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Plant-Wide Hazards » Lockout/Tagout
>> Lockout/Tagout
Workers performing service or maintenance on machinery and equipment may be exposed to injuries from the unexpected energization, startup of the machinery or equipment, or release of stored energy in the equipment.
The Lockout/Tagout standard 29 CFR 1910.147 requires the adoption and implementation of practices and procedures to shut down equipment, isolate it from its energy source(s), and prevent the release of potentially hazardous energy while maintenance and service activities are performed. It contains minimum performance requirements and definitive criteria for establishing an effective program for the control of hazardous energy. However, employers have the flexibility to develop lockout/tagout programs that are suitable for their respective facilities.

Workers may be injured by equipment if it is not properly shut off and locked or tagged out. For more information, see Lockout/Tagout.
Provide a means to block, chain, or otherwise secure equipment normally supported by hydraulic pressure so as to provide for safe maintenance. 1910.265(c)(13)
A worker risks injury by putting his hands in the saw that is shut down but not locked out. Means shall be provided to positively block the hoisting platform when employees must go beneath the stacker or unstacker hoist. 1910.265(c)(26)(iii)
Main control switches shall be so designed that they can be locked in the open position. 1910.265(c)(26)(v)