Machine Guarding eTool
Mechanical Power Presses » Mechanical Full Revolution

Full Revolution Clutch as defined by OSHA, [29 CFR 1910.211(d)(5)], is a type of clutch that, when tripped, cannot be disengaged until the crankshaft has almost completed a full revolution and the press slide a full stroke.
This type of press was designed to make one full machine stroke or crankshaft revolution after each engagement of the mechanical pin, collar, or rolling key.
Operator Involvement
The worker will activate the machine through a foot switch or palm buttons. Once this is done the press will perform a full stroke, barring any mechanical failures, before stopping at top dead center (TDC). This inability to stop the machine stroke poses a hazard to the operator and other workers.
The biggest hazard when working with either full or part revolution mechanical power presses is the point of operation. A hand or any body part in this area can result in crushed or severed limbs or even fatalities.
The following are OSHA and ANSI recognized methods for safeguarding the point of operation on full revolution clutch mechanical power presses: