Pressure Vessels
Hazard Recognition
The following references provide information to help with the recognition and control of pressure vessel hazards.
- OSHA Technical Manual (OTM). OSHA Directive TED 01-00-015 [TED 1-0.15A], (January 20, 1999).
- Pressure Vessel Guidelines. Provides technical information on pressure vessel types, cracking experience, examination methods, and safety assessments.
- Guidelines for Pressure Vessel Safety. OSHA Directive STD 01-10-001 [PUB 8-1.5], (August 14, 1989). Presents a technical overview and information on metallic pressure containment vessels and tanks. Also provides information on design codes, construction materials, fabrication processes, inspection, and testing applicable to these vessels and tanks.
- "Pressure." Volume II: Health & Safety -- Controls and Hazards; Environmental Safety and Health Manual. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL).
- Potential Over Pressurization of Bromochlorodimethylhydantoin (BCDMH) Treatment Systems. OSHA Health Information Bulletin (HIB), (August 30, 1994). Describes how these systems experienced an unexpected and rapid evolution of gases causing the feed system to over-pressurize and rupture.
- Potential for Feed Water Pipes in Electrical Power Generation Facilities to Rupture Causing Hazardous Release of Steam and Hot Water. OSHA Health Information Bulletin (HIB), (October 31, 1996). Describes how feed water pipe failures were attributed to wall thinning as a result of single-phase erosion/corrosion, leading to rupture of the pipes under high working pressures.
- "Pressure Testing." Volume II: Health & Safety -- Controls and Hazards; Environmental Safety and Health Manual. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL).
- "Pressure Vessel and System Design." Volume II: Health & Safety -- Controls and Hazards; Environmental Safety and Health Manual. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL).