OSHA Field Safety and Health Management System (SHMS) Manual
The purpose of this plan is to ensure each employee of OSHA is provided a safe working environment. The emergency contingency plan has been developed to provide an organized plan of action to prepare and respond to major natural and human-caused emergencies that threaten OSHA offices. OSHA employees responding to emergencies outside the local office will follow the procedures and plans specified in the Regional Emergency Management Plan (REMP).
The program applies to all OSHA employees and addresses emergencies affecting the continued operation of the OSHA office. This Chapter includes the following emergency action plans.
Shelter in Place Plan (SIPP). The SIPP protects occupants in the event of a hazardous materials release in the community or for other scenarios when it would be safer to remain in the building.
Local Contingency Plans for the Administrative Closing of Offices During Emergency Situations. This emergency action plan authorizes the administrative closing of OSHA offices for brief periods of time because of emergency conditions.
Occupant Emergency Plan (OEP). The OEP contains procedures to keep OSHA employees and visitors safe at the office. The plan covers medical emergencies, fire, bomb threats and the handling of suspicious packages.
Emergency. Any incident, human-caused or natural, that requires responsive action to protect life and property.
Event. A planned, non-emergency activity.
Natural Emergencies. Major fires, hurricanes, earthquake, tornadoes, snow and severe weather.
Human-Caused Emergencies. Hazardous chemical releases, civil disorders, riots, bombs, and hostage situations.
The responsible OSHA Manager(s) will ensure:
Development and implementation of office specific emergency programs;
Employees are trained on emergency procedures;
Exercises are conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the emergency action plans; and
Maintenance of training records and documentation related to incidents and exercises.
Employees are responsible for:
Attending emergency training;
Reporting potential emergency situations to their responsible OSHA Manager(s); and
Following emergency action plans as directed.
Each office will develop emergency plans applicable to their needs using the following templates contained in the Appendices at the end of this chapter. The templates are intended to serve as guides and may work well in some office settings, but not in all.
Emergencies will be assessed by the responsible OSHA Manager(s) and/or emergency personnel for size and the potential to cause injury or illness to OSHA employees. The appropriate emergency plan will be implemented based upon the nature and seriousness of the emergency.
Exercises will be conducted annually to evaluate the effectiveness of the plans.
Any time an emergency plan is implemented, whether it is for an actual emergency or an exercise, the response will be documented. The documentation will include the date, description of the scenario, actions taken or parts of the plan implemented, participants, and critique. The critique will identify what went well and what areas need improvement. Plans will be modified as necessary to correct deficiencies.
Records of all post-incident evaluations (actual emergencies or exercises) will be retained by the responsible OSHA Manager(s).
Written records will include the source of the training, the OSHA representatives trained, a description of training provided, and the dates when training occurred.
All training records will be maintained by the responsible OSHA Manager(s).
Shelter In Place Plan (SIPP)
Initiation of Shelter-in-Place Procedures
This Shelter-in-Place Plan is established for the Department of Labor – OSHA facility located at __________________ primarily to minimize danger arising from a hazardous materials release within or in the immediate area outside of the building. This plan addresses all such types of emergencies whether they are the result of an accidental release or a national security incident. This plan has been developed by the Department of Labor – OSHA.
The ___________________ Shelter-in-Place emergency procedures will be initiated based upon information from local police and fire department officials indicating it is safer for occupants to remain in the building than to evacuate to the outside.
Although this Shelter-in-Place Plan is aimed primarily at protecting occupants in the event of a hazardous materials release, the procedures may also be invoked under other scenarios when it would be safer to remain in the building, such as gunfire in the immediate vicinity of the building or an imminent tornado.
Shelter-in-place may not be appropriate for all incidents. Every shelter-in-place situation must be assessed on a case-by-case basis to determine the applicable course of action.
Shelter-in-Place Announcements
In the event that it is necessary to initiate shelter-in-place procedures, the responsible OSHA Manager(s) will notify all OSHA employees. Management will contact OSHA staff members working remotely, advising them not to return to the Office until further notice.
All OSHA employees, contractors, and visitors should follow instructions from designated managers, and be alert to periodic updates broadcast via the public address system.
