Sawmills eTool
Health Hazards » Diesel Exhaust
>> Diesel Exhaust
Diesel exhaust is a combination mixture of gases, vapors and liquid aerosols. The main component of chain saw exhaust emissions are hydrocarbons. Breathing in these diesel fumes can cause adverse health effects.
Irritation of eyes, nose and throat
Dizziness (lightheadedness)
Nausea (feeling sick to stomach)
Drowsiness (feeling sleepy)
Increased susceptibility to bacterial or viral respiratory infections
Persistent cough
Lung cancer
Lack of coordination
Blood disorders
- Inspect and maintain saws and power equipment routinely.
Turn off engines when not in use. Discourage idling of equipment.
Rotate jobs.
Use emission control devices such as collection, scrubbers, or ceramic particle traps.
Replace diesel engines with propane-burning engines when possible. Propane burns more completely and more cleanly than diesel fuel.
Provide suitable gloves for workers who handle hot and cold diesel fuel.
Encourage workers to wash hands and face before eating or drinking.
Wear long shirts and pants to prevent skin contact with fuel oil.