Alliance Program Annual “Snapshot” Report
October 1, 2022 to September 30, 2023
Office of Outreach Services and Alliances (OOSA)
Directorate of Cooperative and State Programs (DCSP)
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)
Executive Summary
Alliances are established by OSHA's National, Regional, and Area Offices. In FY 2023, OSHA worked with 266 Alliances, including 40 National Alliances and 226 Regional and Area Office Alliances.
In FY 2023, National Alliance Program participants, not including Alliance Ambassadors:1
- Conducted more than 900 activities to disseminate information about OSHA's safety and health initiatives and resources, reaching more than 3 million people.2
- Conducted more than 130 public training events and activities, including webinars, and other events that reaching more than 35,000.
- Provided ten trainings for 270 representatives from federal OSHA, state OSHA agencies, and On-Site Consultation programs.
Regional and Area Office Alliance Program participants involved OSHA staff in more than 1,200 outreach and training activities reaching about 93,000 people.
Alliance Program Participants
The Alliance Program is open to all groups that are committed to workplace safety and health, including trade and professional organizations, labor organizations, businesses, educational institutions, and other government agencies.
Alliances are established by OSHA's National, Regional, and Area Offices. In FY 2023, OSHA worked with 266 Alliances, including 40 National Alliances and 226 Regional and Area Office Alliances. During FY 2023, OSHA signed 50 new Alliances and concluded 12. OSHA also renewed 31 Alliances and promoted 18 long-time Alliances to Alliance Program Ambassador status. Please refer to the charts located here for program participation, signatories, and emphasis areas.
Alliance Program Impact in FY 2023
National Office Alliance Program Participants
In FY 2023, OSHA's national Alliance participants, not including Ambassadors, conducted more than 900 activities to disseminate information about safety and health initiatives, and resources from OSHA and other organizations, reaching more than 3 million. These data are self-reported by National Alliance participants as a "fundamental requirement" of the program; Alliance Ambassadors are not required to share data with the agency.
The following chart shows national participant dissemination activities by OSHA's areas of emphasis.
OSHA Emphasis Area | Number of Dissemination Activities | Number Reached |
Agriculture | 40 | 115,499 |
Construction | 110 | 652,793 |
Electrical | 64 | 417,740 |
Emergency Preparedness and Response | 37 | 74,432 |
Ergonomics | 51 | 365,928 |
Fall Prevention | 107 | 583,805 |
Hazard Communication/ | 62 | 301,540 |
Chemicals | ||
Heat Illness Prevention | 67 | 300,094 |
Inspections / Penalties | 90 | 125.994 |
Safety and Health Programs | 173 | 756,528 |
Safe + Sound | 77 | 368,350 |
Small Business | 25 | 101,534 |
Suicide Prevention / Mental Health | 78 | 493,235 |
Transportation | 39 | 165,144 |
Trenching | 109 | 137,872 |
Young Workers | 130 | 93,012 |
National Alliance participants also conducted more than 130 events and training activities for the public in FY 2023, reaching more than 35,000. In addition, National Alliance participants, including Ambassadors, conducted ten trainings for 270 federal OSHA, state OSHA agencies, and On-Site Consultation programs in FY 2023.
Finally, in FY 2023, several products were developed by national alliances:
- The Elevator Industry Safety and Health Partners Alliance developed Power Point training materials for use in OSHA 10- and 30-hour classes for both general industry and construction.
- CPWR- The Center for Construction Research and Training Alliance developed a Heat Illness Prevention Program Checklist and a Daily Heat Illness Prevention Checklist.
- The National Demolition Association Alliance developed a best practices document for power plant demolition; they also created guidance for notifying residents of upcoming demolition activities in their area and developed template signage for this purpose.
- The National STEPS Network and NIOSH developed a Hazard Alert in English and Spanish regarding welding fumes in the oil and gas industry.
For a complete listing of Alliance-developed products, see the Alliance Program Participants Developed Products page. In addition, through OSHA's National Alliance with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP), AFSP made substantive contributions to OSHA's publication, Role of Employers in Preventing Suicides, issued in September 2023.
Regional and Area Office Alliance Program Participants
In FY 2023, OSHA field staff were involved in 1,268 Regional and Area Office Alliance participant outreach activities, which directly reached 93,419. These data are gathered and recorded by the OSHA field staff participating in the activities.
The following table shows the number of Regional and Area Office participant activities in FY 2023, and the number of people reached by these activities.3
Region | Number of Alliances | Number of Activities | Number Reached ± |
1 | 32 | 170 | 12,011 |
2 | 6 | 82 | 2,977 |
3 | 27 | 191 | 9,621 |
4 | 31 | 82 | 15,664 |
5 | 24 | 74 | 6,666 |
6 | 55 | 415 | 33,023 |
7 | 10 | 77 | 3,712 |
8 | 30 | 103 | 6,697 |
9 | 6 | 37 | 1,092 |
10 | 5 | 37 | 1,956 |
Total | 226 | 1,268 | 93,419 |
The following table shows the number of Regional and Area Office Alliance activities broken out by OSHA areas of emphasis.
Region | Number of Alliances | Total Activities* | Construction | Fall Stand-Down | Hazard Communication | Heat Illness Prevention | Inspections/Penalties | Powered Industrial Trucks | Recordkeeping/ Reporting |
Safety and Health Programs | Small Business | Trenching | Youth |
1 | 32 | 170 | 85 | 17 | 36 | 43 | 32 | 12 | 21 | 47 | 118 | 8 | 19 |
2 | 6 | 82 | 12 | - | - | 14 | 8 | 5 | 2 | 7 | 48 | 1 | - |
3 | 27 | 191 | 97 | 7 | 64 | 81 | 76 | 61 | 81 | 90 | 101 | 5 | 73 |
4 | 31 | 82 | 29 | 2 | 2 | 20 | 8 | 7 | 1 | 16 | 35 | 5 | 5 |
5 | 24 | 74 | 28 | 7 | 4 | 22 | 18 | 9 | 13 | 27 | 37 | 5 | 6 |
6 | 55 | 415 | 253 | 43 | 110 | 131 | 116 | 46 | 101 | 154 | 220 | 35 | 10 |
7 | 10 | 77 | 47 | 18 | 24 | 41 | 25 | 22 | 29 | 42 | 52 | 21 | 29 |
8 | 30 | 103 | 36 | 13 | 15 | 31 | 17 | 17 | 10 | 28 | 37 | 24 | 4 |
9 | 6 | 37 | 15 | 5 | 9 | 12 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 14 | 13 | 1 | 2 |
10 | 5 | 37 | 7 | 3 | 2 | 3 | - | - | 1 | 8 | 3 | 1 | 3 |
Total | 226 | 1,268 | 609 | 89 | 266 | 398 | 302 | 180 | 262 | 433 | 664 | 265 | 151 |
Looking Ahead to FY 2024
In FY 2024, OSHA will continue both in-person and virtual outreach and training in partnership with its Alliance Program participants. Working with participants, OSHA will also identify opportunities to speak and exhibit about workplace safety and health issues and to seek training opportunities.
The Alliance Program will continue to establish and strengthen relationships with agency stakeholders to advance agency priorities. In particular, the agency will prioritize collaborations with worker centers and worker advocacy organizations that represent underserved worker populations in high hazard industry sectors. Through these relationships, the agency will seek to empower front-line workers to better understand their rights and protections under the Occupational Safety and Health Act. The Program will also support the agency's strategic goal of driving employer adoption of workplace safety and health as a core value.
1 More than half (23) of OSHA’s 40 National Alliance Program participants are Alliance Program Ambassadors—long time program participants who have demonstrated their commitment to continued collaborations with OSHA. These organizations also conduct significant outreach and training on workplace safety; however, they are no longer required to provide OSHA with data regarding the number and reach of their activities.
2 Note that this figure does not represent 3 million different people. Multiple dissemination activities by an Alliance participant may reach the same group of people. For example, a particular Alliance may send two email blasts on different topics to its 500 stakeholders, which accounts for 1,000 people reached in our calculation.
3 The numbers include only those Alliance activities in which an OSHA staff person was involved and reported in the OSHA Information System (OIS). There is a small percentage of Regional and Area Office Alliance activities that do not involve an OSHA staff person and are not reflected in these numbers.

Alliance Program Annual "Snapshot" Report
October 1, 2021, to September 30, 2022
Office of Outreach Services and Alliances (OOSA)
Directorate of Cooperative and State Programs (DCSP)
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)
Executive Summary
Alliances are established by OSHA’s National, Regional, and Area Offices. In FY 2022, OSHA worked with 244 Alliances, including 38 National Alliances and 206 Regional and Area Office Alliances.
In FY 2022, National Alliance Program participants, not including Alliance Ambassadors:
- Conducted more than 1,000 activities to disseminate information about OSHA’s safety and health initiatives and resources, reaching more than 5 million people. 1
- Conducted more than 200 public training events and activities, including webinars, and other events that reaching more than 90,000.
- Provided 3 trainings for nearly 250 representatives from federal OSHA, state OSHA agencies, and On-Site Consultation programs.
Regional and Area Office Alliance Program participants involved OSHA staff in more than 1,000 outreach and training activities reaching about 200,000 people.
Alliance Program Participants
The Alliance Program is open to all groups that are committed to workplace safety and health, including trade and professional organizations, labor organizations, businesses, educational institutions, and other government agencies. Alliances are established by OSHA’s National, Regional, and Area Offices. In FY 2022, OSHA worked with 244 Alliances, including 38 National Alliances and 206 Regional and Area Office Alliances. During FY 2022, OSHA signed 16 new Alliances and concluded 9. OSHA also renewed 29 Alliances and promoted 13 long-time Alliances to Alliance Program Ambassador status. Please refer to the charts located here for program participation, signatories, and emphasis areas.
Alliance Program Impact in FY 2022
National Office Alliance Program Participants
In FY 2022, OSHA’s national Alliance participants, not including Ambassadors, conducted more than 1,000 activities to disseminate information about safety and health initiatives, and resources from OSHA and other organizations, reaching more than 5 million. These data are self-reported by National Alliance participants as a “fundamental requirement” of the program; Alliance Ambassadors are not required to share data to the agency.
The following chart shows national participant dissemination activities by OSHA’s areas of emphasis.
OSHA Emphasis Area | Number of Dissemination Activities | Number Reached |
Agriculture | 53 | 141,820 |
Construction | 106 | 412,462 |
COVID-19 | 63 | 624,460 |
Electrical | 70 | 376,998 |
Emergency Preparedness and Response | 24 | 90,393 |
Ergonomics | 96 | 730,060 |
Fall Prevention | 160 | 1,023,942 |
Hazard Communication/Chemicals | 144 | 456,876 |
Heat Illness Prevention | 134 | 626,619 |
Inspections / Penalties | 54 | 43,244 |
Safety and Health Programs | 91 | 810,873 |
Safe + Sound | 153 | 492,529 |
Small Business | 28 | 139,371 |
Suicide Prevention / Mental Health | 93 | 1,410,604 |
Transportation | 64 | 395,619 |
Trenching | 21 | 42,457 |
Young Workers | 76 | 129,072 |
National Alliance participants also conducted more than 200 events and training activities for the public in FY 2022, reaching more than 90,000. In addition, while COVID-19 pandemic limited the feasibility of in-person training, National Alliance participants conducted three trainings for nearly 250 federal OSHA, state OSHA agencies, and On-Site Consultation programs in FY 2022.
Finally, in FY 2022, several products were developed by national alliances:
- The National STEPS Network and NIOSH Alliance produced a Hazard Alert on Fluid Transfers in both English and Spanish,
- CPWR- The Center for Construction Research and Training developed three infographics on heat illness prevention,
- The Crane, Hoist, and Monorail Alliance produced Best Practices for Overhead Lifting, and
- The National Demolition Association interviewed OSHA leadership about agency priorities for an episode of its podcast.
For a complete listing of Alliance-developed products, see the Alliance Program Participants Developed Products page.
Regional and Area Office Alliance Program Participants
In FY 2022, OSHA field staff were involved in 1,036 Regional and Area Office Alliance participant outreach activities, which directly reached nearly 200,000. These data are gathered and recorded by the OSHA field staff participating in the activities.2
The following table shows the number of Regional and Area Office participant activities in FY 2022, and the number of people reached by these activities.
Region | Number of Alliances | Number of Activities | Number Reached ± |
1 | 35 | 157 | 9,852 3 |
2 | 6 | 10 | 1,089 |
3 | 24 | 151 | 3,007 |
4 | 30 | 50 | 780 |
5 | 23 | 75 | 9,683 |
6 | 50 | 456 | 17,949 |
7 | 6 | 57 | 154,891 |
8 | 24 | 59 | 1,735 |
9 | 4 | 9 | 169 |
10 | 4 | 12 | 253 |
Total | 206 | 1,036 | 199,408 |
± “Number Reached” refers to the number of individuals directly targeted by the outreach activity (e.g., number of people on an email distribution list for email alerts or newsletter distribution; audience for a radio/tv interview). The number of individuals subsequently affected by these outreach activities is likely significantly greater.