During the shelter-in-place emergency, management staff will be working to enhance building safety. This will include implementing emergency ventilation shutdown procedures and, where appropriate, securing all doors.
During the duration of the emergency monitoring for carbon dioxide shall be conducted to insure air quality in the facility.
Relocating to Designated Shelter Areas Within the Building
All OSHA employees, contractors, and visitors should:
Relocate to designated shelter areas in the building. Visitors should accompany the employee they are visiting to the employee’s designated shelter area.
Close doors to vacated offices (do not lock them).
Account for all office staff expected in the shelter area (e.g. responsible OSHA Manager(s) may use sign-in sheets to assess who is at work and their location).
Listen carefully for instructions from authorized personnel, such as responsible OSHA Manager(s) Remain in the shelter area until an "all clear" message has been announced or an evacuation is ordered.
Critical Information for Employees
The primary focus of this Shelter-in-Place Plan is to minimize damage from a hazardous materials release outside the building. Typically, shelter-in-place conditions will last from a few minutes to a few hours. It is not anticipated that employees would remain in the building overnight.
Shelter-in-place cannot be mandated by your agency. However, building management or local emergency response personnel can require shelter-in-place to be put into effect. For everyone’s safety, employees must proceed directly to a designated shelter area.
Opening an outside door could put you in contact with a harmful contaminant, or allow dangerous air to enter the building and put others at risk. Information available to you about conditions outside the building and the threats posed by those conditions may be limited and incomplete.
Should you leave the building, you very likely will not be allowed re-entry. You may also find that the location you travel to may not allow you access to that facility, since they may be sheltering-in-place. If you have children in a nearby childcare facility, ask them to describe their shelter-in-place procedures and whether it will be possible to contact them while they are in a sheltering mode.
You should also be aware that conditions are likely to get uncomfortable, as the maintenance staff will immediately shut down the ventilation system to reduce the chance of contamination entering the building. The close quarters, heat, and stuffiness will add to your discomfort. Please remain calm and assist those around you to cope with the situation.
Responsibilities of Emergency Response Team Members
Members of management will assist in the quick and orderly movement of building occupants into designated shelter areas, using prescribed evacuation routes or immediately establishing a new evacuation route if a prescribed route is endangered or inaccessible. They will ensure that other rooms on the floor are clear of any personnel, and will keep security staff apprised of the status on each floor.
Issuance of "All Clear" Message
When it is safe to resume normal operations, an "all clear" message will be transmitted ____________________________________.
Designated Shelter Areas
All OSHA employees should become familiar with the location of the designated shelter areas for their offices. Typically, a shelter area will be on the same floor in the vicinity of the employees’ workstations, and will be away from all exterior windows. Designated shelter areas are ______________________.
Essential Supplies
_________________________ will provide all OSHA employees, contractors, and visitors with basic essential supplies during a shelter-in-place incident. The responsible OSHA Manager(s) will be responsible for distribution of supplies in the shelter area, if appropriate. Generally, water and nutritional supplements will not be distributed unless it appears the incident will last an hour or longer. The provisions in the shelter area will include:
Nutritional supplement;
Flashlights and/or chemical light sticks;
First aid supplies; and
Self-powered radio.
Medical and Personal Preparedness
OSHA employees should evaluate their personal medical and dietary needs and plan accordingly. This includes asking your doctor about appropriate storage for prescription medications, such as heart and high blood pressure medication, insulin, or other prescription drugs. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security advises that you also consider any other special needs, such as wearing prescribed alert tags and bracelets to help identify any disability or medical condition, as well as other comfort items.
Further details about the Shelter-in-Place plan for this building __________________________.
Questions or concerns about this plan should be directed to ____________________ at ________________________.
Local Contingency Plan
Administrative Closing of
Offices During Emergency Situations
(Designated Local Official)
Purpose: To establish policy and procedures for the administrative dismissal of employees, and the closing of Department of Labor offices during emergencies in the OSHA offices.
Background: The Department of Labor, in accordance with Office of Personnel Management (OPM) regulations, authorizes the closing of offices/activities for brief periods during emergency situations that may prevent employees in significant numbers from reporting to work, or that otherwise necessitate the closing down of Federal offices. When this occurs, employees may be excused from work without charge to leave or loss of pay.
