Green Job Hazards

Green Job Hazards Menu Workers' Rights

Solar Energy: Personal Protective Equipment

Using personal protective equipment is often essential, but it is generally the last line of defense after engineering controls, work practices, and administrative controls. Solar energy employers must assess their workplace to determine if hazards are present that require the use of protective equipment. Solar energy workers can be exposed to many hazards that may require the use of safety glasses, hard hats, gloves, respirators, or other personal protective equipment used to protect against injuries and illnesses. Workers exposed to potential electrical hazards must be provided with appropriate electrical protective equipment, and workers must use them. Electrical protective equipment must be maintained in a safe and reliable condition. They must be periodically inspected or tested.

The PPE Assessment Tool and PPE Fact Sheet provides additional information on selection and use of personal protective equipment.

The Eye and Face Protection safety and health topics page is another source for information.