Enforcement Memos
Enforcement memos may provide agency policies and/or supplementary enforcement guidance, and some memos may include an interpretation of an OSHA standard or the OSH Act. These memos are collected by topic on this webpage. Memos that provide new or revised agency policies are signed by the Assistant Secretary, and those providing only supplementary enforcement guidance are signed by one or more Program Office Directors. The enforcement memos that provide interpretations of an OSHA standard or the OSH Act are also posted chronologically on the OSHA webpage for Standard Interpretations.
Aircraft Flight Attendants
- - Applicability of Certain OSHA Standards to Cabin Crew Members on Aircraft in Operation - [1910.95; 1910.1030; 1910.1200]
Annual Appropriations Exemptions
- - Interim Enforcement Procedures for New Recordkeeping Requirements Under 29 CFR 1904.35 - [1904.35; 1904.41]
Beryllium Standards
- - Interim Enforcement Guidance for the 2020 Final Beryllium Standards - [1910.1024; 1915.1024; 1926.1124]
Combustible Dust
- - Evaluating Hazardous Levels of Accumulation Depth for Combustible Dusts - [1910.22; 1910.22(a)(1); 1910.22(a)(2); 1910.176; 1910.176(c)]
COVID-19, Novel Coronavirus
- - Enforcement Stay of the COVID-19 Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements under 29 CFR 1910.502 - [1904; 1910.502; 1910.502(q)(2)(ii); 1910.502(q)(3)(ii); 1910.502(q)(3)(iii); 1910.502(q)(3)(iv)]
Cranes and Derricks
Electric Power Standards
- - Enforcement of minimum approach distance requirements in 29 CFR 1910.269 and 29 CFR Part 1926, Subpart V - [1910.269; 1910.269(a)(3); 1910.269(l)(3); 1926.960; 1926.960(c)(1)]
Emphasis Program Development
Enforcement Weighting System
- - Inspection Guidance for Animal Slaughtering and Processing Establishments - [Section 5(a)(1)] - [1903.8; 1904; 1910 Subpart E; 1910.95; 1910.111; 1910.119; 1910.132; 1910.141; 1910.147; 1910.212; 1910.1000; 1910.1200; 1913.10 ]
- - Inspection Guidance for Inpatient Healthcare Settings - [Section 5(a)(1)] - [1904 - Table of Contents; 1910.23; 1910.132; 1910.1030; 1910.1200; 1913.10 ]
Hazardous Machinery
Incentive Programs/Disincentives
Injury and Illness Reports
- - Update to Enforcement Procedures for Failure to Submit Electronic Illness and Injury Records under 29 CFR 1904.41(a)(1) and (a)(2) - [1904.41; 1904.41(a)(1); 1904.41(a)(2); 1904.41(c); 1904 Subpart E App A; 1904 Subpart E App B]
Medical and First Aid
- - Enforcement Guidance Under OSHA's Recordkeeping Regulation When First Aid, Active Release Techniques (ART), and Exercise/Stretching Are Used to Treat Musculoskeletal Injuries and Illnesses - [1904; 1904.4; 1904.7; 1904.8; 1904.9; 1904.10; 1904.11; 1904.46; 1910.151]
- - Cyanide Antidotes - [1910.126(e); 1910.151; 1910.151(a); 1910.1000]
Penalties and Citation Policies
- - Instance-by-Instance Citation Policy for Serious, Repeat, and Other-Than-Serious Violations - [1910.9(b); 1910.9(a); 1910.95(g)(6); 1910.133(a)(1); 1910.134(a)(2); 1910.147(c)(4)(i); 1910.147(d)(1); 1910.147(d)(2); 1910.147(d)(3); 1910.147(d)(4); 1910.147(d)(5); 1910.147(d)(6); 1910.147(c)(7)(i)(A); 1910.212(a)(1); 1910.217(c)(1)(i); 1910.1025(f)(1); 1910.1053(e)(4); 1926.20(f)(1); 1926.20(f)(2); 1926.451(b)(1); 1926.760(a)(1)]
Process Safety Management (PSM)
- - RAGAGEP in Process Safety Management Enforcement - [1910.119]
Rope Descent Systems
- - Enforcement Guidance for General Industry Rope Descent System (RDS) Anchorage Requirements (29 CFR 1910.27(b)(1)) - [1910.21(b); 1910.27(b)(1); 1910.27(b)(1)(i); 1910.27(b)(1)(ii); 1910.27(b)(1)(iii); 1910.27(b)(2)(iv); 1910.30; 1910 Subpart B; 1910 Subpart D]
Silica, Crystalline
Training Must Be Understandable
- - OSHA Training Standards Policy Statements - [1910.134(k); 1910.147(c); 1910.1030(g); 1910.1200(h); 1926.21]
Tree Care Industry
Worker Walkaround/Employee Representation During OSHA Inspections
- - Interim Guidance for Worker Walkaround Representative Designation Process - [1903; 1903.8(c)]