1-Bromopropane: OSHA/NIOSH Hazard Alert
(OSHA 3676 - ) (English: PDF )

A Brief Guide to Mold in the Workplace
(OSHA SHIB 10-10-2003 - ) (English: HTML )

Abatement: Small Entity Compliance Guide for OSHA's Abatement Verification Regulation (29 CFR 1903.19)
() (English: PDF )

Abrasive Blasting: Protecting Workers from the Hazards of Abrasive Blasting Materials Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3697 - ) (English: PDF )

Aerial Lift Fall Protection Over Water in Shipyards
(OSHA 3452 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 3475 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )

Aerial Lifts Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Aerial Lifts: Using Aerial Lifts Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Agriculture Safety: All-Terrain Vehicle Hazards during Farm Work Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3758 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS-3894 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Agriculture Safety: Emergency Preparedness for Farmworkers Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3870 - ) (English: PDF )

Agriculture Safety: Preventing Farm Vehicle Backover Incidents Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3840 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS-3893 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Agriculture Safety: Protecting Workers from Tractor Hazards Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3835 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 3892 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Agriculture Safety: Safe Tractors, Save Lives Magnet
(OSHA 3867 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3868 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )

Agriculture: Protecting Farmworkers from Tractor and Harvester Hazards QuickCard
(OSHA 3706 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 3706 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Agriculture: Protecting Workers from Tripod Orchard Ladder Injuries QuickCard
(OSHA 3705 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3705 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )

Agriculture: Working Safely Around Manure Storage Structures
(OSHA 4166 - ) (English: PDF )

Agriculture: Backing Up Farm Vehicles and Equipment Safely QuickCard
(OSHA 3733 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3733 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )

Agriculture: Safe Use of Tripod Orchard Ladders Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3728 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 3891 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Alliance - OSHA Alliance Program Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3645 - ) (English: PDF )

Amputation: Preventing Cuts and Amputations from Food Slicers and Meat Grinders Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3794 - ) (English: PDF )

Amputations Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3508 - ) (English: PDF )

Amputations QuickCard
(OSHA 3204 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3204 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )

Amputations: Safeguarding Equipment and Protecting Employees from Amputations

The revised OSHA guide identifies eight mechanical motions and eight hazardous actions that present possible amputation hazards. The guide also sets forth steps employers can take to reduce these hazards. The material is appropriate for anyone responsible for the operation, servicing, and care of machines or equipment - employers, employees, safety professionals and industrial hygienists. Topics covered in the latest document include hazard analysis, safeguarding machinery, awareness devices and hazardous energy (lockout/tagout).

(OSHA 3170 - ) (English: PDF )

Anaerobic Decomposition in Cooling Water Systems
(OSHA HIB 03-05-1990 - ) (English: HTML )

Animal Rescuer QuickCard
(OSHA 3321 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3321 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )

Asbestos Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3507 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 3737 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Asbestos Standard for the Construction Industry
(OSHA 3096 - ) (English: PDF )

Asbestos-Automotive Brake and Clutch Repair Work
(OSHA SHIB 07-26-2006 - ) (English: PDF )

Asbestos: Protecting Workers from the Hazards of Asbestos-Containing Flooring Material Maintenance Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3693 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS-4394 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Asphyxiation in Sewer Line Manhole: Fatal Facts
(OSHA 3819 - ) (English: PDF )

Attaching an Unguarded Blowtorch Regulator to a Portable Propane Cylinder
(OSHA HIB 10-07-1996 - ) (English: HTML )

Automated External Defibrillators: Saving Sudden Cardiac Arrest Victims in the Workplace
(OSHA 3185 - ) (English: PDF )

Automobile Air Bag Safety
(OSHA HIB 08-30-1990 - ) (English: HTML )

Avian Flu Animal Handlers (Not Poultry Workers) QuickCard
(OSHA 3309 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3309 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )

Avian Flu Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-4189 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS-4227 - ) (Spanish: PDF )
(OSHA FS-4228 - ) (Polish: PDF )

Avian Flu Food Handlers QuickCard
(OSHA 3310 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3310 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )

Avian Flu General Precautions QuickCard
(OSHA 3306 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3306 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )

Avian Flu Healthcare Workers QuickCard
(OSHA 3308 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 3308 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Avian Flu Laboratory Workers QuickCard
(OSHA 3311 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3311 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )

Avian Flu Poultry Workers QuickCard
(OSHA 3307 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3307 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )

Avian Flu: H5N1 (Avian Influenza) in Dairy Cattle Hazard Alert
(OSHA HA-4442 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA HA-4443 - ) (Spanish: PDF )
(OSHA HA-4452 - ) (Aymara: PDF )
(OSHA HA-4453 - ) (Chinese Simplified: PDF )
(OSHA HA-4454 - ) (Chinese Traditional: PDF )
(OSHA HA-4455 - ) (French: PDF )
(OSHA HA-4456 - ) (German: PDF )
(OSHA HA-4457 - ) (Guarani: PDF )
(OSHA HA-4458 - ) (Hawaiian: PDF )
(OSHA HA-4459 - ) (Kaqchikel: PDF )
(OSHA HA-4461 - ) (Korean: PDF )
(OSHA HA-4460 - ) (Kʼicheʼ: PDF )
(OSHA HA-4462 - ) (Mam: PDF )
(OSHA HA-4463 - ) (Nahuatl: PDF )
(OSHA HA-4464 - ) (Polish: PDF )
(OSHA HA-4466 - ) (Quechua: PDF )
(OSHA HA-4465 - ) (Qʼeqchiʼ: PDF )
(OSHA HA-4467 - ) (Samoan: PDF )
(OSHA HA-4468 - ) (Tagalog: PDF )
(OSHA HA-4469 - ) (Vietnamese: PDF )

Avian Flu: Protecting Employees from Avian Flu
(OSHA 3323 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3324 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )

Avian Influenza Protecting Poultry Workers at Risk
(OSHA SHIB 12-13-2004 - ) (English: PDF )

Avoiding Underground Utilities during Horizontal Directional Drilling Operations
() (English: PDF )

Barrier Guard for Drawworks Drum at Oil Drilling Sites
(OSHA HIB 07-13-1995 - ) (English: HTML )

Batteries: Lithium-ion Battery Safety Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-4480 - ) (English: PDF )

Beryllium Medical Surveillance Information for Workers QuickCard
(OSHA 4115 - ) (English: PDF )

Beryllium: Guidance on Medical Surveillance for Beryllium Exposed Workers
(OSHA 4116 - ) (English: PDF )

Beryllium: Protecting Workers from Exposure and Beryllium Compounds; Final Rule Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3821 - ) (English: PDF )

Beryllium: Small Entity Compliance Guide for Beryllium in General Industry
() (English: HTML )

Beryllium: Worker Information on the BeLPT QuickCard
(OSHA 4114 - ) (English: PDF )

Best Practices for Non-Health Care Employers with On-site Health Care Services
(OSHA 3160 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 4439 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Black Widow Spider Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Bloodborne Pathogens - Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Incidents Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Bloodborne Pathogens - Hepatitis B Vaccination Protection Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Bloodborne Pathogens - OSHA's Bloodborne Pathogens Standard Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Bloodborne Pathogens - Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Reduces Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Bloodborne Pathogens - Protecting Yourself When Handling Contaminated Sharps Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3519 - ) (English: PDF )

Bloodborne Pathogens: Model Plans and Programs for the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens and Hazard Communications Standards
(OSHA 3186 - ) (English: PDF )

Bridge Inspection Aerial Platform
(OSHA HIB 12-31-1991 - ) (English: HTML )

Brown Recluse Spider Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Brownfield Site Cleanup and Redevelopment Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Cabinet Press Pinch Point Hazard
(OSHA HIB 07-16-2003 - ) (English: PDF )

Cabinet Press Pinch Point Hazard - Spanish
(OSHA HIB 07-16-2003 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

(OSHA 3136 - ) (English: PDF )

Cadmium: Medical Evaluation of Renal Effects of Cadmium Exposures - Brief
(OSHA 3675 - ) (English: PDF )

Calcium Hypochlorite (CaCl₂O₂)
(OSHA HIB 11-14-1991 - ) (English: HTML )

Calibrating and Testing Direct-Reading Portable Gas Monitors
(OSHA HIB 09-30-2013 - ) (English: HTML )

Carbon Monoxide Explosion Hazards in Electric Arc Furnace Steelmaking Operations
(OSHA SHIB 12-04-2015 - ) (English: PDF )

