# Standard Interpretations
1 - 1910.119 - Inspection Guidance for Animal Slaughtering and Processing Establishments
2 - 1910.119 - Clarification on terms used in OSHA's PSM standard
3 - 1910.119 - PSM Coverage of LNG Facilities
4 - 1910.119, 1910.119(a) - OSHA PSM and Explosives Standards as They Relate to the DOT Classification "Not in the Explosive Class"
5 - 1910.119, 1910.119(a), 1910.119(d)(3)(ii) - PSM and Aerosol (Flammable Gas) Containers Stored in Warehouses/Distribution Centers
6 - 1910.119, 1910.119(a), 1910.119(b) - Production facilities that recover natural gas liquids may have enforceable PSM-covered processes
7 - 1910.119 - Flammable Liquid Processing Letter
8 - 1910.119 - Memorandum to Regional Administrators – Process Safety Management Retail Exemption Enforcement Policy
9 - 1910.119 - What constitutes an emergency response or incidental release of anhydrous ammonia
10 - 1910.119 - Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals and Covered Concentrations of Listed Appendix A Chemicals
11 - 1910.119 - RAGAGEP in Process Safety Management Enforcement
12 - 1910.119 - Recognized and Generally Accepted Good Engineering Practices in Process Safety Management Enforcement
13 - 1910.119 - Boundaries of a PSM-Covered Process that Includes the Storage of Cylinders of HHCs (Anhydrous Hydrogen Fluoride)
14 - 1910.119 - Clarification of the term "hydrocarbon" as used in the PSM standard.
15 - 1910.119 - Training requirements for mechanics repairing and/or testing pressure relief devices.
16 - 1910.119, 1910.119(j)(4)(iv) - Is reassembly of a cylinder valve a mechanical integrity activity?
17 - 1910.119 - Numerous questions related to OSHA's notice to terminate the rulemaking to amend the explosives standard.
18 - 1910.119 - PSM and large batch-mixing tanks
19 - 1910.119, 1910.119(a)(1)(ii) - PSM for pharmaceutical plant
20 - 1910.119 - Flame-resistant and flame-retardant treated clothing for oil and gas well drilling, servicing, and production-related operations
21 - 1910.119 - Clarification of term "Active Hydrocarbon Zone" as it relates to the oil and gas well drilling operations; and the need to use FRC when performing drilling operations
22 - 1910.119, 1910.119(d)(3), 1910.119(e), 1910.119(j), 1910.119(l) - "Applicability of the PSM standard's mechanical intergrity requirements to refinery structures."
23 - 1910.119, 1910.119(a)(1)(ii), 1910.119(b) - Determining when a mixture would exceed the threshold quantity in a covered process.
24 - 1910.119 - Management of Organizational Change
25 - 1910.119, 1910.119(a)(2)(ii), 1910.119(b) - Extent of OSHA's jurisdiction over worksites involving geological and underground storage facilities for gas and hazardous liquids.
26 - 1910.119, 1910.119(a)(1)(i), 1910.119(a)(1)(ii), 1910.119(b), 1910.119(j)(1) - PSM coverage of utility systems; whether 1910.269 preempts the PSM standard for power generation facilities that serve covered processes.
27 - 1910.119 - Pressure vessels used at oil and gas extraction/production facilities and applicability of 29 CFR 1910.106
28 - 1910.119, 1910.119(d)(3)(i), 1910.119(d)(3)(ii), 1910.119(e)(3), 1910.119(j)(6)(i), 1910.119(j)(6)(ii), 1910.119(k)(2), 1910.119(l)(2)(i), 1910.119(l)(4), 1910.119(l)(5), 1910.119(m)(3), 1910.119(o)(1) - PSM compliance for ammonia refrigeration systems.
29 - 1910.119, 1910.119(f)(1)(iii)(B), 1910.119(h)(2), 1910.119(h)(3), 1910.119(j)(2) - Requirement for flame-resistant clothing in petrochemical plant covered by PSM.
30 - 1910.119 - Use of ANSI/ISA S84.00.01-2004 Parts 1-3 (IEC 61511 MOD) to comply with OSHA's Process Safety Management standard
31 - 1910.119, 1910.119(b) - Evaluation of scenarios regarding PSM requirements related to normally unoccupied remote facilities and natural gas processing plants (gas plant).
32 - 1910.119, 1910.119(e), 1910.119(e)(3) - Documentation methods used to comply with the qualitative evaluation of a range of possible safety/health effects of "failure of controls" requirement of the PSM standard.
33 - 1910.119, 1910.119(d)(3)(i) - Process safety information for ventilation system design.
34 - 1910.119, 1910.119(a)(1)(ii)(B) - OSHA enforcement policy of the PSM standard distilleries and related facilities in SIC 2085.
35 - 1910.119, 1910.119(a)(1)(ii)(B) - Clarification of PSM applicability to processes that are based partly or solely on quantities in connected atmospheric storage tanks.
36 - 1910.119, 1910.119(a)(1)(ii)(B), 1910.119(b), 1910.119(o) - PSM applicability to warehousing flammable liquids and other HHCs.
37 - 1910.119, 1910.119(a)(1)(ii)(B), 1910.119(e) - Applicability of the PSM standard to a flammable liquid manufacturing process.
38 - 1910.119 - Applicability of PSM standard to explosive and pyrotechnic manufacturing.
39 - 1910.119 - Electrical hazardous area classification drawings in the workplace.
40 - 1910.119 - Sodium Azide as Used in the Manufacturing Process of Automobile Air Bags.
41 - 1910.119 - 1910.119 does not apply to public displays of flame effects.
42 - 1910.119 - The Process Safety Management Standard.
43 - 1910.119 - Akzo-Nobel Chemicals - Limits of a Process
44 - 1910.119 - Response regarding the application of the OSHA Process Safety Management Standard to utility LPG distribution facilities.
45 - 1910.119 - Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals and process hazard analyses.
46 - 1910.119 - Clarification on the documentation of inspections and tests required under the mechanical integrity provisions.
47 - 1910.119 - Voluntary safety and health audits under the Occupational Safety and Health Act
48 - 1910.119 - Process Safety Management of highly hazardous chemicals standard.
49 - 1910.119 - Worker protection for employees incinerating hazardous waste on cement plant property.
50 - 1910.119 - Process safety management at what point a work site change would no longer be considered a modification but a new facility.
51 - 1910.119 - OSHA's Standard Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals.
52 - 1910.119 - Carburization process and the applicability of Process Safety Management for Highly Hazardous Chemicals.
53 - 1910.119 - Challenge Testing as a Substitute for Annual Refresher Training.
54 - 1910.119 - The (PSM) for Highly Hazardous Chemicals Standard and its applicability to the specific scenarios outlined.
55 - 1910.119 - Clarification on whether the ozone process described is covered by the PSM Standard.
56 - 1910.119 - Interpretation of the Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals Standard.
57 - 1910.119 - Clarification of the Process Safety Management standard with regard to material and energy balances.
58 - 1910.119 - The term "interconnection" as it would apply to utilities, steam and electric, used in a covered process.
59 - 1910.119 - Three scenarios and questions regarding on-site natural gas in pipe lines used as a fuel and as a feed stock.
60 - 1910.119 - Storage of flammable liquids and the applicability to the Process Safety Management standard.
61 - 1910.119 - The Ciba Self-Medication, Inc. (CSM) facility and the application of OSHA's PSM of Highly Hazardous Chemicals Standard.
62 - 1910.119 - Chlorine storage facility plan and the applicability of the Process Safety Management (PSM) of Highly Hazardous Chemicals Standard.
63 - 1910.119 - OSHA's approval of the Zurich Hazard Analysis, as an appropriate method for conductiong the process hazard analysis which is required by 1910.119.
64 - 1910.119 - Clarification on the time allowed for completion of the initial process hazard analysis (PHA) as it may apply to a hypothetical case involving four different work sites of an employer.
65 - 1910.119 - Confirmation that mixing of liquefied butane, transferred by a CTMV, with gasoline stored in atmospheric tanks at terminals is not covered by the PSM Standard.
66 - 1910.119 - Coverage under the Process Safety Management Standard.
67 - 1910.119 - "Compliance Audits" of the Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals Standard.
68 - 1910.119 - Regarding "Compliance Audits" of the Process Safety Management for Highly Hazardous Chemicals Standard.
69 - 1910.119 - The use of natural gas or liquid propane gas used in an after-burner.
70 - 1910.119 - Process Safety Management (PSM) of Highly Hazardous Chemicals standards, as it may apply to processes containing HHCs.
71 - 1910.119 - Clarification on how OSHA would address the use of natural gas or liquid propane gas used in an after-burner to remove volatile organic carbon (VOC) air contaminants.
72 - 1910.119 - Process Safety Management Program required by OSHA.
73 - 1910.119 - Interpretation of the Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals Standard.
74 - 1910.119 - Compliance Audits.
75 - 1910.119 - Process Safety Management Standard.
76 - 1910.119 - Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals.
77 - 1910.119 - Interpretation of the Process Safety Management (PSM) of Highly Hazardous Chemicals (HHCs) standard.
78 - 1910.119 - PSM clarification on flammable lubrication in aerosol cans, to prevent foods from sticking to heated cookware
79 - 1910.119 - Clarification on whether flammable liquids used to mix (1) inks used in printing on aluminum foil and paper and (2) paint used in coating aluminum sheets are covered by the PSM standard.
80 - 1910.119 - Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals as it may apply to more than 250 pounds thionyl chloride stored on your work site.