Policy: The Department's policy is to follow, as much as possible, OPM guidelines. The paramount considerations include: the safety and health of employees in emergency situations; equitable treatment of employees; cooperation and coordination with other Federal agencies during emergency conditions; advance planning for coordinated action under emergency conditions, including appropriate leave policies; and adherence to contractual agreements, and to laws and regulations governing the granting of annual leave, or authorization of excused absence without charge to leave during emergency situations.
Authority: Departmental Personnel Regulations (DPR) 610, Subchapter 3, dated July 1992
Coverage: Equitable treatment of all employees in the event of emergency or administrative closing is essential. All Department of Labor employees in _______________, except those whose positions are determined to be vital to the continuity of the Department's functions, are to be excused by administrative order on a nonselective basis. Employees whose positions have been identified by their respective Department of Labor agency head as vital to the continuity of crucial operations are not excused in the event of emergency or administrative closing.
Reasons for Administrative or Emergency Closing: For the purpose of this procedure, the reasons for administrative or emergency closing of Department of Labor offices in OSHA shall be limited to public emergencies, managerial reasons, State or Local holidays, and extreme situations where due to the temporary disruption of air cooling or heating systems, unusual levels of temperatures prevent the continuance on duty without an adverse effect on health, and conditions are such as to actually prevent employees from working,, as described in DPR 610, Subchapter 4, Section 3.b.
Responsibility and Authority Regarding Administrative or Emergency Closing of Offices:
The Regional Administrator/OASAM (RA/OASAM) has the authority to make decisions regarding administrative or emergency closing of offices within the region not to exceed five days. The RA/OASAM has the authority to designate Department of Labor officials to make such decisions in regional locations for periods not to exceed two days. Closing of three to five days shall be decided by the RA/OASAM. Closing of more than five days must be authorized by the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management.
The designated Department of Labor official in _______________, who will make decisions regarding administrative emergency closing of Department of Labor offices is _________________.
Local Contingency Plan:
The _____________ will determine that an emergency condition exists by contacting the appropriate local authorities and/or organizations in Exhibit 1 to this plan, depending on the nature of the emergency, and try to obtain sufficient information to assess the situation.
After obtaining sufficient information, the designated official will decide what course of action is appropriate, depending upon the conditions or situation existing at the time as well as forecasts concerning whether conditions will improve or worsen in the immediate future.
If the situation occurs or develops during normal working hours and a decision is made to close local DOL offices, the designated official will contact the Regional Administrator (RA) or Assistant Regional Administrator for Administrative Programs (ARA AP) or equivalent unit, and/or OASAM to apprise him/her of the situation and the course of action decided upon. Normally, this will be one of the following.
Department of Labor offices will suspend work and all employees (except those identified by their agency heads as providing critical services) will be dismissed at staggered intervals at avoid traffic congestion and tie-ups.
Department of Labor offices will suspend work and all employees (except those identified by their agency heads as providing critical services) will be dismissed immediately.
After contacting the RA/OASAM, the designated official will contact each local Department of Labor office, as listed in Exhibit 2, and inform the person in charge as to what decision has been made.
If the emergency situation occurs or develops during non-working hours, the designated official will take the actions described in paragraphs *A and *B above, and then decide which of the following courses of action is appropriate.
Open offices as usual. The designated official takes no further action.
Close all Department of Labor offices in ____________ by administrative order. The designated official will implement the telephone contact procedure outlined in Exhibit 1, and contact the local television and radio stations listed in Exhibit 3 so that public announcements of office closings can be made. The designated official will contact the RA or ARA-AP, and/or OASAM by 10:00 a.m. to inform him/her of the administrative closing and the reason for this decision. The RA or ARA-AP, and/or OASAM will then relay this information to the regional heads of all affected agencies.
Note: All local officials, organizations, and television/radio stations listed in the plan have agreed to cooperate during emergency situations.
Exhibit 1 – Telephone Contact Procedure
Exhibit 2 – Dept of Labor / OSHA Local Authorities
Exhibit 3 – Local Television and Radio Stations
Occupant Emergency Plan
By their signatures below, the following officials certify that they have participated in the development of this Occupant Emergency Plan and fully understand the procedures to be followed in an emergency affecting the facility and the employees for which they are responsible.
