Sawmills eTool
Saws » Edgers
Edgers are used to straighten and smooth rough lumber and/or bowed stock by making a cut along the sides of the boards. The result of this process is a straight edge along the stock.

Contact with the moving blade or machinery may occur.

Where vertical arbor edger saws are located ahead of the main saw, guard the saws so that an employee cannot contact any part of the edger saw from his/her normal position. 1910.265(e)(5)(i)(a)

Edgers must not be located in the main roll case behind the head saws. 1910.265(e)(5)(i)(b)
The top and the openings in end and side frames of edgers must be adequately guarded and gears and chains must be fully housed. Guards may be hinged or otherwise arranged to permit oiling and the removal of saws. 1910.265(e)(5)(ii)(a)
Pressure feed rolls on edgers must be guarded against accidental contact. 1910.265(e)(5)(ii)(c)

Logs may kick back and strike the operator.
All edgers must be equipped with pressure feed rolls. 1910.265(e)(5)(ii)(b)
Provide edgers with safety fingers or other approved methods of preventing kickbacks. A properly fenced off barricade, in line with the edger, may be used if safety fingers are not feasible to install. 1910.265(e)(5)(iii)(a)
Outfeed from top arbor edger. Notice the lack of barriers to protect from wood that is ejected from saws. Install a controlling device so that the operator can stop the feed mechanism without releasing the tension of the pressure rolls. 1910.265(e)(5)(iii)(b)
View of worn and unevenly spaced anti-kickback fingers Operating speed of live rolls. Do not operate live rolls and tailing devices at a speed less than the speed of the edger feed rolls. 1910.265(e)(5)(iv)