OSHA Field Safety and Health Management System (SHMS) Manual


  1. Purpose

    Vehicles used to conduct official business are to be operated in a safe manner consistent with local, State and Federal laws. All damage to Government-owned motor vehicles (GOVs), privately-owned vehicles (POVs), or rental vehicles used for government business must be reported promptly follow the procedures outlined within. The use of GOVs is limited to official government business.

  2. Scope

    The procedure will serve as the guideline for protecting all employees using GOVs, POVs, and /or rental vehicles operated while performing official government business.

  3. Responsibilities
    1. The responsible OSHA Manager(s) will:

      1. Oversee maintenance and repair of government vehicles;

      2. Ensure that GOVs are equipped with a spare tire, jack, lug wrench, fire extinguisher, first aid kit and General Service Administration (GSA) Motor Vehicle Accident Reporting Kit. It is recommended that POVs are similarly equipped;

      3. Ensure that GOVs are periodically inspected with regard to their outward appearance and maintenance schedules;

      4. Provide defensive driving instruction as needed; and

      5. Ensure that employees under his or her supervision who drive government vehicles possess a valid state driver's license.

    2. The Driver will:

      1. Use the GOV only for conducting official business;

      2. Carry a valid state driver's license;

      3. Ensure seat belt use for all occupants;

      4. Operate the vehicle in a safe manner conforming to traffic laws and road conditions;

      5. Ensure no smoking in GOV or leased vehicles;

      6. Not use a hand held cellular phone or other device for calls or texting;

      7. Not use photographic devices while operating the vehicle.

  4. Procedures
    1. Vehicle inspections will be conducted as follows:

      1. Prior to each use visual inspections of the vehicle will be conducted. The Pre-Use Checklist (Chapter 9, Appendix A) can be used as a guide.

      2. Monthly inspections will be conducted and documented. The Monthly Checklist (Chapter 9, Appendix B) will be used and retained in the office. Those performing monthly inspections will be adequately trained.

      3. Concerns/problems must be reported to the Area Director/Unit Manager or his or her designee.

    2. Employees will comply with all state regulations while operating motor vehicles during official government business.

    3. All employees must wear seat belts when traveling on official government business.

    4. Employees will not operate motor vehicles if fatigued or impaired by the consumption of alcohol, prescription drugs, or over-the-counter medications.

    5. In the case of damage to a GOV, all of the following procedures apply. For POVs or rental vehicles operating for official business, notification of the responsible OSHA Manager(s) and completion of the Incident Investigation and Hazard Reporting worksheet are required. The other procedures may serve as useful guidelines.

      1. Stop immediately.

      2. Take whatever steps are necessary to prevent another accident.

      3. Notify police and/or emergency services if necessary.

      4. DO NOT sign any paper or make any statement as to who was at fault in any accident situation (except to your AAD/appropriate OSHA manager, or to a Federal Government investigator).

      5. As soon as possible, notify your responsible OSHA Manager(s), who in turn will notify Administrative Programs in the Regional Office. If driving and interagency motor pool vehicle, the manager off the pool that issued the vehicle will also be notified.

      6. If the vehicle is unsafe to operate, have it towed to the nearest garage or service station.

      7. The responsible OSHA Manager(s) will ensure that General Services Administration (GSA) guidelines referenced in the Accident Report Procedures and the Incident Investigation and Hazard Reporting worksheet are completed.

        1. Standard Form 91, Motor Vehicle Accident Report;

        2. Standard Form 94, Statement of Witness (if applicable);

        3. Form CA-1, Federal Employee’s Notice of Traumatic Injury (if applicable);

        4. Standard Form 95, Claim for Damage, Injury, or Death (if applicable);

        5. Police Report of Accident;

        6. Repair estimates; and

        7. Incident Investigation and Hazard Reporting worksheet;

      8. In the event of damage caused by vandalism or other, non-accident sources, such as weather, the responsible OSHA Manager(s) must be notified who, in turn, will notify the ARA of Administrative Programs or equivalent unit.

      9. If you are injured in a motor vehicle accident:

        1. If injured to the extent that you cannot perform your duties, have the police notify your responsible OSHA Manager(s), who will assume your responsibilities for reporting the accident.

        2. Submit Form CA-1, Federal Employee’s Notice of Traumatic Injury, to your responsible OSHA Manager(s).

        3. Submit all reports and data to your responsible OSHA Manager(s) within one working day.

  5. Winter Driving
    1. During winter months, particular attention to driving conditions will be considered when employees are required to travel.

      1. Travel will be under the discretion of the responsible OSHA Manager(s), and the driver.

      2. If an employee encounters driving conditions that may be hazardous, they will contact the office and advise the supervisor of the hazardous condition. If contact cannot be made with the office, the employee will make every effort not to put him or herself in a hazardous situation.

    2. Each office will develop a winter driving kit to fit the needs of that particular office.

      1. Prior to each winter driving season, kits will be inspected and employees trained on the equipment in the kit.

      2. Winter driving kits may include: space blanket, candles, matches, and spike mats.


  6. Driving in Remote Areas

    Procedures will be developed for employees required to travel to remote areas (e.g. mountain roads, logging inspections, oil and gas operations, and desolate highways. If possible, direct communication utilizing radios or cell phone will be used. If direct communication is not possible, a check-in/check-out system will be used.


Month:____________ Year:____________ Vehicle Plate #:____________

Pre-Use Inspection Log

Date First Aid Kit Fire Extinguisher Ice Scraper Headlights Turn Signal Lights Brake lights operational Horn Flashlight General Condition (Damage)

Month:___________ Year:___________ Vehicle Plate #:______________

Starting Mileage:______________ Ending Mileage:__________________

Monthly Inspection Log
Items to Be Checked Status Date Item(s) Were Replaced/Serviced
Oil (Check Level)    
Windshield Wipers and Washer fluid    
Radiator Coolant Level    
Tires (Pressure, Excessive Wear)    

Comments: -

Name of Inspector for Monthly Check: