Machine Guarding eTool
Saws » Scroll Saws

Scroll saws are useful for precision-cutting intricate curves and patterns on thin stock. They have thin blades that move rapidly up and down through the opening in the saw table. The blade is held in upper and lower chucks that pull it tight and keep it from bending. A hold-down adjusts to the thickness of the wood being cut.
Scroll saws are generally not considered to be as dangerous as other saws; however, contact at the point of operation can cause hand and finger injuries. Contact with the blade can also occur below the table. All portions of the blade must be guarded.
Operator Involvement
The machine is turned on/off by a switch or knob and the material is pushed through the moving blade. The cutting motion should always be away from the operator.

Potential Hazard
Contact with the moving blade.
Guard the blade, above and below the table, with an adjustable or self-adjusting guard.
Provide aids to push material through the blade.
Potential Hazard
Wood chips and splinters may be thrown by the cutting action.
Guard the blade with an adjustable or self-adjusting guard.
Maintain sharp blades.
Additional Safety Measures
Make turns slowly; do not make sharp turns with a wide blade; use a narrow blade for sharp turns. Make sure the blade being used is suitable for the work being done.
Always wear eye and face protection.
Keep loose clothing and long hair away from cutting area.