The following table shows the number of Regional and Area Office Alliance activities broken out by OSHA areas of emphasis.
Region | Number of Alliances | Total Activities* | Construction | Fall Stand-Down | Hazard Communication | Heat Illness Prevention | Inspections/ Penalties |
Powered Industrial Trucks | Recordkeeping/ Reporting |
Safety and Health Programs | Small Business | Trenching | Youth |
1 | 35 | 157 | 80 | - | 40 | 41 | 36 | 18 | 24 | 38 | 96 | 17 | 34 |
2 | 6 | 10 | 4 | 13 | 1 | 2 | 2 | - | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 | |
3 | 24 | 151 | 81 | - | 33 | 64 | 45 | 26 | 37 | 65 | 58 | 42 | 43 |
4 | 30 | 50 | 19 | 4 | - | 4 | 1 | 1 | - | 6 | 12 | 4 | 1 |
5 | 23 | 75 | 29 | 3 | 15 | 24 | 21 | 11 | 7 | 17 | 28 | 12 | 11 |
6 | 50 | 456 | 197 | 7 | 73 | 172 | 83 | 46 | 76 | 114 | 155 | 143 | 4 |
7 | 6 | 57 | 34 | 34 | 19 | 33 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 28 | 35 | 23 | 28 |
8 | 24 | 59 | 30 | 23 | 5 | 15 | 22 | 6 | 6 | 17 | 40 | 21 | 1 |
9 | 4 | 9 | 5 | 5 | 2 | 2 | - | - | - | 3 | - | 1 | - |
10 | 4 | 12 | 4 | - | - | 5 | - | - | - | 1 | - | 1 | 4 |
Total | 206 | 1,036 | 483 | 89 | 188 | 360 | 231 | 132 | 173 | 291 | 425 | 266 | 127 |
* A single activity may cover more than one area of emphasis, and therefore may be counted in more than one area of emphasis column.
Looking Ahead to FY 2023
In FY 2023, and as the COVID-19 pandemic recedes, OSHA will further resume in-person outreach and training in partnership with its Alliance Program participants. Working with participants, OSHA will identify opportunities to speak and exhibit about workplace safety and health issues and to seek training opportunities.
The Alliance Program will continue to establish and strengthen relationships with trade and professional organizations, labor organizations, consulates, worker centers and advocacy organizations, community and faith-based organizations, educational institutions, government agencies, and others to promote workplace safety and health. Particular emphasis will be given to reaching vulnerable and underserved worker populations in high hazard industry sectors.
1Note that this figure does not represent 5 million different people. Multiple dissemination activities by an Alliance participant may reach the same group of people. For example, a particular Alliance may send two email blasts on different topics to its 500 stakeholders, which accounts for 1,000 people reached in our calculation.
2The numbers include only those Alliance activities in which an OSHA staff person was involved and reported in the OSHA Information System (OIS). There is a small percentage of Regional and Area Office Alliance activities that do not involve an OSHA staff person and are not reflected in these numbers.
3 This number does not include more than a million estimated views of billboards provided by Lamar Advertising, an Alliance Program ambassador in Region 1.

Alliance Program Annual "Snapshot" Report
October 1, 2020, to September 30, 2021
Office of Outreach Services and Alliances (OOSA)
Directorate of Cooperative and State Programs (DCSP)
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)
Executive Summary
Alliances are established by OSHA’s National, Regional, and Area Offices. In FY 2021, OSHA worked with 235 Alliances, including 36 National Alliances and 199 Regional and Area Office Alliances.
In FY 2021, National Alliance Program participants1 :
- Conducted more than 1,000 activities to disseminate information about OSHA’s safety and health initiatives and resources, reaching more than 10 million people.2
- Provided billboard space to support a variety of outreach initiatives, including OSHA’s National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls, viewed by an estimated 60.7 million people, and the Stand-Up 4 Grain Safety, viewed by an estimated 76 million people.
- Conducted more than 200 public training events and activities, including webinars, and other events that reached more than 100,000 people.
- Provided virtual trainings for representatives from federal OSHA, state OSHA agencies, and On-Site Consultation programs.
Regional and Area Office Alliance Program participants involved OSHA staff in more than 1,000 outreach and training activities reaching more than 400,000 people. Approximately 16 million employers and workers were further impacted through these attendees.
Alliance Program Participants
The Alliance Program is open to all groups that are committed to workplace safety and health, including trade and professional organizations, labor organizations, businesses, educational institutions, and other government agencies. Alliances are established by OSHA’s National, Regional, and Area Offices. In FY 2021, OSHA worked with 235 Alliances, including 36 National Alliances and 199 Regional and Area Office Alliances. During FY 2021, OSHA signed 11 new Alliances and concluded 7. OSHA also renewed 32 Alliances and promoted 20 long-time Alliances to Alliance Program Ambassador status. Please refer to the charts located here for program participation, signatories, and emphasis areas.
Alliance Program Impact in FY 2021
National Office Alliance Program Participants
In FY 2021, OSHA’s national Alliance participants, not including Ambassadors, conducted more than 1,000 activities to disseminate information about safety and health initiatives, and resources from OSHA and other organizations. This is an overall decrease from the 1,400 activities reported in FY 2021; however, it does not include outreach activities conducted by all national program participants, approximately half of whom have been promoted to Alliance Ambassador status since FY 2020. In addition, much of the agency’s communication in FY2021 centered on COVID-19, delaying and reducing communication and engagement on other initiatives.
The following chart shows national participant dissemination activities by OSHA’s areas of emphasis.
OSHA Emphasis Area | Number of Dissemination Activities | Number Reached |
Construction | 62 | 185,331 |
COVID-19 | 268 | 3,279,123 |
Fall Prevention | 140 | 939,482 |
Hazard Communication/ Chemicals | 107 | 1,849,398 |
Heat Illness Prevention | 89 | 960,186 |
Oil and Gas | 33 | 58,712 |
Recordkeeping/Reporting | 58 | 856,328 |
Safety and Health Programs | 69 | 1,872,984 |
Safe + Sound Week | 141 | 1,013,852 |
Small Business | 43 | 227,304 |
Temporary Workers | 15 | 36,293 |
Trenching | 6 | 7,985 |
Young Workers | 117 | 157,091 |
National Alliance participants also conducted more than 200 events and training activities for the public in FY 2021, reaching more than 100,000. Though the COVID-19 pandemic severely restricted the number of in-person events possible during FY 2021, the expanded use of virtual platforms also led to an increase in the number of people reached by these outreach and training activities. As was the case for most of FY 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic severely restricted the ability of national Alliance participants to conduct training for federal OSHA, state OSHA agencies, and On-Site Consultation programs in FY 2021.
Finally, in FY 2021, the Society for Chemical Hazard Communication (SCHC) updated its Hazard Communication Standard fact sheet on aspiration hazards. For a complete listing of Alliance-developed products, see the Alliance Program Participants Developed Products page.
Regional and Area Office Alliance Program Participants
In FY 2021, OSHA field staff were involved in 1,123 Regional and Area Office Alliance participant outreach activities, which were attended by more than 400,000 and reached more than 16 million people.
The following table shows the number of Regional and Area Office participant activities in FY 2021, and the number of people reached by these activities.3
Region | Number of Alliances | Number of Activities | Number Reached ± | Number Affected± |
1 | 35 | 198 | 8,589 | 136,405 |
2 | 5 | 5 | 5,368 | 36,035 |
3 | 22 | 153 | 3,263 | 626,020 |
4 | 26 | 19 | 100,222 | 369,303 |
5 | 25 | 124 | 7,052 | 326,548 |
6 | 55 | 497 | 29,160 | 14,744,912 |
7 | 7 | 47 | 250,749 | 436,723 |
8 | 24 | 36 | 1,330 | 1,372 |
9 | 4 | 35 | 702 | 53,189 |
10 | 5 | 9 | 330 | 12,895 |
Totals | 199* | 1,123 | 406,765 | 16,743,402 |
*Elevator Safety Partners Alliance signed by all 10 Regions, so total is 9 less than sum of Alliances.
± “Number Reached” refers to the number of individuals directly targeted by the outreach activity (e.g., number of people on an email distribution list for email alerts or newsletter distribution; audience for a radio/tv interview). “Number Affected” is an estimate of the number who may have been impacted by that outreach.
The following table shows the number of Regional and Area Office Alliance activities broken out by OSHA areas of emphasis.
Region | Number of Alliances | Total Activities* | COVID-19 | Construction | Fall Stand-Down | Hazard Communication | Heat Illness Prevention | Oil and Gas | Recordkeeping/Reporting | Safety and Health Programs | Small Business | Temporary Workers | Trenching | Youth |
1 | 35 | 198 | 66 | 106 | 22 | 50 | 22 | - | 36 | 48 | 122 | 8 | 13 | 43 |
2 | 5 | 5 | - | 2 | - | 1 | 1 | 1 | - | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
3 | 22 | 153 | 39 | 62 | 20 | 25 | 11 | 9 | 30 | 37 | 42 | 6 | 19 | 23 |
4 | 26 | 19 | - | 7 | 2 | - | 3 | - | - | 5 | 6 | 5 | 3 | 1 |
5 | 25 | 124 | 28 | 39 | 9 | 16 | 7 | 2 | 14 | 16 | 56 | 5 | 6 | 19 |
6 | 55 | 497 | 99 | 119 | 53 | 68 | 67 | 28 | 79 | 55 | 108 | 19 | 89 | 3 |
7 | 7 | 47 | 16 | 21 | 20 | 15 | 25 | 7 | 15 | 23 | 40 | 14 | 14 | 19 |
8 | 24 | 36 | 19 | 15 | 8 | 3 | - | 4 | 9 | 6 | 22 | 3 | 13 | - |
9 | 4 | 35 | 2 | 11 | 4 | 5 | 4 | - | 1 | 5 | 2 | 3 | 1 | - |
10 | 5 | 9 | 3 | 4 | 1 | - | 2 | - | 2 | 2 | - | - | - | 1 |
Totals | 199* | 1,123 | 272 | 386 | 139 | 183 | 142 | 51 | 186 | 197 | 400 | 64 | 159 | 110 |
* A single activity may cover more than one area of emphasis, and therefore may be counted in more than one area of emphasis column.
Looking Ahead to FY 2022
In FY 2022, and as the COVID-19 pandemic recedes, OSHA will begin to resume in-person outreach and training in partnership with its Alliance Program participants. The agency will continue to work with trade and professional organizations, labor organizations, businesses, educational institutions, and other government agencies through the Alliance Program to promote workplace safety and health. Working with participants, OSHA will identify opportunities to speak and exhibit about workplace safety and health issues and the Alliance Program. OSHA and participants will also continue to identify training opportunities.
OSHA plans to sign 12 new Alliances and renew Alliances with organizations that remain committed to working with OSHA to address occupational safety and health issues. In the coming year, OSHA will also continue implementing the updated Alliance Program Directive and review procedures for the new elements of the program, such as Annual Evaluations, and Alliance Ambassador relationships.
1 Note that this section does not account for activities conducted by Alliance Program Ambassadors, with the exception of the billboard spaces. Many additional people were likely reached by the outreach efforts of these program participants.
2 Note that this figure does not represent 10 million different people. Multiple dissemination activities by an Alliance participant may reach the same group of people. For example, a particular Alliance may send two email blasts on different topics to its 500 stakeholders, which accounts for 1,000 people reached in our calculation.
3 The numbers include only those Alliance activities in which an OSHA staff person was involved and reported in the OSHA Information System (OIS). There is a small percentage of Regional and Area Office Alliance activities that do not involve an OSHA staff person and are not reflected in these numbers.

Annual Report on the
Alliance Program
October 1, 2019, to September 30, 2020
Office of Outreach Services and Alliances (OOSA)
Directorate of Cooperative and State Programs (DCSP)
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)
Table of Contents
- Executive Summary
- Alliance Program Participants
- Alliance Program Impact in FY 2020
- Looking Ahead to FY 2021
Executive Summary
OSHA's Alliance Program was created in 2002 to develop voluntary, collaborative working relationships with organizations that are committed to workplace safety and health. Each year, OSHA's Alliances reach millions of employers and workers, providing them with safety and health information, tools, and resources through newsletters, social media posts, presentations at conferences and meetings, training, and other projects. This snapshot shares information, data, and examples from the 232 Alliances active during Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 to showcase the impact of the program as a whole.
OSHA develops Alliances at the National, Regional, and Area Office levels, and all of the Alliance Program participants work collaboratively with the agency to improve workplaces and support OSHA's outreach and education mission. Alliances effectively assist the agency reach employers and workers in small, high-hazard, and other industries, which may not otherwise engage with the agency. In March 2020, OSHA issued the updated Alliance Program Directive, and provided tools and resources to staff and the public describing the changes and how they would be implemented. It also began implementing the directive and promoted 17 long-term Alliances to Ambassadors.
