
Aerial Lifts: Using Aerial Lifts Fact Sheet

(OSHA FS - 2005) (English: PDF )

Agriculture Safety: Emergency Preparedness for Farmworkers Fact Sheet

(OSHA FS-3870 - ) (English: PDF )

Asbestos Fact Sheet

(OSHA FS 3507 - ) (English: PDF )

Black Widow Spider Fact Sheet

(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS - ) (Español: PDF )

Brown Recluse Spider Fact Sheet

(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS - 2010) (Español: PDF )

Carbon Monoxide Fact Sheet

(OSHA FS 3522 - ) (English: PDF )

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning QuickCard

(OSHA 3282 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 3282 - ) (Español: PDF )

Chainsaw Safety QuickCard

(OSHA 3269 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3269 - ) (Español: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4286 - ) (简体字(Chinese Simplified): PDF )
(OSHA 4287 - ) (繁体字(Chinese Traditional): PDF )
(OSHA 4288 - ) (한국어(Korean): PDF )
(OSHA 3594 - ) (Português(Portuguese): PDF )
(OSHA 4289 - ) (Tiếng Việt(Vietnamese): PDF )

Chainsaws: Working Safely with Chainsaws Fact Sheet

(OSHA FS-3920 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS-4477 - 2024) (Español: PDF )

Chipper Machine Safety QuickCard

(OSHA 3279 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3279 - ) (Español: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3595 - ) (Português(Portuguese): PDF )

Cleanup Hazards Fact Sheet

(OSHA FS-3276 - 2024) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS-3298 - ) (Español: PDF )
(OSHA FS-3602 - 2024) (Português(Portuguese): PDF )

Confined Spaces: Permit-Required Confined Spaces QuickCard

(OSHA 3214 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )

Construction Hazards (Top Four) QuickCard

(OSHA 3216 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3216 - ) (Español: PDF Add to cart )

Construction PPE QuickCard

(OSHA 3289 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 3289 - ) (Español: PDF )

Decontamination Fact Sheet

(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS - ) (Español: PDF )

Decontamination QuickCard

(OSHA 3264 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3264 - ) (Español: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3596 - ) (Português(Portuguese): PDF )

Demolition Fact Sheet

(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Disaster Cleanup and Recovery PPE Matrix Fact Sheet

(OSHA FS-3898 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS-3899 - ) (Español: PDF )

Disaster Response: Protecting Workers from Slips, Trips and Falls QuickCard

(OSHA 3907 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3907 - ) (Español: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4301 - ) (简体字(Chinese Simplified): PDF )
(OSHA 4302 - ) (繁体字(Chinese Traditional): PDF )
(OSHA 4303 - ) (한국어(Korean): PDF )
(OSHA 4304 - ) (Português(Portuguese): PDF )
(OSHA 4305 - ) (Tiếng Việt(Vietnamese): PDF )

Electrical Hazards: Working Safely Around Downed Electrical Wires Fact Sheet

(OSHA FS-3941 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS-4479 - ) (Español: PDF )

Electrical Safety QuickCard

(OSHA 3294 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 3294 - ) (Español: PDF )
(OSHA 4281 - ) (简体字(Chinese Simplified): PDF )
(OSHA 4282 - ) (繁体字(Chinese Traditional): PDF )
(OSHA 4283 - ) (한국어(Korean): PDF )
(OSHA 4284 - ) (Português(Portuguese): PDF )
(OSHA 4285 - ) (Tiếng Việt(Vietnamese): PDF )

Electricity: Working Safely with Electricity Fact Sheet

(OSHA FS-3942 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA FS-4478 - ) (Español: PDF )

Emergency Action Plans: How to Plan for Workplace Emergencies and Evacuations

(OSHA 3088 - ) (English: PDF )

Emergency Exit Routes Fact Sheet

(OSHA FS 3943 - ) (English: PDF )

Emergency Management: Preparing and Protecting Security Personnel in Emergencies

(OSHA 3335 - ) (English: PDF )

Emergency Response: Best Practices for Hospital-Based First Receivers of Victims

This document offers useful information to help hospitals create emergency plans based on worst-case scenarios. It focuses on suggestions for appropriate training and suitable personal protective equipment for healthcare employees who may be exposed to hazardous substances when they treat victims of mass casualties. The document includes appendices with practical examples of decontamination procedures and medical monitoring for first receivers who respond to a mass casualty incident.