Designated Official
Occupant Emergency Coordinator
Response Team Coordinator
Safety & Health Advisor
- Emergency Preparedness Instructions Summary
- X
- Emergency Call List
- X
- Emergency Systems
- X
- Emergency Evacuation Plan Committee
- X
- Floor Wardens
- X
- Agency Wardens
- X
- Handicapped Occupants
- X
- Duties, Roles and Responsibilities
- X
- Building Evacuation
- X
- Building Evacuation Communication System
- X
- Fire Plan
- X
- Bomb Threat Plan
- X
- Demonstrations and Civil Disorders
- X
- Earthquake
- X
- Explosion Plan
- X
- Hostage Situation
- X
- Power Failure
- X
- Elevator Entrapment
- X
- Homeland Security Level Red
- X
EXIT STAIRWAYS – Exit Stairways are located at both ends of the elevator lobbies. Use the Exit Stairway that is closest to your location.
EVACUATION – In the event of a fire, bomb threat or other emergency that requires evacuation of the building, use the EXIT stairway that is closest to your location. Exit the building and assemble in your agency’s designated area. All evacuations are initiated on the order of the Designated Official and/or GSA Property Manager.
Each agency is responsible for performing a head count after it is determined that agency personnel have arrived at the designated assembly area. If someone is missing, the agency head or his/her representative will alert the designated official, who will in turn alert the fire department. The fire department will search the building for the missing person.
WEATHER EMERGENCY – In the event of a tornado or other weather emergency that requires you to seek shelter, use the EXIT stairway that is closest to you and proceed to the ________.
CHEMICAL OR BIOLOGICAL ATTACK – In the event of the release of a chemical or biological agent in the air outside of the building, you may be directed to seek shelter-inplace within the building.
CODE ADAM – In the event that a child is suspected missing within the building, inform the Federal Protective Service and provide all information possible to assist in the search.
PARKING GARAGE – In the event of an evacuation of the parking facility, use the EXIT stairwell closest to your current location. Stairway entrances are located in the elevator lobby and at the northeast corner of the facility. A basement level EXIT is located at the southeast corner of the facility.
Instructions will be provided to you through the fire annunciator speaker system.
Emergency Call List
(Fire, Medical Emergency, Bomb Threat or Civil Defense Emergency)
Health Unit
GSA Property Manager
Fire Department
Police Department
Emergency Responders (Paramedics)
Emergency Systems
FIRE ALARM PULL STATIONS – Are located_________________________________.
FIRE EXTINGUISHERS – Are located___________________________________.
AUTOMATIC EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATORS, EMERGENCY OXYGEN UNITS and FIRST AID KITS – Are located ______________________________________________________.
Emergency Evacuation Plan Committee and order of succession
Position | Name | Agency | Room | Phone Number |
Designated Official | ||||
GSA Property Manager | ||||
Inspector | ||||
Building Coordinator | ||||
Alt. Building Coordinator |
Floor Wardens
Floor | Alternate | Name | Agency | Room | Phone Number |
Agency Wardens
Floor | Alternate | Name | Agency | Room | Phone Number |
Handicapped Occupants
Floor | Name | Handicap | Agency | Room | Phone Number |
Duties, Roles and Responsibilities
The Occupant Emergency Plan (OEP) provides for unified action by all tenant agencies of the ___________________________________________________, to assist all personnel in the building in the event of a local emergency, national disaster or enemy attack.
This plan applies only to emergency actions to be taken within the building. After an evacuation, personnel will be governed by emergency plans of their respective agencies and/or local government authorities. Changes to the plan will be made only by mutual agreement of the GSA Property Manager and Designated Official.
FEDERAL PROTECTIVE SERVICE is responsible for the protection of the building and for the safety of the occupants of the building, and will notify the Designated Official and GSA Property Manager of any emergency.
GSA will assist appropriate officials of occupant agencies and coordinate with local authorities in achieving the objectives of the plan. GSA shall, to the extent possible and when possible, provide the organization with members who are technically qualified in the operation of utility systems and the installation and maintenance of protective equipment. GSA will control the use of all utilities and mechanical equipment during emergencies.
