Sawmills eTool
Health Hazards » Vibration
>> Vibration
Chainsaws produce high levels of vibration, which can cause permanent damage to hands and arms. The risk of developing hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS) is dependent on the following factors:
- vibration levels,
- length of time the saw is used,
- position and grips of the saw, and
coldness and wetness of the environment and the worker.
Exposure to HAVS could produce several adverse health effects such as the following:
- circulatory disturbances, such as vibration white finger (VWF),
- sensory nerve damage, and
muscle, bone and joint injury.
Intermittent (comes and goes) tingling (needles and pins sensation) of one or more fingers.
Blanching (white-color) of fingertips.
Pain in fingers that subsides in a short time.
Loss of sense of touch or numbness.
Blanching of entire fingers.
Loss of grip strength in hand and fingers.
Severe pain in fingers.
Carpal tunnel syndrome or pressure on nerves in a wrist.
Pain and loss of strength in arms.
Loss of finger dexterity or coordination.

Choose chain saws with the lowest vibration level suitable for the job.
Allow adequate rest periods.
Rotate jobs.
Wear warm gloves when in cold temperatures, or anti-vibration gloves.
Perform routine chain saw maintenance.
Instruct workers not to grip saws too tightly.
Remind workers that smoking decreases blood flow to fingers.
Advise workers to exercise hands and fingers frequently to increase blood flow.
Educate workers and supervisors about vibration hazards and encourage them to report signs and symptoms of HAVS.