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Oil and Gas Well Drilling and Servicing » Glossary of Terms - A
† This is an abridged version of the Dictionary of Petroleum Terms provided by Petex and the University of Texas Austin. © Petex 2001
v: to temporarily or permanently cease production from a well or to cease further drilling operations.
abnormal pressure
n: pressure outside the normal or expected range.
n: wearing away by friction.

n: the storage device for nitrogen pressurized hydraulic fluid, which is used in operating the blowout preventers.
acetic acid
n: an organic acid compound sometimes used to acidize oilwells.
acid fracture
v: to part or open fractures in limestone formations by using fluid under hydraulic pressure.

v: to treat formations with acid for the purpose of increasing production.
acid stimulation
n: a well stimulation method using acid. See acidize.
n: the introduction of air or gas into a liquid.
AESC Association of Energy Service Companies
n: a trade association that represents the interests of members of the energy service segment of the oil and gas industry. It offers publications regarding recommended industry practices and training materials.

air hoist
n: a hoist operated by compressed air; a pneumatic hoist. Air hoists are often mounted on the rig floor and may be used to lift joints of pipe and other heavy objects.
ANSI American National Standards Institute
n: a non-profit organization (501(c)3) that administers and coordinates voluntary standardization and conformity assessment system.
API American Petroleum Institute
n: a trade association and standards organization that represents the interests of the oil and gas industry. It offers publications regarding standards, recommended practices, and other industry related information.

annular blowout preventer
n: a well control device, usually installed above the ram preventers, that forms a seal in the annular space between the pipe and well bore or, if no pipe is present, over the well bore itself.
annular pressure
n: pressure in an annular space.

n: the space around a pipe in a well bore, sometimes termed the annular space.
adj; the logo of the American Petroleum Institute (API) that is placed on certain pieces of oilfield equipment by the equipment manufacturer. API licenses the use of the monogram on equipment that meets the API's minimum standards. It offers publications regarding standards, recommended practices, and other industry related information. Address: 1220 L Street NW; Washington, DC 20005; (202) 682-8000
artificial lift
n: any method used to raise oil to the surface after a well ceases to flow.