Carbon Monoxide Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3522 - ) (English: PDF )

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning QuickCard
(OSHA 3282 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 3282 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Catheters: Securing Medical Catheters Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Certification of Workplace Products by Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratories
(OSHA SHIB 02-16-2010 - ) (English: PDF )

Chainsaw Safety QuickCard
(OSHA 3269 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3269 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4286 - ) (Chinese Simplified: PDF )
(OSHA 4287 - ) (Chinese Traditional: PDF )
(OSHA 4288 - ) (Korean: PDF )
(OSHA 3594 - ) (Portuguese: PDF )
(OSHA 4289 - ) (Vietnamese: PDF )

Chainsaws: Working Safely with Chainsaws Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3920 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS-4477 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Challenge Pilot Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Chemical Exposures from Industrial Valve and Piping Systems
(OSHA HIB 05-14-1996 - ) (English: HTML )

Chemical Grain Fumigant
(OSHA SHIB 01-06-2015 - ) (English: HTML )

Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Escape Respirators
(OSHA SHIB 08-29-2003 (A) - ) (English: PDF )

Chipper Machine Safety QuickCard
(OSHA 3279 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3279 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3595 - ) (Portuguese: PDF )

Circuit Breakers: Incorrectly Refurbished Circuit Breakers Hazard Alert
() (English: PDF )

Classification of Ammonium Perchlorate
(OSHA HIB 09-25-1991 - ) (English: HTML )

Cleaning Chemicals: OSHA/NIOSH Protecting Workers Who Use Cleaning Chemicals InfoSheet
(OSHA 3512 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 4397 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Cleaning Chemicals: Protect Yourself--Cleaning Chemicals and Your Health Poster
(OSHA 3569 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3570 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3572 - ) (Chinese Traditional: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3571 - ) (Tagalog: PDF Add to cart )

Cleanup Hazards Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3276 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS-3298 - ) (Spanish: PDF )
(OSHA FS-3602 - ) (Portuguese: PDF )

Cold Stress QuickCard
(OSHA 3156 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3158 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )

Combustible Dust Explosions - Poster
() (English: PDF )

Combustible Dust Explosions Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3791 - ) (English: PDF )

Combustible Dust in Industry: Preventing and Mitigating the Effects of Fire and Explosions
() (English: PDF )

Combustible Dust: Firefighting Precautions at Facilities with Combustible Dust
(OSHA 3644 - ) (English: PDF )

Combustible Dust: Precautions for Firefighters to Prevent Dust Explosions
(OSHA 3674 - ) (English: PDF )

Combustible Dust: Protecting Workers from Combustible Dust Explosion Hazards Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3878 - ) (English: PDF )

Communication Tower Guy Anchor Corrosion
(OSHA HIB 06-12-1991 - ) (English: HTML )

Communication Tower: Communication Tower Best Practices Booklet
(OSHA 3877 - ) (English: PDF )

Compactor Rollover Hazard
(OSHA SHIB 09-29-2008 - ) (English: PDF )

Compatibility of Personal Fall Protection System Components
(OSHA SHIB 09-22-2003 - ) (English: PDF )

Complaint Form
(OSHA 7 - ) (English: HTML PDF )

Compliance Assistance Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Compressed Gas Cylinders Fitted with the Wrong Compressed Gas Association (CGA) Connections
() (English: PDF )

Concrete Manufacturing - Pocket Guide
(OSHA 3221 - ) (English: PDF )

Condor Aerial Device Outrigger Failure - Time Manufacturing Company's Service Bulletin
(OSHA TIB 08-12-2002 - ) (English: PDF )

Confined Space Entry on a Farm: Fatal Facts
(OSHA 3939 - ) (English: PDF )

Confined Space Fire: Fatal Facts
(OSHA 4278 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 4366 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Confined Space Safety on Commercial Fishing Vessels Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Confined Spaces
(OSHA 3138 - ) (English: PDF )

Confined Spaces in Construction: Pits Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3788 - ) (English: PDF )

Confined Spaces in Construction: Sewer Systems Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3789 - ) (English: PDF )

Confined Spaces in Residential Construction Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3914 - ) (English: PDF )