The Designated Official is the executor of the OEP and emergency plans. Based upon first-hand information or information received from emergency personnel, the Designated Official will determine whether to call for a general evacuation or take localized actions and will notify the Building Coordinator to initiate any actions.
The Building Coordinator ensures that the basic provisions of the plan are disseminated to all occupants of the building and takes necessary actions to ensure that the plan operates safely and effectively in emergencies. The Coordinator initiates any action deemed necessary by the Designated Official in an emergency situation, ensures that information notices are issued to all employees of the building over the PA system, issues any changes in the plan, maintains liaison with and cooperates with the principal officers of the tenant agencies on problems arising in the selection and training of designated employees, calls floor warden meetings when necessary to disseminate new information or resolve problems, and directs all shelter management operations when the basement in the building is occupied.
Tenant Agencies of the building have a responsibility for participating in this plan to guarantee its success. Appointed representatives will function as an organization under the supervision and control of the Building Coordinator. Agencies will ensure that assigned personnel in the organization maintain a state of readiness at all times to accomplish their mission. In case of an emergency, first line supervisors shall determine the whereabouts of all agency personnel as soon as possible and notify the coordinators immediately if anyone is missing. After the emergency has ended, the agency head should determine the reason for any personnel not responding to the designated assembly area to be counted. In a real emergency, lives could be put at risk if emergency personnel enter the building to rescue unaccounted for building personnel. We need to ensure that no one intentionally fails to go to the assembly area.
Floor Wardens direct occupants of their respective floors to the prescribed evacuation routes, notify the command center that the floor is clear as they exit the building, and evacuate the building. Floor wardens ensure that the evacuation procedures are known to all regular occupants the floor, ensure needed personnel are supplied by the tenants on his/her floor to sufficiently staff the floor’s organization, hold meetings as needed to resolve problems and advise the floor of changes, direct an orderly flow of personnel during drills and actual emergencies, move floor personnel from one stairwell to another, report to the command center when their floor has been evacuated completely, keep the door to the stairwell open and the flow of traffic moving, and assist floor personnel as needed.
Agency Wardens check their agency space to assure that all personnel have vacated the area, search office space during a bomb threat, notify the floor warden that the space is clear, and assist in directing occupants to the evacuation routes.
Test Drills
Evacuation test drills for each floor will be scheduled at least twice a year. The Coordinator will coordinate these test drills with the Federal agencies involved.
Management Duties
In the event of an emergency, each respective agency is responsible for ensuring that members of the public in their space at the time of an emergency are aware of all emergency procedures.
Training will be conducted for all building emergency communication team members twice yearly at a minimum.
All building evacuations will be on the order of the Designated Official and/or the GSA Property Manager or persons acting in those positions.
The ________________________ will be used to signal a general evacuation.
Evacuation of the floor(s) or entire building will include employees, visitors and the general public. Emergency personnel will be the only person(s) remaining on the floor(s) or in the building.
The ____________________ will be used to evacuate handicapped persons. If an incident occurs that would prohibit the use of the _____________, aides and/or emergency personnel will assist all handicapped persons to evacuate by use of the nearest stairwell.
All agency doors leading to the hallways will be closed upon evacuation. Each agency should follow its own plan in regards to turning off lights, closing and locking filing cabinets, etc. Upon evacuation of each agency’s space, the agency warden shall close the door and place a marker on the door to signal an "all clear."
All agency personnel shall evacuate the building using the closest available stairwell to their location.
All building occupants shall proceed down the stairway and EXIT the building at the closest available EXIT location.
After evacuation of the building, all agency personnel shall meet in their designated meeting area.
Handicapped personnel will be assisted by assigned monitors to the stairwells or ____________, depending upon handicap condition. It is the responsibility of the individual agency to accommodate its handicapped personnel in an emergency condition. The handicapped or injured individuals (if they are unable to be evacuated via the stairwells) will then be evacuated by fire department and/or emergency personnel. Aides are designated to ensure handicapped or injured individuals are evacuated safely.
If evacuation does not go according to plan, the floor warden shall call (XXX)XXX-XXXX for assistance.
Elevators are not to be used for emergency situations (except to evacuate handicapped or injured personnel).