81 - 1910.119 - Process Safety Management - Threshold quantity is determined on the amount of HHC in the process.
82 - 1910.119 - The Process Safety Management (PSM) of Highly Hazardous Chemicals (HHC) standard.
83 - 1910.119 - HHC's as it applies to employer obligation to obtain and evaluate information regarding the contract employer's safety performance and programs
84 - 1910.119 - HHC's as it applies to pulp and paper industry processes that contain chlorine dioxide
85 - 1910.119 - Clarifications of the OSHA standards 1910.109 and 1910.119.
86 - 1910.119 - HHC's as it applies to exterior, interior tanks.
87 - 1910.119 - Highly Hazardous Chemical's anhydrous ammonia (NH(3)).
88 - 1910.119 - HHC standard as it applies to threshold quantity.
89 - 1910.119 - Highly Hazardous Chemicals, types of hardware that see contact with explosives.
90 - 1910.119 - Highly Hazardous Chemicals as it applies to aqueous solutions of hydrofluoric acid.
91 - 1910.119 - Highly Hazardous Chemicals as it applies to what constitutes the boundaries of a process.
92 - 1910.119 - Highly Hazardous Chemicals as it applies to threshold quantity (TQ) of HHCs.
93 - 1910.119 - Highly Hazardous Chemicals standard, Tertiary Butyl Hydroperoxide (TBHP).
94 - 1910.119 - Highly Hazardous Chemicals as it applies to flammable liquid from a stationary tank.
95 - 1910.119 - Highly Hazardous Chemicals as it applies to a covered process.
96 - 1910.119 - Highly Hazardous Chemicals as it applies to operating procedures and certify on an annual basis.
97 - 1910.119 - Remote distance, close proximity and other PSM questions.
98 - 1910.119 - Highly Hazardous Chemicals as it applies to solid propellant rocket motors.
99 - 1910.119 - Highly Hazardous Chemicals applies to aqueous solutions of Hydrogen Fluoride.
100 - 1910.119 - Highly Hazardous Chemicals as it applies to "Dowtherm".
101 - 1910.119 - Applicability of the Process Safety Management manufacturing processes involving workplace explosives.
102 - 1910.119 - HHCs as it applies to ethylene oxide (ETO).
103 - 1910.119 - HHCs as it applies to manufacturing processes involving workplace explosives.
104 - 1910.119 - Processes involving workplace explosive.
105 - 1910.119 - HHCs as it applies to strategic petroleum reserve storage sites.
106 - 1910.119 - HHCs as it applies to end use applications of acrolein.
107 - 1910.119 - Coating processes covered by the PSM standard.
108 - 1910.119 - HHCs as it applies to Hydrogen Peroxide delivered from a tank truck.
109 - 1910.119 - Delivery of hydrogen peroxide, 52% by weight or greater.
110 - 1910.119 - HHCs as it applies to Hydrocarbon fuels used solely for workplace consumption.
111 - 1910.119 - Dimethylamine and Anhydrous Dimethlamine and the PSM standard.
112 - 1910.119 - Sulfuric acid and the PSM standard.
113 - 1910.119 - Black liquor recovery boilers, associated oil (or gas) auxiliary fuel burner systems and PSM.
114 - 1910.119 - Refresher training requirements.
115 - 1910.119 - Fumigants used to control insects in food plants.
116 - 1910.119 - HHC's as it applies to flammable liquid stored at a worksite.
117 - 1910.119 - Propane as a fuel for ovens; Chlorine storage exceeding 1500 pounds.
118 - 1910.119 - Interpretation of the Process Safety Management standard.
119 - 1910.119 - Outer Continental Shelf lands--OSHA and the U.S. Coast Guard.
120 - 1910.119 - Solutions of hydrogen chloride in water do not apply to Process Safety Management Standard.
121 - 1910.119 - When steam boilers fired by flammable liquids or natural gas are subject to the PSM standard.
122 - 1910.119 - Employee participation requirements of the Process safety management standard.
123 - 1910.119 - Steam boilers fired by flammable liquids or natural gas and the PSM standard.
124 - 1910.119 - PSM threshold quantity; EPA regulated and permitted RCRA Hazardous waste treatment.
125 - 1910.119 - Natural gas facility process hazard analysis requirements.
126 - 1910.119 - PSM Standard does not apply to 10,000 pounds of hydrocarbon fuel on site used solely as a fuel for a furnace.
127 - 1910.119 - Training requirements of PSM.
128 - 1910.119 - Written operating procedures for computerized process control and safety interlock system software.
129 - 1910.119 - Gasoline used as a fuel to test run inboard and outboard engines does not fall under PSM.
130 - 1910.119 - Various questions on OSHA standards
131 - 1910.119 - Ceramic firing utilizing propane in amounts exceeding 10,000 pounds not subject to process safety management standard.
