

Plague is a disease well-known to humankind. Throughout history, in a series of epidemics, plague has claimed the lives of millions the world over. Human plague in the United States occurs as mostly scattered cases in rural areas effecting 10 to 20 persons each year. Globally, the World Health Organization (WHO) reports 1,000 to 3,000 cases every year.

Conditions that once facilitated the rampant spread of plague have been remedied in much of the world, making epidemics unlikely. However, a bioterrorist release of plague could result in a rapid spread of the pneumonic form of the disease, which could have devastating consequences.


There are currently no specific OSHA standards for plague.

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Plague Disease

Provides references that may aid in recognizing disease characteristics and hazards associated with plague.

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Plague as a Bioweapon

Provides information on the use of plague as a bioweapon and associated issues to be considered during a plague outbreak.

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Highlights information on the variety of controls that should be implemented in order to protect workers from exposure to plague.

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Additional Resources

Provides links and references to additional resources related to plague.

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