Throughout FY 2020, National Alliance Program participants:
- Conducted more than 1,400 activities to disseminate information about OSHA's safety and health initiatives and resources, reaching more than 7.5 million people 1.
- Provided billboard space to support a variety of outreach initiatives, including OSHA's National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls, viewed by an estimated 73 million people.
- Conducted more than 300 public training events and activities, including exhibits and presentations that reached more than 43,000 people.
- Provided five technical training sessions for 107 representatives from federal OSHA, state OSHA agencies, and On-Site Consultation programs.
Regional and Area Office Alliances involved OSHA staff in more than 980 outreach and training activities attended by almost 135,000 people. Approximately 13 million employers and workers were further impacted through these attendees.
In FY 2021, OSHA will continue to work with Alliance Program participants to promote workplace safety and health, by signing an expected 12 new Alliances and renewing Alliances with existing organizations that remain committed to working with OSHA. The program will support the agency's continued emphasis on providing guidance to employers and workers on preventing COVID-19 transmission in the workplace, as well as its strategic goals, through varying communications portals, engagement of participants and their members in agency outreach initiatives, and coordination with organizations in industry sectors of interest. In the coming year, OSHA will also continue to refine its practices to clarify and implement the requirements on the updated Alliance Program Directive issued in March 2020.
Alliance Program Participants
The Alliance Program is open to all groups that are committed to workplace safety and health, including trade and professional organizations, labor organizations, businesses, educational institutions, and other government agencies. Alliances are established by OSHA's National, Regional, and Area Offices. In FY 2020, OSHA worked with 232 Alliances, including 37 National Alliances and 195 Regional and Area Office Alliances. During FY 2020, OSHA signed 12 new Alliances and concluded 10. OSHA also renewed 21 Alliances and promoted 17 long-time Alliances to the newly-created Alliance Program Ambassador status. Primary areas of emphasis include construction, Hispanic worker outreach, and youth outreach. The majority of Alliance signatories are trade associations, consulates of Mexico and other countries, professional associations, and unions. Consultation Programs and State Plans are also actively involved in OSHA's alliances. Figures 1 – 3 provide additional data on program participation, signatories, and emphasis areas.
Figure 1: Alliance Program Participants, FY 2005 – FY 2020
Figure 2: Distribution of Alliance Program Participants by Emphasis Area
Figure 3: Distribution of Alliance Program Participants by Organization Type
In addition, State Plans are encouraged to develop their own Alliance Programs and sign Alliance agreements. At least seven State Plans have adopted their own Alliance Programs, including Arizona, Iowa, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, and Oregon.
Alliance Program Impact in FY 2020
Each year, OSHA's Alliances reach millions of employers and workers through activities that include dissemination of safety and health information; presentations at conferences and meetings; trainings; and other projects.
National Office Alliance Program Participants
The information provided below has been drawn from data provided by the national participants, and illustrates the combined reach and impact of the program in supporting OSHA outreach initiatives and areas of emphasis. Regional and Area Office data is gathered and presented separately.
Outreach and Communication
In FY 2020, OSHA's national participants conducted more than 1,400 activities to disseminate information about safety and health initiatives, and resources from OSHA and other organizations. This is an overall decrease from the 1,700 activities conducted in FY 2019; however, it does not include all outreach activities conducted by the 15 National participants promoted to Ambassador. These organizations have demonstrated their commitment to collaborating with the agency and no longer submit activity data as a condition of their participation in the program. In addition, much of the agency's communication in FY2020 centered on COVID-19, delaying and reducing communication and engagement on other initiatives.
Dissemination activities in FY 2020 included posting OSHA information on participants' websites, sending email blasts to members and other stakeholders, and distributing information through social media channels. These activities reached more than 7.5 million people2. In addition, Lamar Advertising Company provided billboard space to promote outreach to meatpacking facilities on COVID-19, OSHA's Fall Prevention Campaign, and other outreach initiatives. Fall Stand-Down billboards received 73 million impressions across the United States in September 2020.
The following chart shows national participant dissemination activities by OSHA’s areas of emphasis.
OSHA Emphasis Area | Number of Dissemination Activities | Number Reached |
Construction | 206 | 321,839 |
COVID-19 | 324 | 1,895,193 |
Fall Prevention | 206 | 1,110,012 |
Hazard Communication/Chemicals | 167 | 1,605,530 |
Heat Illness Prevention | 58 | 404,529 |
Oil and Gas | 34 | 9,978 |
Recordkeeping/Reporting | 61 | 911,568 |
Safety and Health Programs | 206 | 1,439,028 |
Safe + Sound Week | 196 | 556,193 |
Small Business | 116 | 238,407 |
Temporary Workers | 44 | 137,025 |
Trenching | 23 | 172,703 |
Young Workers | 49 | 348,806 |
Support for Key OSHA Initiatives
The following are examples of activities conducted by OSHA’s national Alliance participants in support OSHA’s key initiatives.
- COVID-19. National participants were essential to OSHA’s outreach effort on COVID-19 planning, preparedness, and response.
- American Chemistry Council- Center for the Polyurethanes Industry sponsored a webinar on returning to work safely in the insulation, roofing, and construction industries, reaching 200.
- CWPR - The Center for Construction Research and Training (CPWR) conducted two webinars with OSHA and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) on preventing COVID-19 transmission at construction industry workplaces and conducting contact tracing. Both webinars reached more than 500 people via the live event; their recordings were also streamed hundreds of times.
- Lamar Outdoor Advertising provided free billboards to promote COVID-19 awareness in targeted locations near meat and poultry processing facilities.
- US Poultry & Egg Association, National Chicken Council, and National Turkey Federation sponsored two webinars for members on the joint guidelines issued by OSHA and NIOSH on workplace precautions, reaching 900.
- Safe + Sound. National participants played a critical role in supporting OSHA’s Safe + Sound Campaign, and, in particular, Safe + Sound Week in August 2020.
- American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP), American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA), CWPR - The Center for Construction Research and Training (CPWR), and National Safety Council (NSC) were co-sponsors and organizers of the campaign, helping to develop and plan it. These organizers, along with OSHA and NIOSH recruited partners, developed materials to promote Safe + Sound Week, held public webinars, and encouraged participation within their chapters and across the country.
- Many of the partners helping to promote the campaign and week were current or former national participants.
- National participants conducted 196 dissemination activities reaching more than 500,000 people.
- Fall Prevention. National participants supported OSHA’s 2020 Fall Prevention Campaign and the National Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction. For example:
- CWPR worked with OSHA and NIOSH to plan the event and host a kick-off webinar event.
- Lamar Outdoor Advertising provided free billboards to promote the 2020 National Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction.
- Grain Handling. National Grain and Feed Association, Grain Elevator and Processing Society (GEAPS), and Grain Handling Safety Council (GHSC) co-sponsored Stand-Up 4 Grain Safety Week in March 2020. The virtual event featured daily webinars by the GHSC.
Events and Training for Members and Public
National participants also conducted more than 300 events and training activities for the public in FY 2020, reaching more than 43,000. Though the COVID-19 pandemic severely restricted the number of in-person events possible during FY 2020, the expanded use of virtual platforms also led to an increase in the number of people reached by these outreach and training activities.
Training for OSHA Staff
The COVID-19 pandemic severely restricted the ability of National Alliance participants to conduct training for federal OSHA, state OSHA agencies, and On-Site Consultation programs in FY 2020. During the first half of the year (October through March), before the COVID-19 pandemic ceased nearly all such activities, participants provided five trainings, reaching 107 staff.
- Altec Industries, Inc. conducted a best practice seminar on the safe operation of mobile cranes in Nevada.
- American Chemistry Council- Center for the Polyurethanes Industry provided training for OSHA’s Salt Lake Technical Center on air sampling for isocyanates for various industrial processes.
- Global Cold Chain Alliance provided training sessions on industrial ammonia refrigeration systems in coordination with OSHA’s Directorate of Training and Education.
- Industrial Truck Association provided two best practice seminars on forklift safety in Washington and Oregon.
Alliance Products and Review of OSHA Products
National participants developed three new Alliance products. These products provide information to employers and workers on specific industries or hazards addressed by the Alliances.
The following are products developed in FY 2020. For a complete listing of Alliance-developed products, see the Alliance Program Participants Developed Products page.
- CWPR - The Center for Construction Research and Training developed two infographics on young worker injuries in the construction industry.
- The Joint Commission produced an article for Environment of Care News on slip, trip, and fall injuries in healthcare settings.
National participants also provided subject matter experts to review OSHA products. For example, representatives from the National Service, Transmission, Exploration & Production Safety (STEPS) Network and National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Alliance participated in the workgroup that updated OSHA Oil and Gas Extraction Safety and Health Topics page and the Oil Well Drilling and Servicing eTool Transportation module. Several Alliances participated in stakeholder engagement discussions with OSHA on COVID-19 resource needs.
Regional and Area Office Alliance Program Participants
In FY 2020, OSHA field staff were involved in 984 Regional and Area Office Alliance participant outreach activities, which were attended by more than 134,000 employers and workers and reached nearly 13 million people.
The following table shows the number of Regional and Area Office participant activities in FY 2020, and the number of people reached by these activities.3
Region | Number of Alliances | Number of Activities | Number Attended | Number Affected |
1 | 34 | 139 | 5,608 | 1,075,376 |
2 | 5 | 7 | 120 | 103,750 |
3 | 19 | 156 | 45,174 | 2,055,077 |
4 | 27 | 23 | 574 | 1,080,124 |
5 | 23 | 111 | 6,551 | 1,937,941 |
6 | 58 | 409 | 32,998 | 6,537,841 |
7 | 5 | 58 | 39,120 | 68,777 |
8 | 25 | 51 | 3,055 | 67,424 |
9 | 3 | 10 | 1,215 | 37,456 |
10 | 5 | 20 | 433 | 31,865 |
Totals | 195 | 984 | 134,848 | 12,995,631 |
*Elevator Safety Partners Alliance signed by all 10 Regions, so total is 9 less than sum of Alliances.
The following table shows the number of Regional and Area Office Alliance activities broken out by OSHA areas of emphasis.
Number of Alliances
Total Activities*
Fall Stand-Down
Hazard Communication
Heat Illness Prevention
Oil and Gas
Safety and Health
Programs |
Small Business
Temporary Workers
1 | 34 | 139 | 32 | 93 | 29 | 33 | 15 | - | 21 | 25 | 83 | 13 | 9 | 30 |
2 | 5 | 7 | - | 4 | 2 | 1 | - | - | - | 1 | - | - | 1 | |
3 | 19 | 156 | 59 | 74 | 9 | 27 | 11 | 7 | 40 | 29 | 73 | 12 | 18 | 31 |
4 | 27 | 23 | 1 | 11 | 1 | - | 2 | - | 1 | 13 | 9 | 6 | 6 | - |
5 | 23 | 111 | 22 | 53 | 10 | 19 | 7 | 7 | 11 | 25 | 74 | 7 | 13 | 13 |
6 | 58 | 409 | 131 | 129 | 30 | 85 | 42 | 31 | 61 | 67 | 109 | 14 | 56 | 11 |
7 | 5 | 58 | 10 | 24 | 29 | 29 | 23 | 1 | 25 | 33 | 46 | 17 | 21 | 19 |
8 | 25 | 51 | 12 | 6 | 6 | 14 | 1 | 9 | 19 | 23 | 28 | 4 | 1 | 1 |
9 | 3 | 10 | - | 5 | - | 1 | 1 | - | 1 | 1 | 8 | - | - | - |
10 | 5 | 20 | - | 9 | - | 3 | 5 | - | 2 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 5 |
Totals | 195 | 984 | 267 | 408 | 115 | 213 | 108 | 55 | 181 | 217 | 434 | 75 | 126 | 111 |
* A single activity may cover more than one area of emphasis, and therefore may be counted in more than one area of emphasis column.
The following are examples of activities conducted by Regional and Area Office Alliance Program participants in FY 2020:
- Through their alliance with the Colorado Healthcare Association, an organization representing assisted living facilities, the Denver and Englewood, Colorado Area Offices delivered bimonthly webinars on topics such as COVID-19, bloodborne pathogens, workplace violence, recordkeeping and general OSHA inspections.
- Through their alliance with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention- Eastern Division, the Region I (Boston) Regional Office arranged for two training sessions on AFSP’s “Talk Saves Lives” Program for federal employees.
- Through their alliance with the Dennis Technical Education Center of the Boise, Idaho School District, the Boise Area Office participated in an OSHA 10-Hour training course.
- Through a new alliance with the Consulate General of Mexico in New Orleans, Louisiana, the Jackson, Mississippi Area Office delivered a Spanish-language presentation for Labor Rights Week.
Looking Ahead to FY 2021
In FY 2021, and as the COVID-19 pandemic recedes, OSHA will begin to resume in-person outreach and training in partnership with its Alliance Program participants. The agency will continue to work with trade and professional organizations, labor organizations, businesses, educational institutions, and other government agencies through the Alliance Program to promote workplace safety and health. Working with participants, OSHA will identify opportunities to speak and exhibit about workplace safety and health issues and the Alliance Program. OSHA and participants will also continue to identify training opportunities.