Confined Spaces: Atmospheric Testing in Confined Spaces Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Confined Spaces: Is 911 your Confined Space Rescue Plan? Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3849 - ) (English: PDF )

Confined Spaces: Permit-Required Confined Spaces QuickCard
(OSHA 3214 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3214 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )

Confined Spaces: Protecting Construction Workers in Confined Spaces - Small Entity Compliance Guide
(OSHA 3825 - ) (English: PDF )

Construction - Pocket Guide
(OSHA 3252 - ) (English: PDF )

Construction Hazards (Top Four) QuickCard
(OSHA 3216 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3216 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )

Construction Industry Digest
(OSHA 2202 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 3530 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Construction PPE QuickCard
(OSHA 3289 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 3289 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Construction: Noise in Construction - Pocket Guide
(OSHA 3498 - ) (English: PDF )

Construction: Protecting Roofing Workers
(OSHA 3755 - ) (English: PDF )

Construction: Tunneling
(OSHA 3115 - ) (English: PDF )

Contracting Occupationally Related Psittacosis
(OSHA HIB 08-08-1994 - ) (English: HTML )

Corporate Pilot Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Corrosion of Piping in Hydroprocessing Units
(OSHA HIB 07-29-1994 - ) (English: HTML )

Cotton Press: Fatal Facts
(OSHA 3679 - ) (English: PDF )

Crane Modifications
(OSHA HIB 04-19-1993 - ) (English: HTML )

Cranes and Derricks in Construction - Small Entity Compliance Guide for the Final Rule
(OSHA 3433 - ) (English: PDF )

Cranes and Derricks in Construction: Subpart CC: Wire Rope - Inspection
(OSHA 3635 - ) (English: PDF )

Cranes and Derricks in Construction: Assembly and Disassembly, Subpart CC Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Cranes and Derricks in Construction: Operator Qualification and Certification, Subpart CC Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Cranes and Derricks in Construction: Qualified Rigger, Subpart CC Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Cranes and Derricks in Construction: Signal Person Qualification, Subpart CC Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Crowd Management Safety Guidelines for Retailers Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Crushed by Carriage during Skyline-Skidding Operation: Fatal Facts
(OSHA 3884 - ) (English: PDF )

Crushing Hazards Associated with Dumpsters and Rear-loading Trash Trucks
(OSHA SHIB 12-09-2003 - ) (English: PDF )

Deaths Involving the Inadvertent Connection of Air-line Respirators to Inert Gas Supplies
(OSHA SHIB 04-27-2004 - ) (English: PDF )

Deck Barge Safety
(OSHA 3358 - ) (English: PDF )

Decontamination Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Decontamination QuickCard
(OSHA 3264 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3264 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3596 - ) (Portuguese: PDF )

Demolition Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Demolition Safety QuickCard
(OSHA 3290 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 3290 - ) (Spanish: PDF )
(OSHA 3597 - ) (Portuguese: PDF )

Demounting and Mounting Procedures for Tube-type Truck and Bus Tires Chart - Tire Chart
(OSHA 3402 - ) (English: PDF )

Demounting and Mounting Procedures for Tubeless Truck and Bus Tires Chart - Tire Chart
(OSHA 3401 - ) (English: PDF )

Diesel Exhaust: OSHA/MSHA Hazard Alert - Diesel Exhaust/Diesel Particulate Matter
(OSHA 3590 - ) (English: PDF )

(OSHA HIB 02-15-1991 - ) (English: HTML )

Disaster Cleanup and Recovery PPE Matrix Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3898 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS-3899 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Disaster Response: Protecting Workers from Slips, Trips and Falls QuickCard
(OSHA 3907 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3907 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4301 - ) (Chinese Simplified: PDF )
(OSHA 4302 - ) (Chinese Traditional: PDF )
(OSHA 4303 - ) (Korean: PDF )
(OSHA 4304 - ) (Portuguese: PDF )
(OSHA 4305 - ) (Vietnamese: PDF )

Disposal of Contaminated Needles and Blood Tube Holders Used for Phlebotomy
(OSHA SHIB 10-15-2003 - ) (English: PDF )

Earth Boring Machines
(OSHA HIB 06-04-1990 - ) (English: HTML )

