requirements as well as recommended safe work practices for employee safety and health.
  • Hazard Communication. Implement a written program which meets the requirements of the Hazard Communication Standard to provide for worker training, warning labels, and access to Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS).
  • Update on Hazardous Drugs. OSHA, (August 1, 2016). A recent systematic review of existing programs and requirements.
  • For additional information, see OSHA's Hazardous Drugs Safety and Health Topics Page.