OSHA plans to sign 12 new Alliances and renew Alliances with organizations that remain committed to working with OSHA to address occupational safety and health issues. In the coming year, OSHA will also continue implementing the updated Alliance Program Directive and review procedures for the new elements of the program, such as the Annual Evaluation and transitioning long-term Alliances to Ambassador.
Participants will continue to support the Agency’s strategic goals through their expansive dissemination efforts and engagement in agency outreach initiatives, particularly timely messaging on OSHA and NIOSH guidance for COVID-19 as the pandemic evolves. Participants will continue to raise awareness of and engage members in established national safety and health initiatives (OSHA’s Safe + Sound Campaign and Safe + Sound Week, Fall Prevention Campaign and the National Fall Stand-Down), and continue outreach efforts on grain handling and safe summer jobs for youth. OSHA will also continue to leverage participants’ expertise to enhance technical resources for staff, such as the OSHA Technical Manual, and compliance assistance tools for employers, workers, and the public, such as OSHA eTools, Safety and Health Topics pages, publications, and training courses.
1 Note that this figure does not represent 7.5 million different people. Multiple dissemination activities by an Alliance participant may reach the same group of people. For example, a particular Alliance may send two email blasts on different topics to its 500 stakeholders, which accounts for 1,000 people reached in our calculation.
2 Note that this figure does not represent 7.5 million different people. Multiple dissemination activities by an Alliance participant may reach the same group of people. For example, a particular Alliance may send two email blasts on different topics to its 500 stakeholders. This counts as 1,000 people reached in our calculation.
3 The numbers include only those Alliance activities in which an OSHA staff person was involved and reported in the OSHA Information System (OIS). There is a small percentage of Regional and Area Office Alliance activities that do not involve an OSHA staff person and are not reflected in these numbers.

Annual Report on the
Alliance Program
October 1, 2018, to September 30, 2019
Office of Outreach Services and Alliances (OOSA)
Directorate of Cooperative and State Programs (DCSP)
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)
Table of Contents
- Executive Summary
- Alliance Program Participants
- Alliance Program Impact in FY 2019
- Looking Ahead to FY 2020
Executive Summary
OSHA’s Alliance Program was created in 2002 to develop voluntary, collaborative working relationships with organizations that are committed to workplace safety and health. Each year, OSHA’s Alliances reach millions of employers and workers, providing them with safety and health information, tools, and resources through newsletters, social media posts, presentations at conferences and meetings, training, and other projects. This snapshot shares information, data, and examples from the 244 Alliances active during Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 to showcase the impact of the program as a whole.
OSHA develops Alliances at the National, Regional, and Area Office levels, and all of the Alliance Program participants work collaboratively with the agency to improve workplaces and support OSHA’s outreach and education mission. Alliances enable the agency to more effectively reach employers and workers in small, high-hazard, and other industries, which may not otherwise engage with the agency.
Throughout FY 2019, National Alliance Program participants:
- Conducted more than 1,700 activities to disseminate information about OSHA’s safety and health initiatives and resources, reaching more than 9.5 million people1, which represents an increase from FY 2018.
- Provided billboard space to support a variety of outreach initiatives, including billboards to promote OSHA’s fall prevention campaign that were viewed by an estimated 19.3 million people.
- Conducted more than 250 training events and activities, including exhibits and presentations that reached more than 28,000 people.
- Provided 21 technical training sessions for 308 representatives from federal OSHA, state OSHA agencies, and On-Site Consultation programs.
Regional and Area Office Alliances involved OSHA field staff in more than 980 outreach and training activities attended by more than 115,000 people. In addition, approximately 1.4 million employers and workers were impacted through these attendees.
In FY 2020, OSHA will continue to work with Alliance Program participants to promote workplace safety and health, by signing an expected 20 new Alliances and renewing Alliances with existing organizations that remain committed to working with OSHA. The program will also continue to support the agency’s strategic goals through varying communications portals, engagement of participants and their members in agency outreach initiatives, and coordination with organizations in industry sectors of interest to the agency. In the coming year, OSHA will also issue an updated Alliance Program Directive to create a program framework and administrative requirements that ensure sustainability and better align with relationship building, information sharing, and dissemination.
Alliance Program Participants
The Alliance Program is open to all groups that are committed to workplace safety and health, including trade and professional organizations, labor organizations, businesses, educational institutions, and other government agencies. Alliances are established by OSHA's National, Regional, and Area Offices. In FY 2019, OSHA worked with 244 Alliances, including 36 National Alliances and 208 Regional and Area Office Alliances. During FY 2019, 29 organizations signed new Alliances with OSHA, 36 organizations renewed their Alliances, and 9 organizations concluded their Alliances. This level of activity has remained relatively consistent over the last five years. The primary areas of emphasis include construction, Hispanic worker outreach, and youth outreach. The majority of Alliance signatories are trade associations, consulates of Mexico and other countries, professional associations, and unions. Figures 1 – 3 provide additional data on program participation, signatories, and emphasis areas.
Figure 1: Alliance Program Participants, FY 2003 – FY 2019
Figure 2: Distribution of Alliance Program Participants by Emphasis Area
Figure 3: Distribution of Alliance Program Participants by Organization Type
State Plans and OSHA’s On-Site Consultation programs are also signatories to a number of Regional and Area Office alliances. In addition, State Plans are encouraged to develop their own Alliance Programs and sign Alliance agreements. At least seven State Plans have adopted their own Alliance Programs, including: Arizona, Iowa, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, and Oregon.
Alliance Program Impact in FY 2019
Each year, OSHA’s Alliances reach millions of employers and workers through activities that include dissemination of safety and health information, presentations at conferences and meetings, training, and other projects.
National Office Alliance Program Participants
The information provided below has been drawn from data provided by the national participants, and illustrates the combined reach and impact of the program in supporting OSHA outreach initiatives and areas of emphasis. Regional and Area Office data is gathered and presented separately.
Outreach and Communication
In FY 2019, OSHA’s national participants conducted more than 1,700 activities to disseminate information about safety and health initiatives, and resources from OSHA and other organizations. This was an increase from the approximately 1,500 dissemination activities in FY 2018 and 600 dissemination activities in FY 2017. These activities included posting OSHA information on participants’ websites, sending email blasts to members and other stakeholders, and distributing information through social media channels. These activities reached more than 9.5 million people2. In addition, Lamar Advertising Company provided billboard space to promote OSHA’s Fall Prevention Campaign and other outreach initiatives. These billboards were viewed by an estimated 19.3 million people.
The following chart shows national participant dissemination activities by OSHA’s areas of emphasis.
OSHA Emphasis Area | Number of Dissemination Activities | Number Reached |
Construction | 259 | 605,808 |
Fall Prevention | 300 | 1,649,110 |
Hazard Communication/Chemicals | 83 | 805,956 |
Heat Illness Prevention | 41 | 696,647 |
Oil and Gas | 18 | 65,573 |
Recordkeeping/Reporting | 23 | 355,519 |
Safety and Health Programs | 176 | 807,365 |
Safe and Sound Week | 247 | 1,015,315 |
Silica | 37 | 93,947 |
Small Business | 65 | 269,496 |
Temporary Workers | 40 | 1,075,163 |
Trenching | 30 | 100,623 |
Young Workers | 64 | 513,976 |
Support for Key OSHA Initiatives
The following are examples of activities conducted by OSHA’s national Alliance participants in support OSHA’s key initiatives.
- Safe + Sound. National participants played a critical role in supporting OSHA’s Safe + Sound Campaign, and, in particular, Safe + Sound Week in August 2019.
- American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP), American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA), CWPR - The Center for Construction Research and Training (CPWR), and National Safety Council (NSC) were co-sponsors and organizers of the campaign, helping to develop and plan it. These organizers, along with OSHA and NIOSH recruited partners, developed materials to promote Safe + Sound Week, held public webinars, and encouraged participation within their chapters and across the country.
- Many of the partners helping to promote the campaign and week were current or former national participants.
- National participants conducted 247 dissemination activities reaching more than 1 million people.
- Fall Prevention. National participants supported OSHA’s 2019 Fall Prevention Campaign and the National Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction. For example:
- CWPR, NSC, and ASSP were partners, and worked with OSHA and NIOSH to plan the event.
- In April 2019, the Scaffold & Access Industry Association worked with other organizations in the Houston area to host a Fall Prevention Safety Day.
- Lamar Outdoor Advertising provided free billboards to promote the 2019 National Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction.
- NAWIC helped to promote the 2019 Stand-Down using a customized poster featuring female construction workers.
- Young Workers. CareerSafe spearheaded the MySafeSummerJob Campaign. This social media campaign was conducted over five weeks in April and May to raise awareness among working teens, parents, and employers about workplace safety and health. NSC, AIHA, ASSP, CPWR, and BCSP supported the campaign.
- Grain Handling. National Grain and Feed Association was a co-sponsor of the Stand-Up for Grain Safety Week in March 2019. NGFA held the kick-off event in Bloomington, Illinois.
Events and Training for Members and Public
National participants also conducted more than 250 events and training activities for the public in FY 2019, including exhibits and presentations. These events reached more than 28,000 people. For example, the American Staffing Association (ASA) hosted a webinar on OSHA’s temporary worker initiative bulletin on respirator protection.
Training for OSHA Staff
National participants also provided 21 training sessions for federal OSHA, state OSHA agencies, and On-Site Consultation programs, training 308 staff. For example:
- Altec Industries, Inc. continued its series of best practice seminars on the safe operation of various types of equipment, including crane inspections, chippers, and insulated aerial devices.
- Global Cold Chain Alliance provided training sessions on industrial ammonia refrigeration systems in coordination with OSHA’s Directorate of Training and Education.
- Industrial Truck Association provided three best practice seminars on forklift safety.
- Scaffold & Access Industry Association provided sessions on competent person training for frame scaffolds.
- Robotic Industries Association and NIOSH provided two training sessions on industrial robot safety for OSHA Region 5.
Alliance Products and Review of OSHA Products
National participants developed 11 new Alliance products and updated two existing Alliance products. These products provide information to employers and workers on specific industries or hazards addressed by the Alliances.
The following are examples of products developed in FY 2019. For a complete listing, see the Alliance Program Participants Developed Products page.
- CWPR - The Center for Construction Research and Training developed infographics on trenching safety and heat illness prevention.
- The American Chemistry Council (ACC) developed guidance documents on medical screening and surveillance for employers and workers.
- Scaffold & Access Industry Association developed a video on mast climbing work platforms.
- National Service, Transmission, Exploration & Production Safety (STEPS) Network and National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health issues a Spanish translation of its hazard alert on ground disturbance and trenching.
National participants also provided subject matter experts to review OSHA products. For example, representatives from the Robotic Industries Association and NIOSH Alliance provided feedback on OSHA’s Robotics Safety and Health Topics Page. National STEPS Network and NIOSH Alliance participated in the workgroup that updated OSHA Oil and Gas Well Drilling and Servicing eTool modules. The American Staffing Association provided feedback on one of OSHA’s temporary worker initiative bulletins.
Regional and Area Office Alliance Program Participants
In FY 2019, OSHA field staff were involved in 985 Regional and Area Office Alliance participant outreach activities, which were attended by more than 115,000 employers and workers and impacted almost 1.4 million people.
The following table shows the number of Regional and Area Office participant activities in FY 2019, and the number of people reached by these activities3.
Region | Number of Activities | Number Attended | Number Affected |
1 | 181 | 29,478 | 210,016 |
2 | 10 | 2,246 | 14,730 |
3 | 141 | 6,111 | 188,000 |
4 | 40 | 8,957 | 150,156 |
5 | 140 | 24,672 | 130,044 |
6 | 264 | 25,610 | 525,886 |
7 | 61 | 7,395 | 17,532 |
8 | 123 | 9,505 | 144,532 |
9 | 5 | 564 | 2,610 |
10 | 20 | 1,004 | 9,642 |
Totals | 985 | 115,542 | 1,393,148 |
The following table shows the number of Regional and Area Office Alliance activities broken out by OSHA areas of emphasis.
