Sawmills eTool
Saws » Resaws
A resaw is a band, circular, or sash gang saw used to break down slabs, cants, or flitches into lumber. Band resaws must meet the specifications for band head saws as required by 1910.265(e)(3)(i). Sash gang resaws must meet the safety specifications of whole-log sash gang saws. 1910.265(e)(3)(iii)

Contact with the moving blade or machinery may occur.
Banks of circular gang resaws must be guarded by a hood. 1910.265(e)(3)(ii)(a)
Logs may kick back and strike the operator.
Use safety fingers or other anti-kickback devices on circular gang resaws. 1910.265(e)(3)(ii)(b)
Do not operate circular gang resaws at speeds exceeding those recommended by the manufacturer. 1910.265(e)(3)(ii)(c)
Feed rolls must be guarded. 1910.265(e)(3)(ii)(e)
Provide spreaders with each circular gang resaw, except self-feed saws with a live roll or wheel at back of saw. 1910.265(e)(3)(ii)(f)