PLAN AHEAD – Be familiar with the locations of stairwells, fire alarm pull locations and fire extinguishers. See the floor plan posted in your office.
If a fire is observed or suspected, do the following:
- Alert others around you and activate the fire alarm located near an elevator lobby.
- If you are leaving the building due to a fire, close, but do not lock all doors as you leave. Ensure that all windows are closed. Follow the route described on the Fire Evacuation Plan in each office.
- Use the stairwells. DO NOT USE ELEVATORS.
- Go to the designated assembly area for your agency.
- Do not re-enter the building until given approval by the Designated Official.
- Panic
- Use elevators
- Re-enter the building for valuables
- Break windows
- Open hot doors
- Become a spectator
- Congregate at building entrances/exits after evacuation
Building Emergency Communication Team Procedure
- The fire alarm will initiate the evacuation plan.
- The Building Coordinator will report to the Command Center to relay necessary instructions over the fire alarm speakers to building occupants.
- Floor Wardens will direct traffic in hallways and ensure proper evacuation using accessible stairwells.
- Agency Wardens will ensure that office space is clear and will close and mark the hallway doors with a sign denoting that the space is clear.
- Floor Wardens will report to the Building Coordinator at the Command Center when their floor is completely clear.
- The fire alarm alerts the Fire Department, who will provide further instructions upon arrival to the building.
If a bomb threat is received, do the following:
- Identify the time threat was received.
- Follow the instructions listed on the bomb threat cards, which are to be placed under each employee's phone. If a card is not available, following the instructions of #3 below.
- Ask the following questions (note exact words of person placing call).
- Where is the bomb located?
- When is it set to go off?
- What does it look like?
- What kind of bomb is it?
- Who put it there?
- Why was it put there?
- Listen for voice characteristics, speech pattern, background noise, age and sex of caller.
- If a threat is received via mail, hand carry it immediately to your supervisor and attempt to preserve it for fingerprints.
- Notify the Federal Protective Service.
- Turn off all cellular phones, pagers and police radios.
- Search the area for anything that looks suspicious or out of place as you evacuate the area and report and information to emergency responders.
- The Designated Official will determine if evacuation of the building is necessary. If evacuation occurs, go to your agency's designated assembly area.
- Antagonize the caller; or
- Disturb any suspicious package you find. Instead, immediately notify the Federal Protective Service.
Building Emergency Communication Team Procedure
- The Federal Protective Service will notify the Designated Official, the GSA Property Manager and local authorities.
- Agency Wardens are responsible for conducting the search in their area. The search should be organized and conducted within fifteen stairwells.
- Floor Wardens will search public areas and stairwells.
- Agency Wardens and Floor Wardens will notify the Building Coordinator who, in turn, will notify the Designated Official through the Federal Protective Service once the search is complete.
- The Floor Wardens/Federal Protective Officers will direct building occupants away from any suspicious package found until identification of that package can be made.
- Once the bomb squad or other emergency personnel are on scene, further instructions will be provided to the Team.
- The Floor Wardens will follow the evacuation plan based on recommendations of the Designated Official.
Building Emergency Communication Team Plan
- Once announcement has been made for agency heads to pick up the "information phones," Floor Wardens will proceed to the _______________________________________________.
- The Designated Official and GSA Property Manager will proceed to ___________ to initiate the red phone system informational call. If not all agencies are accounted for during roll call of the red phone system, Floor Wardens will check on status of those non-reporting agencies on their respective floors. (Reference Red Phone addendum for procedural use.)
- Further instructions will be provided by on-site emergency personnel.
Occupants will:
- Avoid contact with demonstrators and all media representatives;
- Continue working normally;
- Keep lobby and corridors clear;
- Stay away from windows and entrances; and
- Report the presence of unauthorized persons in your office to the Federal Protective Service.
Building Emergency Communication Team Plan
The Designated Official will determine the need for implementation of emergency procedures during a demonstration or civil disorder.
- Take cover under a desk, in a doorway or in the center interior of the building, or sit down against an interior wall.
- Stay clear of windows, bookcases, file cabinets, storage racks and similiar items.
- Follow the instructions of the Designated Official and emergency personnel.
- Remain Calm.