Total Activities*
Fall Prevention
Hazard Communication
Heat Illness Prevention
Oil and Gas
Safety and Health
Programs |
Small Business
Temporary Workers
1 | 181 | 89 | 122 | 39 | 18 | 2 | 23 | 26 | 32 | 98 | 13 | 24 | 36 |
2 | 10 | 3 | 11 | 3 | 3 | - | 3 | 2 | 2 | 6 | 1 | 1 | 6 |
3 | 141 | 68 | 62 | 29 | 21 | 10 | 33 | 9 | 25 | 38 | 13 | 7 | 50 |
4 | 40 | 18 | 11 | 6 | 4 | - | 3 | 6 | 7 | 14 | 1 | 3 | 6 |
5 | 140 | 54 | 89 | 19 | 13 | 3 | 20 | 22 | 22 | 78 | 7 | 28 | 28 |
6 | 264 | 138 | 138 | 76 | 68 | 30 | 52 | 16 | 31 | 88 | 24 | 28 | 9 |
7 | 61 | 25 | 77 | 25 | 29 | 1 | 11 | 21 | 12 | 40 | 13 | 19 | 31 |
8 | 123 | 36 | 86 | 37 | 7 | 8 | 26 | 28 | 20 | 87 | 9 | 27 | 4 |
9 | 5 | - | 1 | - | - | - | - | - | - | 2 | - | - | 1 |
10 | 20 | 9 | 9 | 1 | 2 | - | - | - | 1 | 4 | 2 | 1 | 4 |
Totals | 985 | 440 | 606 | 235 | 165 | 54 | 171 | 130 | 152 | 455 | 83 | 138 | 175 |
* A single activity may cover more than one area of emphasis, and therefore may be counted in more than one area of emphasis column.
The following are examples of activities conducted by Regional and Area Office Alliance Program participants in FY 2019:
- National Utility Contractors Association (NUCA) of Texas. The Dallas and Fort Worth Area Offices have an Alliance with NUCA that focuses on the prevention of trench hazards for underground utility contractors and excavators. In September 2019, OSHA and NUCA co-sponsored a free live outdoor trench training event for 267 attendees. The training, provided in English and Spanish, featured seven stations that covered topics such as slopping and benching, trench boxes, and trenchless technology.
- Consulate of Mexico in Kansas City. The Kansas City, Missouri Area Office Area has an Alliance with the Consulate of Mexico in Kansas City. Office representatives gave monthly presentations at the Consulate on topics including worker rights, fall protection, hazard communication, and heat stress.
- Colorado Brewing Industry Alliance. OSHA Region 8 has an Alliance with several brewery associations. OSHA representatives have presented at industry conferences. An association provided training for OSHA’s Compliance Safety and Health Officers.
- Safe + Sound Alliance. OSHA Region 2 signed an Alliance with the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development and the New Jersey State Industrial Safety Committee to promote and support the Safe + Sound campaign.
Looking Ahead to FY 2020
In FY 2020, OSHA will continue to work with trade and professional organizations, labor organizations, businesses, educational institutions, and other government agencies through the Alliance Program to promote workplace safety and health. Working with participants, OSHA will identify opportunities to speak and exhibit about workplace safety and health issues and the Alliance Program. OSHA and participants will also continue to identify training opportunities.
OSHA plans to sign 20 new Alliances and renew Alliances with organizations that remain committed to working with OSHA to address occupational safety and health issues. In the coming year, OSHA will issue and begin implementing an updated Alliance Program Directive to create a program framework and administrative requirements that ensure sustainability and better align with relationship building, information sharing, and dissemination. OSHA will also work to more fully collect activity data and information from participants at all levels (National, Regional, and Area Office) and present it in a more cohesive format in FY 2020.
Participants will continue to support the Agency’s strategic goals through their expansive dissemination efforts and engagement in agency outreach initiatives. Participants will continue to raise awareness of and engage members in established national safety and health initiatives (OSHA’s Safe + Sound Campaign and Safe + Sound Week, Fall Prevention Campaign and the National Stand Down), as well as promote newer initiatives on trench safety, grain handling, and safe summer jobs for youth. OSHA will also continue to leverage participants’ expertise to enhance technical resources for staff, such as the OSHA Technical Manual, and compliance assistance tools for employers, workers, and the public, such as OSHA eTools, Safety and Health Topics pages, publications, and training courses.
1 Note that this figure does not represent 9.5 million different people. Multiple dissemination activities by an Alliance participant may reach the same group of people. For example, a particular Alliance may send two email blasts on different topics to its 500 stakeholders, which accounts for 1,000 people reached in our calculation.
2 Note that this figure does not represent 9.5 million different people. Multiple dissemination activities by an Alliance participant may reach the same group of people. For example, a particular Alliance may send two email blasts on different topics to its 500 stakeholders. This counts as 1,000 people reached in our calculation.
3 The numbers include only those Alliance activities in which an OSHA staff person was involved and reported in the OSHA Information System (OIS). There is a small percentage of Regional and Area Office Alliance activities that do not involve an OSHA staff person and are not reflected in these numbers.

Annual Report on the
Alliance Program
October 1, 2017, to September 30, 2018
Office of Outreach Services and Alliances (OOSA)
Directorate of Cooperative and State Programs (DCSP)
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)
Table of Contents
- Executive Summary
- Alliance Program Purpose and Benefits
- Alliance Program Participants
- Alliance Program Goals
- Alliance Program Impact in Fiscal Year (FY) 2018
- Looking Ahead to FY 2019
Executive Summary
OSHA's Alliance Program was created in 2002 to develop voluntary, collaborative working relationships with organizations that are committed to workplace safety and health. Each year, OSHA's Alliances reach millions of employers and workers, providing them with safety and health information, tools, and resources through newsletters, social media posts, presentations at conferences and meetings, training, and other projects. Alliance Program participants' activities are captured and shared with the public in individual annual reports that are available on OSHA's public website. This report compiles information, data, and examples from the individual annual reports for the 245 Alliances active during Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 to showcase the impact of the program as a whole.
OSHA develops Alliances at the National, Regional, and Area Office levels, and all of the Alliance Program participants work collaboratively with the agency to improve workplaces and support OSHA's outreach and education mission. Alliances enable the agency to more effectively reach employers and workers in small, high-hazard, and other industries, which may not otherwise engage with the agency.
Throughout FY 2018, National Alliance Program participants:
- Conducted more than 1,500 activities to disseminate information about OSHA's safety and health initiatives and resources, reaching more than 8.9 million people,1 which represents a significant increase from FY 2017.
- Provided billboard space to support a variety of outreach initiatives, including billboards to promote OSHA's fall prevention campaign that were viewed by an estimated 18.2 million people.
- Conducted more than 200 training events and activities, including exhibits and presentations that reached more than 216,000 people.
- Provided 22 technical training sessions for 335 representatives from federal OSHA, state OSHA agencies, and On-Site Consultation programs.
OSHA's Regional and Area Office Alliances involved OSHA field staff in more than 900 outreach and training activities attended by more than 400,000 people. In addition, approximately 1.8 million employers and workers were impacted through these attendees.
In FY 2019, OSHA will continue to work with Alliance Program participants to promote workplace safety and health, by signing an expected 20 new Alliances and renewing Alliances with existing organizations that remain committed to working with OSHA. The program will also continue to support the agency's strategic goals through varying communications portals, engagement of participants and their members in agency outreach initiatives, and coordination with organizations in industry sectors of interest to the agency. In the coming year, OSHA will also issue an updated Alliance Program Directive to create a program framework and administrative requirements that ensure sustainability and better align with relationship building, information sharing, and dissemination.
Alliance Program Purpose and Benefits
OSHA and Alliance Program participants (participants) work together to develop and share safety and health information, resources, and tools with workers and employers, and educate workers and employers about their rights and responsibilities. Participants also assist OSHA in building trust and establishing relationships with employers and workers that traditionally have been hard for the agency to reach, such as small employers. The agency and regulated community have seen positive results since the program's inception. Participants find the routine exchange with OSHA beneficial to their members, improving perception of the agency and willingness to interact with the agency at a local level. From the agency's stand point, Alliances have actively supported outreach campaigns (e.g., Fall Prevention, Heat Illness Prevention, and Safe + Sound Campaigns) and remain important intermediaries for OSHA and NIOSH, 2 as exemplified by the extended reach and resulting impact showcased in this report.
Alliance Program Participants
The Alliance Program is open to all groups that are committed to workplace safety and health, including trade and professional organizations, labor organizations, businesses, educational institutions, and other government agencies. Alliances are established by OSHA's National, Regional, and Area Offices. In FY 2018, OSHA worked with 245 Alliances, including 33 National Alliances and 212 Regional and Area Office Alliances. During FY 2018, 25 organizations signed new Alliances with OSHA, 47 organizations renewed their Alliances, and 15 organizations concluded their Alliances. This level of activity has remained relatively consistent over the last five years. The majority of Alliance signatories are trade associations, consulates of Mexico and other countries, professional associations, and unions. The primary areas of emphasis include construction, Hispanic worker outreach, and youth outreach. Figures 1 – 3 provide additional data on program participation, signatories, and emphasis areas.
Figure 1: Alliance Program Participants, FY 2002 – FY 2018
Figure 2: Current Distribution of Alliance Program Participants by Emphasis Area
Figure 3: Current Distribution of Alliance Program Participants by Organization Type
State Plans and OSHA's On-Site Consultation programs are also signatories to a number of Regional and Area Office alliances. In addition, State Plans are encouraged to develop their own Alliance Programs and sign Alliance agreements. At least seven State Plans have adopted their own Alliance Programs, including: Arizona, Iowa, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, and Oregon.
Alliance Program Goals
An Alliance may focus on an entire industry or on specific hazards within an industry. OSHA and the participant define, implement, and meet a set of short- and long-term goals that fall into:
- Outreach and Communication – e.g., speaking and exhibiting at conferences, promoting and encouraging members to participate in OSHA's outreach initiatives, and developing compliance assistance resources.
- Training and Education – e.g., developing training curricula and materials, and delivering training and education programs to the public or OSHA staff.
Alliance Program Impact in FY 2018
Each year, OSHA's Alliances reach millions of employers and workers through activities that include dissemination of safety and health information, presentations at conferences and meetings, training, and other projects. This information is captured in an Annual Report for each Alliance, which is prepared by OSHA Alliance Coordinators in coordination with the participating organization(s). Annual reports for each National, Regional, and Area Office Alliance are shared with the public through OSHA's website.
National Office Alliance Program Participants
The information provided below has been drawn from data provided by the national participants, and illustrates the combined reach and impact of the program in supporting OSHA outreach initiatives and areas of emphasis. Regional and Area Office data is gathered and presented separately.
Outreach and Communication
In FY 2018, OSHA's national participants conducted more than 1,500 activities to disseminate information about safety and health initiatives, and resources from OSHA and other organizations. This was a significant increase from the approximately 600 dissemination activities in FY 2017. These activities included posting OSHA information on participants' websites, sending email blasts to members and other stakeholders, and distributing information through social media channels. These activities reached more than 8.9 million people. 3 In addition, Lamar Advertising Company provided billboard space to promote OSHA's Fall Prevention Campaign and other outreach initiatives. These billboards were viewed by an estimated 18.2 million people.
The following chart shows national participant dissemination activities by OSHA's areas of emphasis.
OSHA Emphasis Area Number of Dissemination Activities Number Reached Construction 191 1,015,367 Fall Prevention 188 2,422,233 Hazard Communication/Chemicals 76 55,122 Heat Illness Prevention 42 1,261,471 Oil and Gas 21 310,612 Recordkeeping/Reporting 51 550,892 Safety and Health Programs 32 197,591 Safe and Sound Week 325 1,663,975 Silica 88 806,692 Small Business 57 742,705 Temporary Workers 11 116,276 Trenching 27 209,074 Young Workers 6 294,767 -
Support for Key OSHA Initiatives
The following are examples of activities conducted by OSHA's national participants in support OSHA's key initiatives.
- National participants played a critical role in supporting OSHA's Safe + Sound Campaign, and, in particular, Safe + Sound Week in August 2018.
- American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP), American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA), CWPR - The Center for Construction Research and Training (CPWR), and National Safety Council (NSC) were co-sponsors and organizers of the campaign, helping to develop and plan it. These organizers, along with OSHA and NIOSH recruited partners, developed materials explaining safety and health programs and promoting Safe + Sound Week, held public webinars, and encouraged participation within their chapters and across the country.
- Many of the partners helping to promote the campaign and week were current or former national participants.
- National participants conducted 325 dissemination activities reaching more than 1.6 million people.
- National participants developed 21 products, including facts sheets and a promotional video.
- National participants supported OSHA's FY 2018 Fall Prevention Campaign and the National Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction. For example
- CWPR, NSC, and ASSP were partners, and worked with OSHA and NIOSH to plan the event.
- In April 2018, the Scaffold & Access Industry Association worked with other organizations in the Houston area to host a Fall Prevention Safety Day.
- Lamar Outdoor Advertising provided free billboards to promote the FY 2018 National Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction.
- National participants played a critical role in supporting OSHA's Safe + Sound Campaign, and, in particular, Safe + Sound Week in August 2018.
Events and Training for Members and Public
National participants also conducted more than 200 events and training activities for the public in FY 2018, including exhibits and presentations. These events reached more than 216,000 people.
For example, the American Staffing Association (ASA) hosted a webinar on OSHA's temporary worker initiative bulletin on hazard communication, the Independent Electrical Contractors (IEC) held a webinar on OSHA's new recordkeeping/reporting requirements and the Injury Tracking Application, and the National Grain and Feed Association (NGFA) hosted webinars on grain handling safety and co-sponsored the National Grain Stand-Up.
