OSHA Field Safety and Health Management System (SHMS) Manual
Roles and Responsibilites
The Area Director will:
Serve as a role model through personal compliance with the SHMS.
Be prompt, consistent and fair in identifying and correcting unsafe work conditions and unsafe working behaviors.
Provide resources and authority needed to allow Assistant Area Directors (AADs)/Supervisors to fulfill their safety and health responsibilites.
Provide advice, coaching, and training to staff to effectively integrate the SHMS and policies into all aspects of their work.
Hold AADs/Supervisors, and employees accountable for the proper implementation of the SHMS as it applies to their areas of responsibility.
Set, pursue, and track safety and health goals to achieve continuous improvement in employee occupational safety and health issues.
Assure employees have input into the program and that annual goals are communicated to all employees.
Be aware of and use safety and health resources available to meet the occupational safety and health needs within their jurisdiction.
Provide timely reports including annual SHMS evaluations.
The AADs/Supervisors have the first-line responsibility for the safety and health of the employees in their respective teams. As part of their responsibilites the AADs/Supervisors must:
Manage safety work methods in accordance with the SHMS.
Provide job related safety and health training.
Enforce the SHMS through monitoring and investigating any unsafe act or condition brought to their attention or noted in the course of the AAD/Supervisors activities. Ensure that those hazards or potential hazards are controlled or eliminated by appropriate actions.
Provide an environment of clear communications through training, education, and positive feedback to their team members.
Provide prompt reports to the Assistant Regional Administrator/Area Director of any unsafe act, condition, or accident.
Set the example as a role model for excellence in occupational safety and health practices.
Each Regional, Area, and District Office will conduct an annual SHMS Self-Evaluation as follows:
By January 15, each Regional, Area, and District Office that has achieved VPP status will send the RSHM a copy of their latest annual VPP Self-Evaluation; any significant changes since the last SelfEvaluation; a status update for ongoing safety and health goals and results not already listed in the annual VPP Self-Evaluation; and a copy of the safety and health goals and action plan for the next year.
By January 15, each Regional, Area, and District Office that is not a VPP site will send the RSHM a copy of their completed Annual SHMS Self-Evaluation.