Green Job Hazards

Green Job Hazards Menu Workers' Rights

Recycling: Paper

Worker Fatalities
  • A worker was crushed when attempting to fix a jam in a baling machine and a co-worker accidentally activated the compactor.

  • A worker at a paper recycling facility was crushed between a forklift's cage and mast.

  • At a facility that had a pit in a floor opening for the loading chamber of a baling machine, a worker was crushed to death when he fell in the pit and co-workers, not knowing he was in the chamber, activated the machine.

Working with paper may not immediately seem obvious as a dangerous activity, but the machinery used in transporting, compacting and baling paper can be fatal. Workers also face potential crushing hazards from improperly stacked materials and combustible materials.

Hazards and Precautions

The UK’s Health and Safety Executive has a thorough publication providing guidance for hazards and protections for the recovered paper industry.

Worker Fatalities
  • A worker was crushed when attempting to fix a jam in a baling machine and a co-worker accidentally activated the compactor.

  • A worker at a paper recycling facility was crushed between a forklift's cage and mast.

  • At a facility that had a pit in a floor opening for the loading chamber of a baling machine, a worker was crushed to death when he fell in the pit and co-workers, not knowing he was in the chamber, activated the machine.