Training for OSHA Staff
National participants also provided 22 training sessions in FY 2018 for federal OSHA, state OSHA agencies, and On-Site Consultation programs, training 335 staff. For example:
- Altec Industries, Inc. continued its series of best practice seminars on the safe operation of various types of equipment, including mobile cranes and insulated aerial devices. Staff from Arizona OSHA and Oregon OSHA received the training.
- Global Cold Chain Alliance provided training sessions on industrial ammonia refrigeration systems in coordination with OSHA's Directorate of Training and Education.
- Industrial Truck Association provided five best practice seminars on forklift safety.
- United States Institute for Theatre Technology (USITT) and the International Alliance of the Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Picture Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts of the United States, its Territories and Canada, AFL-CIO, CLC (IATSE) provided two training sessions on safety and health issues in the entertainment industry.
Alliance Products and Review of OSHA Products
National participants developed nine new Alliance products and updated five existing Alliance products. These products provide information to employers and workers on specific industries or hazards addressed by the Alliances. Alliance participants also developed 21 products in support of OSHA's Safe + Sound Campaign.
The following are examples of products developed in FY 2018. For a complete listing, see the Alliance Program Participants Developed Products page.
- The Coordinating Committee for Automotive Repair (CCAR) developed a fact sheet and video in support of OSHA's Safe + Sound Campaign.
- National Service, Transmission, Exploration & Production Safety (STEPS) Network and National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health developed a hazard alert on multi-gas monitors. The alert has been distributed to thousands of employers and workers in the oil and gas extraction industry.
- The American Chemistry Council (ACC) developed an infographic on personal protective equipment for automotive refinishing and coating applications.
- The Society for Chemical Hazard Communication (SCHC) developed several new and updated information sheets on the hazard communication standard.
National participants also provided subject matter experts to review OSHA products. For example, representatives from the National STEPS Network and NIOSH Alliance participated in the workgroup that updated OSHA Oil and Gas Well Drilling and Servicing eTool modules. The American Staffing Association provided feedback on several of OSHA's temporary worker initiative bulletins.
Regional and Area Office Alliance Program Participants
In FY 2018, OSHA field staff were involved in almost 900 Regional and Area Office Alliance participant outreach activities, which were attended by almost 400,0000 employers and workers and impacted more than 1.8 million people.
The following table shows the number of Regional and Area Office participant activities in FY 2018, and the number of people reached by these activities. 4
Total Number of Alliances
Number of Activities
Number Attended
Number Affected
The following table shows the number of Regional and Area Office Alliance activities broken out by OSHA areas of emphasis.
RegionTotal AlliancesTotal Activities*ConstructionErgonomicsFall PreventionHazard CommunicationHeat Illness PreventionOil and GasRecordkeeping/ReportingSafety and Health ProgramsSilicaSmall BusinessTemporary WorkersTrenchingYouth1
* A single activity may cover more than one area of emphasis, and therefore may be counted in more than one area of emphasis column.
The following are examples of activities conducted by Regional and Area Office Alliance Program participants in FY 2018:
- National Utility Contractors Association (NUCA) of Texas. The Dallas and Fort Worth Area Offices have an Alliance with NUCA that focuses on the prevention of trench hazards for underground utility contractors and excavators. On Nov. 17, 2017, OSHA and NUCA co-sponsored a free four-hour Live Outdoor Trench Training event for more than 250 attendees.
- Georgia Struck-By Alliance. The Georgia Area Offices have an Alliance with a variety of state agencies, associations, and other organizations to protect workers from struck-by and work zone hazards. The Alliance has sponsored annual safety stand-downs in conjunction with Roadway Work Zone Awareness Week. In 2018, stand-downs were held at 442 jobsites in Georgia, reaching 22,830 workers.
- Mountain States Energy Alliance. The Denver Area Office has an Alliance with the Mountain States Energy Alliance to reduce exposure to hazards in the oil and gas industry. In May 2018, the Denver Area Office gave a presentation on silica to oil and gas employers.
- Erie Institute of Technology (EIT). The Erie, Pennsylvania Area Office has an Alliance with EIT to reduce the exposure of young workers to safety and health hazards. In support of this Alliance, the CAS gave a series of "Introduction to OSHA" presentations for EIT students and staff.
Looking Ahead to FY 2019
In FY 2019, OSHA will continue to work with trade and professional organizations, labor organizations, businesses, educational institutions, and other government agencies through the Alliance Program to promote workplace safety and health. Working with participants, OSHA will identify opportunities to speak and exhibit about workplace safety and health issues and the Alliance Program. OSHA and participants will also continue to identify training opportunities.
OSHA plans to sign 20 new Alliances and renew Alliances with organizations that remain committed to working with OSHA to address occupational safety and health issues. In the coming year, OSHA will issue and begin implementing an updated Alliance Program Directive to create a program framework and administrative requirements that ensure sustainability and better align with relationship building, information sharing, and dissemination. OSHA will also work to more fully collect activity data and information from participants at all levels (National, Regional, and Area Office) and present it in a more cohesive format in FY 2019.
Participants will continue to support the Agency's strategic goals through their expansive dissemination efforts and engagement in agency outreach initiatives. Participants will continue to raise awareness of and engage members in established national safety and health initiatives (OSHA's Safe + Sound Campaign and Safe + Sound Week, Fall Prevention Campaign and the National Stand Down), as well as promote newer initiatives on trench safety, grain handling, and safe summer jobs for youth. OSHA will also continue to leverage participants' expertise to enhance technical resources for staff, such as the OSHA Technical Manual, and compliance assistance tools for employers, workers, and the public, such as OSHA eTools, Safety and Health Topics pages, publications, and training courses.
1 Note that this figure does not represent 8.9 different people. Multiple dissemination activities by an Alliance participant may reach the same group of people. For example, a particular Alliance may send two email blasts on different topics to its 500 stakeholders, which accounts for 1,000 people reached in our calculation.
2 Okun AH, Watkins JP, Schulte PA. Trade associations and labor organizations as intermediaries for disseminating workplace safety and health information. Am J Ind Med. 2017;60:766–775. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajim.22746
3 Note that this figure does not represent 8.9 million different people. Multiple dissemination activities by an Alliance participant may reach the same group of people. For example, a particular Alliance may send two email blasts on different topics to its 500 stakeholders. This counts at 1,000 people reached in our calculation.
4 The numbers include only those Alliance activities in which an OSHA staff person was involved and reported in the OSHA Information System (OIS). There is a small percentage of Regional and Area Office Alliance activities that do not involve an OSHA staff person and are not reflected in these numbers.

Annual Report on the
Alliance Program
October 1, 2016, to September 30, 2017
Office of Outreach Services and Alliances (OOSA)
Directorate of Cooperative and State Programs (DCSP)
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)
Table of Contents
- Executive Summary
- Alliance Program Purpose and Benefits
- Alliance Program Participants
- Alliance Program Goals
- Alliance Program Impact in Fiscal Year (FY) 2017
- Looking Ahead to FY 2018
Executive Summary
OSHA's Alliance Program was created in 2002 to develop voluntary, collaborative working relationships with organizations that are committed to workplace safety and health. Each year, OSHA's Alliances reach millions of employers and workers, providing them with safety and health information, tools, and resources through newsletters, social media posts, presentations at conferences and meetings, training, and other projects. Alliance Program participants' activities are captured and shared with the public in individual annual reports that are available on OSHA's public website. This report compiles information, data, and examples from the individual Annual Reports for the 234 Alliances active during Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 to showcase the impact of the program as a whole.
OSHA develops Alliances at the National, Regional, and Area Office levels, and all of the Alliance Program participants work collaboratively with the agency to improve workplaces and support OSHA's outreach and education mission. Alliances enable the agency to more effectively reach employers and workers in small, high-hazard, and other industries, which may not otherwise engage with the agency.
Throughout FY 2017, National Alliance Program participants:
- Conducted more than 600 activities to disseminate information about OSHA's safety and health initiatives and resources, reaching more than 5.9 million people.1
- Provided space to support a variety of outreach initiatives through billboards, which promoted OSHA's fall prevention campaign and were viewed by an estimated 17.5 million people.
- Conducted more than 130 events, including exhibits and presentations, and reached more than 118,000 people.
- Provided 60 training activities for employers and workers, which reached more than 100,000 people.
- Provided 32 technical training sessions for 573 representatives from federal OSHA, state OSHA agencies, and On-Site Consultation programs.
OSHA's Regional and Area Office Alliances involved OSHA field staff in more than 700 outreach and training activities attended by more than 275,000 people, with an estimated additional outreach to 2 million employers and workers.
In FY 2018, OSHA will continue to work with Alliance Program participants to promote workplace safety and health, by signing 16 new Alliances and renewing Alliances with existing organizations that remain committed to working with OSHA. The Program will also continue to support the Agency's strategic goals through varying communications portals and engagement of members in agency outreach initiatives. In the coming year, OSHA will also review the Alliance Program Directive to identify areas of the program that can be enhanced.
Alliance Program Purpose and Benefits
OSHA and Alliance Program participants (participants) work together to develop and share safety and health information, resources, and tools with workers and employers, and educate workers and employers about their rights and responsibilities. Participants also assist OSHA to build trust and establish relationships with employers and workers that traditionally have been hard for the agency to reach, such as small employers.
The agency and regulated community have seen positive results since the program's inception. Participants find the routine exchange with OSHA beneficial, improving members' perception of the agency and their willingness to interact with the agency at a local level. From the agency's stand point, Alliances have actively supported outreach campaigns (e.g., Fall Prevention, Heat Illness Prevention, and Safe + Sound Campaigns) and enabled OSHA to reach employers and workers with whom the agency might not traditionally interact. A recent National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) study 2 underscores this point, concluding that business and professional trade associations, and labor organizations are important intermediaries for OSHA and NIOSH in transferring workplace safety and health information to their members. OSHA's own experience during the Safe + Sound Week 2017 illustrated this conclusion. With agency partners, many of which were Alliances, OSHA reached roughly 1.2 million followers through Twitter, far more than OSHA alone (roughly 6,000) could reach.
Alliance Program Participants
The Alliance Program is open to all groups that are committed to workplace safety and health, including trade and professional organizations, labor organizations, businesses, educational institutions, and other government agencies. Alliances are established by OSHA's National, Regional, and Area Offices. In FY 2017, OSHA worked with 234 Alliances, including 34 National Alliances, and 200 Regional and Area Office Alliances. During FY 2017, 14 organizations signed new Alliances with OSHA, 50 organizations renewed their Alliances, and nine organizations concluded their Alliances. This level of activity is representative and has remained relatively consistent over the last four years. The majority of Alliance signatories are trade associations, consulates, professional associations, and unions. The primary areas of emphasis include construction, Hispanic worker outreach, and youth outreach. Figures 1 – 3 provide additional data on program participation, signatories, and emphasis areas.
Figure 1: Alliance Program Participants, FY 2002 – FY 2017
Figure 2: Current Distribution of Alliance Program Participants by Emphasis Area
Figure 3: Current Distribution of Alliance Program Participants by Organization Type
State Plans and OSHA's On-Site Consultation programs are also signatories to a number of Regional and Area Office alliances. In addition, State Plans are encouraged to develop their own Alliance Programs and sign Alliance agreements. At least seven State Plans have adopted their own Alliance Programs, including: Arizona, Iowa, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, and Oregon.
Alliance Program Goals
An Alliance may focus on an entire industry or on specific hazards within an industry. OSHA and the participating organizations define, implement, and meet a set of short- and long-term goals that fall into:
- Outreach and Communication – e.g., speaking and exhibiting at conferences, promoting and encouraging members to participate in OSHA's outreach initiatives, and developing compliance assistance resources.
- Training and Education – e.g., developing training curricula and materials, and delivering training and education programs to the public or OSHA staff.
Alliance Program Impact in FY 2017
Each year, OSHA's Alliances reach millions of employers and workers, and many OSHA staff through activities that include dissemination of safety and health information, presentations at conferences and meetings, training, and other projects. This information is captured in an Annual Report for each Alliance, which is prepared by OSHA Alliance Coordinators, in coordination with the participating organization(s). Annual Reports for each National, Regional, and Area Office Alliance are shared with the public through OSHA's website.
National Office Alliance Program Participants
The information provided below has been drawn from data provided by the national participants, and illustrates the combined reach and impact of the program in supporting OSHA outreach initiatives and areas of emphasis. Regional and Area Office data is gathered and presented separately.
Outreach and Communication
In FY 2017, OSHA's national participants conducted more than 600 activities to disseminate information about safety and health initiatives, and resources from OSHA and other organizations. These activities included posting OSHA information on their websites, sending email blasts to their stakeholders, and distributing information through their social media channels. These activities reached more than 5.9 million people. 3 In addition, Lamar Advertising Company provided billboard space to promote OSHA's Fall Prevention Campaign. These billboards were viewed by an estimated 17.5 million people.
The following chart shows national participant dissemination activities by OSHA's areas of emphasis.
