Poultry Processing Industry eTool
Poultry Processing Industry » Other Resources
DISCLAIMER: The materials listed below are examples of materials that are available relating to occupational safety and health in the poultry processing industry. With the exception of the items listed under "OSHA," the Occupational Safety and Health Administration does not control nor is it responsible for the accuracy, relevance, timeliness or completeness of the listed materials. The inclusion of any item is not intended to reflect its importance nor to endorse any views expressed or products or services offered by the author, the referenced material, or the organization producing the material.
Compliance responsibilities are set forth in OSHA standards and the Occupational Safety and Health Act. Moreover, because interpretations and enforcement policy may change over time, for additional guidance on OSHA compliance requirements, consult current administrative interpretations and decisions by the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission and the courts. Some of these materials are also available in Spanish.
- A number of OSHA publications are available.
- Health Hazard Evaluation Report (HETA 86-505-1885). Longmont Turkey processors, Inc.
- Health Hazard Evaluation Report (HETA 89-251-1997). Cargill Poultry Division.
- Health Hazard Evaluation Report (HETA 89-307-2009). Perdue Farms, Inc.
- McCauley, Jim (Perdue, Inc.). Transcript of Presentation at Ergonomics Conference, (January 1997).
Washington Department of Labor and Industries
- Upper Extremity Cumulative Trauma Disorders in a Poultry Processing Plant. A Preliminary Report. Silverstein, B., J. Burt, J. Fernald, J. Kalat, C. Karr, J. Kaufman, M. Miller, D. Moore, D. Sebesta, and N. Villacres. Safety and Health Assessment and Research program, Washington Department of Labor and Industries. Olympia, WA. 1991.
Georgia Tech Research Institute
- A Safety and Health Assessment of Two Chicken Processing Plants. Ortiz, Daniel J., and David E. Jacobs. Georgia Tech Research Institute. Atlanta, Georgia (May 1990).
- Researchers Conduct First Ergonomic Work Assessment System (EWAS) Trials on Processing Line. Poultry Tech 10(3). Georgia Tech Research Institute. Atlanta, Georgia (Fall 1998).
- Poultry Industry Survey Reveals a Few Surprises. Poultry Tech 10(3). Georgia Tech Research Institute. Atlanta, Georgia (Fall 1998).
- PoultryNet Streamlines Access to Poultry-Related Materials on the Web. Poultry Tech 11(1). Georgia Tech Research Institute. Atlanta, Georgia (Spring 1999).
- Process Safety Management for the Poultry Industry - A Compliance Guide. The Safety, Health and Ergonomics Branch, Georgia Tech Research Institute. Atlanta, Georgia.
University of Missouri-Columbia
- Poultry Farm and Processing Plant Lighting. Zulovich, Joseph M. University Extension, University of Missouri-Columbia (1998).
National Chicken Council
- The MET (Medical, Ergonomics, Training) Program for Supervisors. National Broiler (Chicken) Council. Washington, DC.
- ErgoFit: Fitting Your Job to You. An introduction to ergonomics-intended for line supervisors, complements the booklet, The MET Program for Supervisors. National Broiler (Chicken) Council. Washington, DC.
- Doing It Right. An introduction to ergonomics - intended for line employees. National Broiler (Chicken) Council. Washington, DC.
United Food and Commercial Workers Union
- Cumulative Trauma Disorders for Meat and Poultry Workers
- Cumulative Trauma Disorders: "Fotonovel" for Meat and Poultry Workers (low literacy)
- Ergonomic Programs for Meat and Poultry Workers
- Poultry
Journal Articles and Books
- A Discomfort Survey in a Poultry-Processing Plant. Stuart-Buttle, C. Applied Ergonomics 25(1): 47-52 (1994).
- Analysis of Injuries and Illnesses in Poultry Processing Industries in Louisiana. Vellalal, C., and F. Aghazadeh. Advances in Industrial Ergonomics and Safety VI. F Aghazadeh (ed.). pp. 105-110. Taylor and Francis (1994).
- Corporate Ergonomics Program of a Large Poultry Processor. Jones, R.J. AIHA Journal 58(2): 132-137 (1997).
- Ergonomic Assessment of Work Methods and Knife Design in the Poultry Industry. Habes, D. [No publication data]. [No date].
- Exposure to Carbon Dioxide in the Poultry Processing Industry. Jacobs, D.E., and M.S. Smith. AIHA Journal 49(12): 624-629 (1988).
- Investigation of Cumulative Trauma Disorders in a Poultry Processing Plant. Armstrong, T.J., J.A. Foulke, B.S. Joseph, and S.A. Goldstein. AIHA Journal 43: 103-116 (1982).
- Median Nerve Latencies in Poulty Processing Workers: An Approach to Resolving the Role of Industrial "Cumulative Trauma" in the Development of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Schottland, J.R., G.J. Kirschberg, R. Fillingim, U.P. Davis, and F. Hogg. Journal of Occupational Medicine 33(5): 627-631 (1991).
- Thoracic Back Pain in Workers at a Poultry Processing Plant. Goode, S. Journal of Occupational Health and Safety, Aust. NZ 8(2): 135-141 (1992).