- Turn off all electrical equipment.
- If an evacuation is signaled, follow your escape route to the closest available stairwell, exit the building, and proceed to your agency's designated assembly area.
- Use telephones;
- Use elevators;
- React in a manner that may cause undue panic or alarm;
- Stand near windows;
- Use matches if the power fails;
- Panic if you are in an elevator. Emergency personnel will take action to remove passengers from inoperative elevators.
Building Emergency Communication Team Plan
The Designated Official will determine the need for implementation of emergency procedures during an earthquake.
If an explosion occurs:
- Vacate the office to a safe area.
- Notify the Federal Protective Service or pull the nearest fire alarm box.
- Prohibit persons from entering the area.
- Follow instructions given by emergency personnel.
If you are unable to evacuate the affected area:
- Get down in the prone position.
- Get under the best available cover (desk or table).
- Get away from glass, open areas or perimeter rooms.
- Protect head, eyes and torso.
Building Emergency Communication Team Plan
The Designated Official will determine the need for implementation of emergency procedures during an explosion.
When dealing with hostage incidents in the normal business setting, properly trained and equipped law enforcement agencies will be available to control the situation. The building’s emergency organization is not trained to handle hostage incidents, but will follow emergency control measures until the appropriate authorities arrive (mainly, to assist in keeping the area clear).
The Federal Protective Service will:
- Notify the Designated Official, GSA Property Manager, Building Coordinator, and local authorities, regarding the situation;
- Cordon and isolate the affected area; and
- Contain the hostage situation in the smallest possible area. All occupants will follow directions given by emergency personnel.
Occupants will:
- Remain calm;
- Not antagonize the hostage taker(s);
- Not make eye contact; and
- Escape if a safe opportunity presents itself.
Building Emergency Communication Team Plan
- The Federal Protective Service will: notify the GSA Property Manager, Designated Official, Building Coordinator and local authorities of the situation; cordon and isolate the affected area; and contain the hostage situation in the smallest possible area.
- The team will await further instructions by FEDERAL PROTECTIVE SERVICE and other emergency personnel.
If the Tornado Warning sirens sound, occupants shall do the following.
- Stay away from windows and outside walls. Close all drapes and blinds on outside windows.
- Close all doors to outside offices.
- Go to the primary shelter area for tornados, which is the basement level.
- If the primary shelter area (basement) is not accessible, go to the lowest available floor of the building and take shelter in the stairwells.
- The Designated Official will keep you posted on any further information and instructions.
- Attempt to leave the building; you are safer in one of the safe areas of the building than you would be in the street or car.
- use elevators; or
- Get excited; remain calm and follow the instructions of the Designated Official.
Building Emergency Communication Team Plan
- Upon the sounding of the siren, the Building Coordinator, at the direction of the Designated Official, will ensure that an appropriate warning announcement is made over the PA system.
- Team members will direct occupants to the basement or lowest level available in the stairwells.
- Further instructions may be given over the PA system at the direction of the emergency personnel.
In the event of a power failure, do the following.
- Turn off electrical office machine appliances including computer equipment.
- Remain calm. Emergency lighting will be available (one elevator will remain operational for emergency use).
- keep a flashlight and extra batteries available.
If mechanical failure occurs to the lights, heat, air conditioning, etc., personnel should remain in their areas and await further instructions from their first line supervisors. Further direction or instruction to floor occupants will be issued by the floor wardens. Only by the sounding of the fire alarm will all personnel vacate the building.
Building Emergency Communication Team Plan
The Designated Official will determine the need for implementation of emergency procedures during a power failure.
In the event of an elevator entrapment, do the following.
- Press the emergency call button, located in the elevator control pad.
- Be aware of the elevator number of the entrapment. Numbers are located in each elevator cab.
- Be aware of the address and name of the building.
Building Emergency Communication Team Plan
The Designated Official will determine the need for implementation of emergency procedures during an elevator entrapment.
Initiate heightened security measures within the building upon notification that the homeland security threat level has been elevated to "Red" for the area.
- All employees will present ID when entering the Federal Building.
- Employee packages and personal belongings will be screened at building entrances.
- Employees will enter magnetometers.
- All Department of Homeland Security policies will be followed at all times.