OSHA Emphasis Area Number of Dissemination Activities Number Reached Construction 87 1,044,303 Ergonomics 12 264,295 Fall Prevention 70 976,302 Hazard Communication/Chemicals 48 28,497 Heat Illness Prevention 47 378,412 Oil and Gas 32 454,459 Recordkeeping/Reporting 55 1,138,260 Safety and Health Programs, Safe and Sound Week 107 585,838 Silica 39 511,868 Small Business 15 88,089 Temporary Workers 12 1,247,194 Walking-Working Surfaces 16 76,629 Young Workers 4 39,062 National participants also conducted more than 130 events in FY 2017, including exhibits and presentations. These events reached more than 118,000 people.
Support for Key OSHA Initiatives
The following are examples of activities conducted by OSHA's national participants in support OSHA's key initiatives.
- National participants played a critical role in supporting OSHA's inaugural Safe + Sound Week in June 2017.
- American Society of Safety Professionals, American Industrial Hygiene Association, and National Safety Council were co-sponsors and organizers of the initiative, helping to develop and plan it. These organizers, along with OSHA and NIOSH recruited almost 100 partners, developed materials explaining safety and health programs and promoting Safe + Sound Week, held public webinars, and encouraged participation within their chapters and across the country.
- More than two-thirds of the partners helping to promote Safe + Sound Week were current or former national participants.
- Lamar Outdoor Advertising provided free billboard space to help promote the event.
- The American Pipeline Contractors Association, American Staffing Association, and American Road and Transportation Builders Association (part of the Roadway Work Zone Safety and Health Partners Alliance) held webinars and participated in the week.
- National participants supported OSHA's FY 2017 Fall Prevention Campaign and the National Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction. For example:
- In May 2017, the Sealant Waterproofing and Restoration Institute worked with 30 member companies to conduct their own stand-down that reached more than 6,600 employees.
- In April 2017, the Scaffold & Access Industry Association partnered with other organizations in the Houston area for a Fall Prevention Safety Day.
- Lamar Outdoor Advertising provided free billboards to promote the FY 2017 National Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction.
- National participants played a critical role in supporting OSHA's inaugural Safe + Sound Week in June 2017.
National participants provide free training to workers, employers, and other stakeholders. In FY 2017, national participants conducted 60 training events for more than 100,000 participants. For example, the Coordinating Committee for Automotive Repair (CCAR) provided a free online course on Absorbed Glass Mat Battery Handling and Safety. The course was developed through the Alliance and provided to 298 attendees. The American Staffing Association (ASA) held three webinars for more than 1,300 attendees on OSHA's temporary worker initiative bulletins.
National participants also provided 32 training sessions in FY 2017 for federal OSHA, state OSHA agencies, and On-Site Consultation programs, training 573 staff. For example:
- Altec Industries, Inc. continued its series of best practice seminars on the safe operation of various types of equipment, including mobile cranes, tree care aerial devices, and wood chippers. Staff from OSHA Regions 2 and 7, California OSHA, and South Carolina OSHA received the training.
- Global Cold Chain Alliance provided training sessions on industrial ammonia refrigeration systems.
- Laser Institute of America provided a best practice seminar on laser safety for staff from OSHA Region 2.
- Industrial Truck Association provided three best practice seminars on forklift safety.
- United States Institute for Theatre Technology (USITT) and the International Alliance of the Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Picture Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts of the United States, its Territories and Canada, AFL-CIO, CLC (IATSE) provided eight training sessions on safety and health issues in the entertainment industry.
Other Projects: Alliance Products and Review of OSHA Products
National participants developed 29 new Alliance products and updated 17 existing Alliance products. These products, which include fact sheets, toolbox talks, and videos, provide information to employers and workers on specific industries or hazards addressed by the Alliances.
The following are examples of products developed in FY 2017. For a complete listing, see the Alliance Program Participants Developed Products page.
- American Pipeline Contractors Association developed a toolbox talk on silica and a fact sheet on confined spaces in construction.
- The American Staffing Association and National Safety Council developed a case study (PDF) that provides practical information for staffing companies and host employers to better protect temporary workers from workplace injuries, and understand which party is responsible for recording injuries on the OSHA Form 300 injury and illness log.
- National Service, Transmission, Exploration & Production Safety (STEPS) Network and National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health developed a hazard alert on preventing fatalities from ignition of vapors by mobile engines and auxiliary motors. The alert has been distributed to thousands of employers and workers in the oil and gas extraction industry.
- The Coordinating Committee for Automotive Repair developed an online course on Absorbed Glass Mat Battery Handling and Safety.
- The International Window Cleaning Association developed a window cleaning field safety guide.
National participants also provided subject matter experts to review OSHA products. For example, the National STEPS Network and NIOSH Alliance participated in the workgroup that developed a new Transportation module for the OSHA Oil and Gas Well Drilling and Servicing eTool.
Regional and Area Office Alliance Program Participants
In FY 2017, OSHA field staff were involved in more than 700 Regional and Area Office participant outreach activities, which were attended by more than 275,000 employers and workers. OSHA estimates that almost two million people were potentially impacted by these activities.
The following table shows the number of Regional and Area Office participant activities in FY 2017, and the number of people reached by these activities.4
Total Number of Alliances
Number of Activities
Number Attended
Number Affected
The following table shows the number of Regional and Area Office Alliance activities broken out by OSHA areas of emphasis.
RegionTotal AlliancesTotal Activities*ConstructionErgonomicsFall PreventionHazard CommunicationHeat Illness PreventionOil and GasReportingSafety and Health ProgramsSilicaSmall BusinessTemporary WorkersWalking-Working SurfacesYouth1
* A single activity may cover more than one area of emphasis, and therefore may be counted in more than one area of emphasis column.
The following are examples of activities conducted by OSHA Regional and Area Office participants in FY 2017:
- Georgia Struck-By Alliance. The Georgia Area Offices have an Alliance with a variety of state agencies, associations, and other organizations to protect workers from struck-by and work zone hazards. The Alliance has sponsored annual safety stand-downs in conjunction with Roadway Work Zone Awareness Week. In 2017, stand-downs were held at 411 jobsites in Georgia, reaching 23,354 workers.
- Buckeye Service, Transmission, Exploration, Production Safety (STEPS) Network. Through its Alliance with the Buckeye STEPS Network, the Columbus, Ohio Area Office regularly provides presentations to members of this organization. For example, a Compliance Assistance Specialist (CAS) provided an OSHA update at a Buckeye STEPS meeting in June 2017 on topics including Safe + Sound Week, the National Trench Stand-Down, recordkeeping, the OSHA Oil and Gas eTool, and heat illness prevention.
- National Utility Contractors Association (NUCA) of Texas. The Dallas and Fort Worth Area Offices have an Alliance with NUCA that focuses on the prevention of trench hazards for underground utility contractors and excavators. Since signing the Alliance in 2015, participants have provided annual free outdoor trench training in English and Spanish. More than 210 attended the 2017 event.
- T&T Staff Management. The El Paso, Texas Area Office has an Alliance with T&T Staff Management, a temporary staffing agency, which held an event for 175 people in 2017 to support the OSHA National Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction. An OSHA CAS gave a presentation at the event.
Looking Ahead to FY 2018
In FY 2018, OSHA will continue to work with trade associations, professional organizations, governmental entities, businesses, and academia through the Alliance Program to promote workplace safety and health. Working with participants, OSHA will identify opportunities to speak and exhibit about the program and workplace safety and health issues. OSHA and Program participants will also continue to identify training opportunities.
OSHA plans to sign 16 new Alliances and renew Alliances with organizations that remain committed to working with OSHA to address occupational safety and health issues. In the coming year, OSHA will also review the Alliance Program Directive to identify areas of the program that can be enhanced, and will work to more fully integrate participant activity data and information collected at all levels (National, Regional, and Area Office) to present it in a more cohesive format in FY 2018.
The Alliance Program participants will also continue to support the Agency's strategic goals through their expansive dissemination effort, and engagement of members in agency outreach initiatives. Alliance Program partners provided significant support for OSHA's Safe + Sound Campaign and inaugural Safe + Sound Week in FY 2017, and this effort continues to grow in FY 2018. OSHA will introduce several additional outreach initiatives in FY 2018, including a focus on both trenching and grain handling. These efforts will be supported by key Alliance Program participants and other stakeholders. OSHA will also continue to leverage Alliance Program participants' expertise to enhance compliance assistance tools and provide input on OSHA eTools, Safety and Health Topics pages, publications, and training courses.
1 Note that this figure does not represent 5.9 different people. Multiple dissemination activities by an Alliance participant may reach the same group of people. For example, a particular Alliance may send two email blasts on different topics to its 500 stakeholders, which accounts for 1,000 people reached in our calculation.
2 Okun AH, Watkins JP, Schulte PA. Trade associations and labor organizations as intermediaries for disseminating workplace safety and health information. Am J Ind Med. 2017;60:766–775. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajim.22746
3 Note that this figure does not represent 5.9 million different people. Multiple dissemination activities by an Alliance participant may reach the same group of people. For example, a particular Alliance may send two email blasts on different topics to its 500 stakeholders. This counts at 1,000 people reached in our calculation.
4 The numbers include only those Alliance activities in which an OSHA staff person was involved and reported in the OSHA Information System (OIS). There is a small percentage of Regional and Area Office Alliance activities that do not involve an OSHA staff person and are not reflected in these numbers.
Each year, OSHA’s National Alliances reach millions of employers and workers, and many OSHA staff through activities that include dissemination of safety and health information, presentations at conferences and meetings, and training. During the most recent reporting cycle, collectively, OSHA’s National Alliances reached over 1 million employers and workers with information about OSHA’s outreach initiatives, enforcement and rulemaking activities, and new publications and resources. OSHA and its Alliance partners also worked together to provide information to over 7500 attendees at almost 30 meetings and conferences. In addition, Alliance partners provided important technical training to OSHA staff through 26 training seminars that reached almost 600 OSHA staff members.
The following highlights these and other activities of OSHA’s National Alliances in FY 2016. For successes by Regional and Area Office Alliances, see the Regional and State Plan Alliance Success Stories page.
Through the Alliance Program, national Alliance participants developed 25 new products and updated 6 others. These products, which include fact sheets, toolbox talks, and videos, provide information to employers and workers on specific industries or hazards addressed by the Alliances. Alliance participants also translated two products into Spanish. The following are examples of products developed in FY 2016. For a complete listing, see the Alliance Program Participants Developed Products page.
- American Pipeline Contractors Association developed a fact sheet on Best Practice for Cold Weather Awareness (PDF).
- American Staffing Association developed a video on the safety and health obligations of host employers that use temporary workers from staffing firms.
- American Staffing Association and National Safety Council developed a case study (PDF) that provides practical information for staffing companies and host employers to better protect temporary workers from workplace injuries, and understand which party is responsible for recording injuries on the OSHA Form 300 injury and illness log.
- Joint Commission and Joint Commission Resources published a series of articles in its Environment of Care publication, including: Assault Halt: OSHA and The Joint Commission Offer Guidance and Resources to Curb Workplace Violence (PDF) and Helping Health Care Workers to Breathe Easy: OSHA updates TB enforcement instruction (PDF).
- National Association of Women in Construction developed a handout in English (PDF); Spanish (PDF) on portable toilet and sanitation best practices for women in construction.
- National Association of Landscape Professionals developed a card (PDF) to help landscaping irrigation crews safely transport chemicals.
- National Service, Transmission, Exploration & Production Safety (STEPS) Network and National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health developed a Hot Work in Oilfields Hazard Alert (PDF) that has been distributed to thousands of employers and workers in the oil and gas extraction industry.
- Scaffold & Access Industry Association developed fact sheets on Aerial Work Platform (AWP) Safety Devices (PDF) and Selecting and Implementing a Fall Protection System for an AWP (PDF).
- Sealant Waterproofing and Restoration Institute developed a series of toolbox talks, including Protective Clothing (PDF) and Silica (PDF).
Training for OSHA Staff
Through the Alliance Program, national Alliance participants provided 21 free training sessions in FY 2016 for 293 representatives from federal OSHA, state OSHA agencies, and On-site Consultation programs. For example:
- Altec Industries, Inc. continued its series of free best practice seminars on the safe operation of various types of equipment. Altec provided training on tree care aerial equipment and wood chipper devices for Washington state OSHA staff in March 2016. Altec provided mobile crane training for OSHA Region 1 in May 2016 and training on tree care aerial equipment and wood chipper devices for Mississippi Consultation Program in August 2016.
- Global Cold Chain Alliance (GCCA) continued its series of educational training sessions focusing on industrial ammonia refrigeration systems. GCCA provided training for OSHA Region 4 in February 2016.
- Laser Institute of America (LIA) continued its series of free best practice seminars on laser safety. LIA provided training for OSHA Region 4 in February 2016 and for OSHA Region 3 in June 2016.
- Industrial Truck Association (ITA) continued it series of free best practice seminars on forklift safety. ITA provided training for OSHA Region 8 in June 2016, for OSHA Region 5 in July 2016, and for OSHA Region 7 in August 2016.
