Sawmills » Chemicals/Toxins Images

Paint spray area for painting lumber package ends.
Paint spray area for painting lumber package ends.
Chemical treatment of lumber.
Chemical treatment of lumber.
Fan in spray area.
Fan in spray area.
Inadequate exhaust hood for babbit operation in file room.
Inadequate exhaust hood for babbit operation in file room.
Eye wash.
Eye wash.
Babbit area in file room. Poor housekeeping: Babbit pot without temperature gauge, also not in ventilated area.
Babbit area in file room. Poor housekeeping: Babbit pot without temperature gauge, also not in ventilated area.
Dye storage container.
Dye storage container.
Dye solution for marking lumber.
Dye solution for marking lumber.
Damaged asbestos pipe lagging in sawmill basement.
Damaged asbestos pipe lagging in sawmill basement.
Close-up view of damaged asbestos pipe lagging in sawmill basement.
Close-up view of damaged asbestos pipe lagging in sawmill basement.
Improper storage area for paint.
Improper storage area for paint.
Boiler water treatment chemicals.
Boiler water treatment chemicals.