September 22, 2020 • Volume 19, Issue 16 • A twice-monthly newsletter with information about workplace safety and health.
COVID-19 Meatpacking Citations Issued
Meatpacking companies in Colorado and South Dakota were fined for failing to protect workers from recognized hazards under the general duty clause of the OSH Act.
Respiratory Protection Violations
A residential care facility was issued penalties for failing to provide workers with respirators, and a hospital faces fines for failing to fit-test and train workers.
Read about more OSHA enforcement cases.
Training Grants Awarded
OSHA awarded $11.2 million to create and improve workplace health and safety education and training programs.
Whistleblower Protections
A public meeting will be held on Oct. 13 to solicit comments and suggestions from stakeholders on administering whistleblower laws enforced by OSHA.
Crane Safety
OSHA issued a Final Rule on cranes and derricks to address railroad roadway work.
Reducing Silica Hazards
OSHA consultants helped a countertop manufacturer reduce worker exposure to crystalline silica.
Small Business Improves Worker Safety
A manufacturing company worked with the On-Site Consultation Program in Maryland to reduce workplace injuries.
Partnership to Protect Workers
A partnership between OSHA and Brasfield & Gorrie LLC seeks to prevent worker exposure to hazards during a stadium construction project.
Can OSHA 10- or 30-hour trainers conduct virtual trainings?
Yes. Outreach trainers should contact their OSHA Training Institute (OTI) Education Center to request an exception. The OSHA Outreach Training Program provides workers with basic and more advanced training about common safety and health hazards on the job.