Cleaning and Other Cold Work Hotwork (including Welding, Cutting and Heating) Hotwork (including Welding, Cutting and Heating) Surface Preparation Painting and Other Coatings Confined or Enclosed Spaces and Other Dangerous Atmospheres Scaffolds (Staging) Ladders Electrical Circuits and Distribution Boards Access and Guarding of Work Surfaces Materials Handling (including Gear and Equipment) Pressure Vessels, Drums and Containers Electrical Circuits and Distribution Boards Electrical Circuits and Distribution Boards Electrical Circuits and Distribution Boards Tools and Related Equipment Surface Preparation Machinery and Piping Systems

Cleaning and Other Cold Work, Hotwork (including Welding, Cutting and Heating), Painting and Other Coatings, Confined or Enclosed Spaces and Other Dangerous Atmospheres, Scaffolds (Staging), Ladders, Access and Guarding of Work Surfaces, Materials Handling (including Gear and Equipment), Pressure Vessels, Drums and Containers, Electrical Circuits and Distribution Boards, Tools and Related Equipment, Surface Preparation, Machinery and Piping Systems

After adequate tests and visual inspections have been performed and precautions taken, there are still numerous hazards inherent in much of the work performed. OSHA requires specific safety practices to ensure that spaces can be entered safely. For more specific information, refer to the following sections: