Enforcement Memos

Enforcement memos may provide agency policies and/or supplementary enforcement guidance, and some memos may include an interpretation of an OSHA standard or the OSH Act. These memos are collected by topic on this webpage. Memos that provide new or revised agency policies are signed by the Assistant Secretary, and those providing only supplementary enforcement guidance are signed by one or more Program Office Directors. The enforcement memos that provide interpretations of an OSHA standard or the OSH Act are also posted chronologically on the OSHA webpage for Standard Interpretations.

Aircraft Flight Attendants

Annual Appropriations Exemptions

Beryllium Standards

Combustible Dust

COVID-19, Novel Coronavirus

Electric Power Standards

Emphasis Program Development


Incentive Programs/Disincentives

Medical and First Aid

Penalties and Citation Policies

Rope Descent Systems

Training Must Be Understandable

Tree Care Industry

Worker Walkaround/Employee Representation During OSHA Inspections