(OSHA 3249 - ) (English: PDF )

Emergency Response: Best Practices for Protecting EMS Responders during Treatment and Transport of Victims of Hazardous Substance Releases

(OSHA 3370 - ) (English: PDF )

Emergency Response: Hospitals and Community Emergency Response -- What You Need to Know

(OSHA 3152 - ) (English: PDF )

Emergency Response: Principal Emergency Response and Preparedness - Requirements and Guidelines

(OSHA 3122 - ) (English: PDF )

Evacuating High-Rise Buildings Fact Sheet

(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Fire Ants Fact Sheet

(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS - ) (Español: PDF )

Fungi Hazards and Flood Cleanup Fact Sheet

(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Generator Safety: Grounding Requirements for Portable Generators Fact Sheet

(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Generator Safety: Using Portable Generators Safely Fact Sheet

(OSHA FS-3286 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS-4476 - ) (Español: PDF )

Hand Hygiene and Gloves in Hurricane-Affected Areas Fact Sheet

() (English: PDF )

Hand Hygiene QuickCard

(OSHA 3262 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3262 - 2018) (Español: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3598 - ) (Português(Portuguese): PDF )

Hazard Communication Standard: Comparison of NFPA 704 and HazCom 2012 Labels QuickCard

(OSHA 3678 - ) (English: PDF )

Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Fact Sheet

(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Heat Illness Prevention: Protecting Workers from the Effects of Heat Fact Sheet

(OSHA FS-3743 - 2023) (English: PDF )

Heat Illness: Prevent Heat Illness at Work: OSHA Alert

(OSHA 3975 - 2021) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 4067 - 2021) (Español: PDF )

Human Remains: Health and Safety Recommendations for Personnel Who Handle Human Remains Fact Sheet

(OSHA FS-4448 - 2024) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS-4449 - ) (Español: PDF )

Hydrogen Sulfide Fact Sheet

() (English: PDF )

Hydrogen Sulfide QuickCard

(OSHA 3300 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3300 - ) (Español: PDF Add to cart )

Keeping Workers Safe during Flood Cleanup: OSHA Alert

(OSHA 3972 - ) (English: PDF )

Ladder Safety QuickCard

(OSHA 3246 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 3247 - ) (Español: PDF )

Lead Hazards Fact Sheet

(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Lead in Construction QuickCard

(OSHA 3291 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3291-SP - ) (Español: PDF Add to cart )

Mold Fact Sheet

(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Mold Hazards during Disaster Cleanup

(OSHA FS 3713 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 3901 - ) (Español: PDF )

Portable Generators: Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning While Working with Portable Generators: OSHA Alert

(OSHA 4105 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 4106 - ) (Español: PDF )

Respirators QuickCard

(OSHA 3280 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3280 - ) (Español: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3600 - ) (Português(Portuguese): PDF )

Sandbags: Filling, Moving and Placing Sandbags During Flooding Disasters Fact Sheet

(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS - ) (Español: PDF )

Sandbags: Filling, Moving and Placing Sandbags During Flooding Disasters QuickCard

(OSHA 3361 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3383 - ) (Español: PDF Add to cart )

Search and Rescue Operations Fact Sheet

(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Spirometry: OSHA/NIOSH Spirometry InfoSheet

A spirometry breathing test shows how well you can move air in and out of your lungs. Testing may be performed on workers who perform jobs that may cause exposure to possible lung hazards, are physically demanding, or require wearing a respirator. The test shows how well you can move air in and out of your lungs. Spirometry testing is required for some workers by OSHA standards.
Developed by OSHA and NIOSH. Available online only.

(OSHA 3415 - ) (English: PDF )

Spirometry: OSHA/NIOSH Spirometry Worker Info

(OSHA 3418 - ) (English: PDF )

Tree Trimming Fact Sheet

(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Trenching and Excavation Safety Fact Sheet

(OSHA FS-3476 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS-3480 - ) (Español: PDF )

West Nile Virus Fact Sheet

(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS - ) (Español: PDF )

West Nile Virus QuickCard

(OSHA 3278 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3278 - ) (Español: PDF Add to cart )

Work Zone Traffic Safety Fact Sheet

() (English: PDF )

Work Zone Traffic Safety QuickCard

(OSHA 3284 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3284 - ) (Español: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4291 - ) (简体字(Chinese Simplified): PDF )
(OSHA 4292 - ) (繁体字(Chinese Traditional): PDF )
(OSHA 4293 - ) (한국어(Korean): PDF )
(OSHA 4294 - ) (Português(Portuguese): PDF )
(OSHA 4295 - ) (Tiếng Việt(Vietnamese): PDF )

Working Safely Near Overhead Power Lines: OSHA Alert

(OSHA 3979-08 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 3980-08 - ) (Español: PDF )

Workplace Precautions Against West Nile Virus

(OSHA SHIB 08-29-2003 (B) - ) (English: HTML )