Making the Cuts » Kinds of Notches


Open-faced Notch

Open-faced Notch
Click here to learn how
to cut an Open-faced Notch

Conventional Notch

Conventional Notch
Click here to learn how
to cut a Conventional Notch

Humbolt Notch

Humbolt Notch
Click here to learn how
to cut a Humbolt Notch

Total angle ideally 90 degrees; at least 70 degrees 45 degrees 45 degrees
Top Cut angled downward 70 degrees angled downward 45 degrees flat horizontal
Bottom Cut angled upward 20 degrees flat horizontal angled upward 45 degrees
Back Cut horizontal; at the same height as the corner of the notch horizontal; at least 1 inch above the bottom cut horizontal; at least 1 inch above the top cut
Depth 1/4 - 1/3 of tree diameter 1/4 - 1/3 of tree diameter 1/4 - 1/3 of tree diameter
Point of notch closure just before tree hits ground middle of fall middle of fall
Degree of safety high medium medium

greater accuracy of felling into target area

hinge stays intact until tree hits ground

less danger of kickback and other out-of-control movement

familiar to many loggers

saves slightly more wood

familiar to many loggers

Disadvantages hinge may have to be cut off hinge breaks early hinge breaks early