132 - 1910.119 - Cellulose nitrate and the PSM Standard.
133 - 1910.119 - Formaldehyde (37% by weight or greater) in the Process Safety Management Standard
134 - 1910.119 - Clarification of "laboratory" and "process" relative to process safety management standard.
135 - 1910.119 - HHCs as it applies to storing of flammable liquids.
136 - 1910.119 - Muriatic acid not subject to Process Safety Management standard.
137 - 1910.119 - Storage of flammable liquids and the PSM.
# Federal Register
1 - 1910.119, 1910.119(n) - 89:44144-44461 - Hazard Communication Standard; Final Rule - PDF
2 - 1910.119 - 89:7774-8023 - Emergency Response Standard; Proposed Rule - PDF
3 - 1910.119 - 88:5923-5925 - Standard for Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals; Extension of the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Approval of Information Collection (Paperwork) Requirements - PDF
4 - 1910.119 - 57520:57522 - Process Safety Management (PSM); Stakeholder Meeting - PDF
5 - 1910.119 - 85:35668-35669 - Agency Information Collection Activities: Announcement of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Control Numbers Under the Paperwork Reduction Act - PDF
6 - 1910.119 - 84:45534-45536 - Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request; Standard on Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals - PDF
7 - 1910.119 - 84:31119-31121 - The Standard on Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals; Extension of the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Approval of Information Collection (Paperwork) Requirements - PDF
8 - 1910.119 - 84:15102-15107 - Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals and Slings - PDF
9 - 1910.119 - 82:26957-26958 - Agency Information Collection Activities of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Control Numbers Under the Paperwork Reduction Act - PDF
10 - 1910.119 - 81:68504-68685 - Standards Improvement Project-Phase IV; Proposed Rule - PDF
11 - 1910.119 - 81:35063-35064 - Hawaii State Plan for Occupational Safety and Health; Operational Status Agreement Revisions - PDF
12 - 1910.119 - 81:34377-34378 - Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for OMBReview; Comment Request; Process Safety Management Standard of HighlyHazardous Chemicals - PDF
13 - 1910.119 - 81:15130-15131 - The Standard on Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals; Extension of the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Approval of Information Collection (Paperwork) Requirements - PDF
14 - 1910.119 - 79:8855-8857 - Hawaii State Plan for Occupational Safety and Health; Operational Status Agreement Revisions - PDF
15 - 1910.119 - 77:66638-66639 - The Standard on Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals; Extension of the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Approval of Information Collection (Paperwork) Requirements - PDF
16 - 1910.119 - 75:5545-5546 - Explosives - PDF
17 - 1910.119 - 74:68635-68636 - Submission for OMB Review: Comment Request - PDF
18 - 1910.119 - 74:46621-46622 - Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals (PSM) Standard; Extension of the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Approval of Information Collection (Paperwork) Requirements - PDF
19 - 1910.119 - 71:4941-4943 - Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals Standard; Extension of the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Approval of Information Collection (Paperwork) Requirements - PDF
20 - 1910.119 - 68:5927-5928 - Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request - PDF
21 - 1910.119 - 67:71210-71212 - Standard on Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals (PSM); Extension of the Office of Management and Budget's Approval of Information-Collection (Paperwork) Requirements - PDF
22 - 1910.119 - 64:55390-55403 - Draft Revisions to the Voluntary Protection Programs To Provide Safe and Healthful Working Conditions - PDF
23 - 1910.119 - 64:54358-54361 - Proposed Policy Statement Concerning the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's Use of Voluntary Employer Safety and Health Self-Audits. - PDF
24 - 1910.119 - 64:46956-46957 - Submission for OMB review; comment request. - PDF
25 - 1910.119 - 64:33527 - Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals; Extension of the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Approval of Information Collection (Paperwork) Requirements. - PDF
26 - 1910.119 - 63:66018-66036 - Permit-Required Confined Spaces. - PDF
27 - 1910.119 - 61:1604-1605 - Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals - PDF
28 - 1910.119 - 57:38600 - Stay of effective date for 29 CFR 1910.119(f), (h), (j), (l) lifted
29 - 1910.119 - 57:23060 - Stay of effective date for 29 CFR 1910.119(f), (h), (j), (l)
30 - 1910.119 - 57:6356 - Final Rule on Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals; Explosives and Blasting Agents - PDF
31 - 1910.119 - 56:48133 - Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals, Notice of John Gray Institute Report on Contractors, and Request for Comments
# Regulations
1 - 1910.119 - Process safety management of highly hazardous chemicals.
# Directives
1 - 1910.119 - National - CPL 02-01-037 [CPL 2-1.037] - Compliance Policy for Emergency Action Plans and Fire Prevention Plans - PDF
# Settlement Agreement
1 - - Corporate-Wide Settlement Agreement - BP Products North America Inc. - 08/12/2010