- Scaffold & Access Industry Association (SAIA) continued its series of free best practices seminars on mast climber work platforms. SAIA provided training for OSHA Region 9 in April 2016.
- United States Institute for Theatre Technology (USITT) and the International Alliance of the Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Picture Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts of the United States, its Territories and Canada, AFL-CIO, CLC (IATSE) provided training on safety and health issues in the entertainment industry for OSHA Regions 2 and 3 in April 2016 and for Region 2 in May 2016.
Other Training
Alliance participants also provide free training to workers, employers, and others. For example:
- Independent Electrical Contractors sponsored a webinar on OSHA’s new silica standard in June 2016 for 150 participants.
- National Safety Council sponsored a webinar on OSHA’s new silica standard in April 2016 for 250 participants.
Support for Key OSHA Initiatives
In addition to developing products and providing training, OSHA’s national Alliances took other measures to support OSHA’s key initiatives. For example:
- Several Alliances agreed to be co-sponsors of OSHA’s Safe & Sounds Campaign for safety and health programs, including American Industrial Hygiene Association, American Pipeline Contractors Association, American Society of Safety Engineers, Coordinating Committee for Automotive Repair, Independent Electrical Contractors, Laser Safety Institute, National Safety Council, National Association of Women in Construction, National Service, Transmission, Exploration & Production Safety Network, Scaffold & Access Industry Association, and United States Institute for Theatre Technology.
- Several Alliances supported OSHA’s 2016 campaign to prevent falls in construction. For example:
- The Sealant Waterproofing and Restoration Institute worked with 38 member companies to have their own stand-down that reached more than 7,700 employees.
- In May 2016, the Scaffold & Access Industry Association partnered with other organizations in the Houston area for a Fall Prevention Safety Day.
- Lamar Outdoor Advertising provided free billboards to promote OSHA’s 2016 fall prevention stand-down.
- American Staffing Association provided feedback on OSHA’s temporary worker bulletins and promoted them on its Web site and publications.
- The Alliance Program’s Construction Roundtable met twice in FY 2016. During the year, the Roundtable participants:
- Developed a white paper on Proposed Strategies to More Effectively Reach Small Contractors in Residential Construction and a New Construction Employee Safety Orientation Checklist.
- Developed a short course on designing for construction safety, with both instructor (PDF) and participant (PDF) guides. The course provides employers, contractors, owners, design/build firms, engineers, architects, and others with information on how to recognize and anticipate construction hazards, and how to eliminate those hazards with construction design features.
- Developed a design solution (PDF) focusing on horizontal grab bars on ladders in an effort to prevent falls.
- National Service, Transmission, Exploration & Production Safety (STEPS) Network and National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health held a “Step Up for Safety” stand-down event in the spring of 2016 for employers and workers in the oil and gas extraction industry. Over 8,700 workers were trained, 3,200 jobsite inspections were conducted, and 5,000 hazards were identified.
The following highlights some of the successes of OSHA’s national Alliances in FY 2015. For successes by Regional and Area Office Alliances, see the Regional and State Plan State Success Stories page.
Through the Alliance Program, national Alliance participants develop 39 products such as fact sheets, toolbox talks, and videos to provide information to employers and workers on specific industries or hazards covered by the Alliances. Alliance participants also translated 10 products into Spanish. The following are examples of products developed in FY 2015. For a complete listing, see the Alliance Program Participants Developed Products page.
- Airline Ground Safety Panel (AGSP). Developed several fact sheets and toolbox talks that provide best practices for keeping ground crew workers safe on the job, including: Pushback Vehicles Fact Sheet: Preventing Caught In Between Injuries and Pushback Vehicles Fact Sheet: Preventing Struck By Injuries.
- Joint Commission and Joint Commission Resources. Published a series of articles in its Environment of Care publication, including: Guidelines for Zero Tolerance: New OSHA Publication Helps Prevent Violence in the Health Care Setting (PDF) and Protecting Temporary Workers: Personnel Safety in the Health Care Setting (PDF).
- National Association of Landscape Professionals. Developed publications to help protect landscape workers, including Mower and Hedge Trimmer Safety in English (PDF) and Spanish (PDF).
- National Service, Transmission, Exploration & Production Safety (STEPS) Network and National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Developed a Tank Gauging Hazard Alert (PDF) that has been distributed to thousands of employers and workers in the oil and gas extraction industry.
- Society for Chemical Hazard Communication. Developed several information sheets that provide guidance on the revised hazard communication standard, including: Corrosive to Metal and Flammable Gases.
Training for OSHA Staff
Through the Alliance Program, national Alliance participants provide 15 free training sessions in FY 2015 for 242 representatives from federal OSHA, state OSHA agencies, and On-site Consultation programs. For example:
- Altec Industries, Inc.. Continued its series of free best practice seminars on the safe operation of various types of equipment. On March 24, 2015, Altec provided mobile crane training for OSHA Region 6. On June 10-11, 2015, Altec provided training on mobile cranes, insulated aerial devices, and digger derricks for OSHA national office and Maryland OSHA staff. On August 4-5, 2015, Altec provided mobile crane training for OSHA national office and Maryland OSHA staff.
- Fertilizer Safety and Health Partners. Provided Responsible Ag training and a facility tour on July 30, 2015 for participants from federal OSHA, state OSHA agencies, and other federal agencies. Training focused on safe storage and handling of fertilizers (and regulatory compliance) at agricultural retail facilities.
- Laser Safety Institute (LIA). Continued its series of free best practice seminars on laser safety. LIA provided training for OSHA Region 4 on May 21, 2015, and for OSHA Region 9 on October 24, 2014 and March 11, 2015.
- Industrial Truck Association (ITA). Continued it series of free best practice seminars on forklift safety. On May 13, 2015, ITA conducted a seminar in York, Pennsylvania for OSHA Region 3. ITA conducted a seminar in Nashville, Tennessee for OSHA Region 4 on August 12 and August 13, 2015.
Other Training
Alliance participants also provide free training to workers, employers, and others. For example:
- Society for Chemical Hazard Communication. Hosted a webinar on September 9, 2015 on "Hazard Communication 2012: Inspection Procedures for the Hazard Communication Standard: CPL 02-02-079." More than 2,000 people viewed the webinar. The transcript is available on the SCHC Web page.
Support for Key OSHA Initiatives
In addition to developing products and providing training, OSHA’s national Alliances took other measures to support OSHA’s key initiatives. For example:
- Airline Ground Safety Panel (AGSP) developed a heat stress toolbox talk.
- American Staffing Association. Provided feedback on two new OSHA temporary worker bulletins (personal protective equipment, whistleblower protection) and promoted them on its Web site and publications.
- Lamar Outdoor Advertising. Supported OSHA’s 2015 fall prevention campaign with 20 print billboards reaching almost 1 million views and 13 additional digital boards. Lamar also provided Kentucky with 7 billboards with an estimated 220,000 views.
- National Association of Landscape Professionals. Promoted OSHA’s heat app in its newsletters and other publications to support OSHA’s heat illness prevention campaign.
Figure 1: Alliance Program Participants, FY 2005 – FY 2020 (Text Version)
Chart Title: OSHA Alliances/Ambassadors by Fiscal Year (as of September 30, 2020)
Chart Type: Line Plot
Chart Elements: 15 plots - 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020, with the cumulative number of Total, Regional/Area Office and National Active Alliances/Ambassadors.
Total Alliances/Ambassadors
- 2005 = 346
- 2006 = 390
- 2007 = 405
- 2008 = 432
- 2009 = 383
- 2010 = 327
- 2011 = 296
- 2012 = 301
- 2013 = 289
- 2014 = 264
- 2015 = 229
- 2016 = 237
- 2017 = 233
- 2018 = 244
- 2019 = 241
- 2020 = 232
Regional/Area Office Alliances/Ambassadors
- 2005 = 279
- 2006 = 321
- 2007 = 340
- 2008 = 367
- 2009 = 331
- 2010 = 286
- 2011 = 259
- 2012 = 265
- 2013 = 255
- 2014 = 230
- 2015 = 200
- 2016 = 207
- 2017 = 202
- 2018 = 211
- 2019 = 205
- 2020 = 195
National Alliances/Ambassadors
- 2005 = 67
- 2006 = 69
- 2007 = 65
- 2008 = 65
- 2009 = 52
- 2010 = 41
- 2011 = 37
- 2012 = 36
- 2013 = 34
- 2014 = 34
- 2015 = 29
- 2016 = 30
- 2017 = 31
- 2018 = 33
- 2019 = 36
- 2020 = 37
Figure 2: Distribution of Alliance Program Participants by Emphasis Area (Text Version)
Chart Title: OSHA Alliances/Ambassadors by Focus Area (as of September 30, 2020)
Chart Type: Column
Chart Elements: 7 categories - Construction, Hispanic Workers, Youth, Small Business, Chemicals, Oil and Gas, and Healthcare with the cumulative number of Total Active Alliances/Ambassadors = 232.*
Number of Active Alliances/Ambassadors
- Construction = 115
- Hispanic Workers = 64
- Youth = 40
- Small Business = 24
- Chemicals = 22
- Oil and Gas = 19
- Healthcare = 14
* The sum of the focus areas may not equal the total number of Alliances because Alliances can have multiple focus areas and some focus areas are not shown.
Figure 3: Distribution of Alliance Program Participants by Organization Type (Text Version)
Chart Title: OSHA Alliances/Ambassadors by Signatory Type (as of September 30, 2020)
Chart Type: Column
Chart Elements: 8 categories - Trade Associations, Consulates, Consultation Program, Professional Societies, Unions, State OSHA, Government Agency, and Community/Faith-Based with the cumulative number of Total Active Alliances = 232*.
Number of Active Alliances/Ambassadors
- Trade Associations = 89
- Consulates = 32
- Consultation Programs = 29
- Professional Societies = 23
- State OSHA = 21
- Unions = 20
- Government Agency = 13
- Community/Faith-Based = 3
* The sum of the signatory types may not equal the total number of Alliances because Alliances can have multiple signatory types and some signatory types are not shown.
Figure 1: Alliance Program Participants, FY 2002 – FY 2019 (Text Version)
Chart Title: OSHA Alliances by Fiscal Year (as of September 30, 2019)
Chart Type: Line Plot
Chart Elements: 17 plots – 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013,
2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019, with the cumulative number of Total, Regional/Area Office and National Active Alliances.
Total Alliances:
- 2003 = 106
- 2004 = 242
- 2005 = 346
- 2006 = 390
- 2007 = 405
- 2008 = 432
- 2009 = 383
- 2010 = 327
- 2011 = 296
- 2012 = 301
- 2013 = 289
- 2014 = 264
- 2015 = 229
- 2016 = 237
- 2017 = 233
- 2018 = 245
- 2019 = 244
Regional/Area Office Alliances:
- 2003 = 69
- 2004 = 175
- 2005 = 279
- 2006 = 321
- 2007 = 340
- 2008 = 367
- 2009 = 331
- 2010 = 286
- 2011 = 259
- 2012 = 265
- 2013 = 255
- 2014 = 230
- 2015 = 200
- 2016 = 207
- 2017 = 202
- 2018 = 212
- 2019 = 208
National Alliances:
- 2003 = 37
- 2004 = 67
- 2005 = 67
- 2006 = 69
- 2007 = 65
- 2008 = 65
- 2009 = 52
- 2010 = 41
- 2011 = 37
- 2012 = 36
- 2013 = 34
- 2014 = 34
- 2015 = 29
- 2016 = 30
- 2017 = 31
- 2018 = 33
- 2019 = 36
Figure 2: Distribution of Alliance Program Participants by Emphasis Area (Text Version)
Chart Title: OSHA Alliances by Focus Area (as of September 30, 2019)
Chart Type: Column
Chart Elements: 7 categories - Construction, Hispanic Workers, Youth, Small Business, Chemicals, Oil and Gas, and Healthcare with the cumulative number of Total Active Alliances = 244*.
Number of Active Alliances/Ambassadors
- Construction = 124
- Hispanic Workers = 66
- Youth = 31
- Small Business = 25
- Chemicals = 23
- Oil and Gas = 20
- Healthcare = 15
*The sum of the focus areas may not equal the total number of Alliances because Alliances can have multiple focus areas and some focus areas are not shown.
Figure 3: Distribution of Alliance Program Participants by Organization Type (Text Version)
Chart Title: OSHA Alliances by Signatory Type (as of September 30, 2019)
Chart Type: Column
Chart Elements: 8 categories - Trade Associations, Consulates, Consultation Program, Professional Societies, Unions, State OSHA, Government Agency, and Community/Faith-Based with the cumulative number of Total Active Alliances = 244*.
Number of Active Alliances/Ambassadors
- Trade Associations = 96
- Consulates = 34
- Unions = 31
- Consultation Programs = 27
- Professional Societies = 24
- State OSHA = 18
- Government Agency = 13
- Community/Faith-Based = 4
*The sum of the signatory types may not equal the total number of Alliances because Alliances can have multiple signatory types and some signatory types are not shown.