Ebola: Cleaning and Decontamination of Ebola on Surfaces Fact Sheet
(OSHA 3756 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 3773 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Ebola: OSHA/NIOSH/EPA Fact Sheet - Safe Handling, Treatment, Transport and Disposal of Ebola-Contaminated Waste
(OSHA FS 3766 - ) (English: PDF )

Ebola: PPE Selection Matrix for Occupational Exposure to Ebola Virus
(OSHA 3761 - ) (English: PDF )

Electric Hog Stunning Devices
(OSHA HIB 10-24-1990 - ) (English: HTML )

Electric Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution and Electrical Protective Equipment Final Rule Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3719 - ) (English: PDF )

Electric Power: Electrical Protective Equipment Requirements
(OSHA 3875 - ) (English: PDF )

Electric Power: Fall Protection Requirements
(OSHA 3874 - ) (English: PDF )

Electric Power: Major Changes to the Rule
(OSHA 3872 - ) (English: PDF )

Electric Power: Minimum Approach Distance, Information Transfer and Training Requirements
(OSHA 3873 - ) (English: PDF )

Electrical Hazards: Controlling Electrical Hazards
(OSHA 3075 - ) (English: PDF )

Electrical Hazards: Working Safely Around Downed Electrical Wires Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3941 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS-4479 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Electrical Safety Hazards of Overloading Cable Trays Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Electrical Safety QuickCard
(OSHA 3294 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 3294 - ) (Spanish: PDF )
(OSHA 4281 - ) (Chinese Simplified: PDF )
(OSHA 4282 - ) (Chinese Traditional: PDF )
(OSHA 4283 - ) (Korean: PDF )
(OSHA 4284 - ) (Portuguese: PDF )
(OSHA 4285 - ) (Vietnamese: PDF )

Electrical Safety: Being Aware of Arc Flash Hazards Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-4475 - ) (English: PDF )

Electrical Safety: Common Electrical Work Myths Card
(OSHA 4473 - ) (English: PDF )

Electrical Safety: Establishing Boundaries Around Arc Flash Hazards Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-4474 - ) (English: PDF )

Electrical Safety: Protecting Employees from Electric-Arc Flash Hazards
(OSHA 4472 - ) (English: PDF )

Electrical: Guy Wires Hazard Alert
(OSHA HA-4380 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA HA-4381 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Electricity: Working Safely with Electricity Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3942 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA FS-4478 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Emergency Action Plans: How to Plan for Workplace Emergencies and Evacuations
(OSHA 3088 - ) (English: PDF )

Emergency Exit Routes Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3943 - ) (English: PDF )

Emergency Lowering Procedure for SKYJACK SJM Series Self-Propelled Mobile Work Platforms with Hydraulic Velocity Fuses
(OSHA HIB 5-23-2000 - ) (English: PDF )

Emergency Management: Planning & Responding to Workplace Emergencies Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Emergency Management: Preparing and Protecting Security Personnel in Emergencies
(OSHA 3335 - ) (English: PDF )

Emergency Response: A Dangerous Worksite - The World Trade Center
(OSHA 3193 - ) (English: PDF )

Emergency Response: Best Practices for Hospital-Based First Receivers of Victims

This document offers useful information to help hospitals create emergency plans based on worst-case scenarios. It focuses on suggestions for appropriate training and suitable personal protective equipment for healthcare employees who may be exposed to hazardous substances when they treat victims of mass casualties. The document includes appendices with practical examples of decontamination procedures and medical monitoring for first receivers who respond to a mass casualty incident.

(OSHA 3249 - ) (English: PDF )

Emergency Response: Best Practices for Protecting EMS Responders during Treatment and Transport of Victims of Hazardous Substance Releases
(OSHA 3370 - ) (English: PDF )

Emergency Response: Hospitals and Community Emergency Response -- What You Need to Know
(OSHA 3152 - ) (English: PDF )

Emergency Response: Principal Emergency Response and Preparedness - Requirements and Guidelines
(OSHA 3122 - ) (English: PDF )

Emergency Response: Protecting Worker Safety and Health Under the National Response Framework QuickCard
(OSHA 3356 - ) (English: PDF )

Employees' Exposure to Possible Pinch Point Hazard on Skid Steer Loaders Equipped with Backhoe Attachments
(OSHA HIB 11-12-1986 - ) (English: HTML )

Employees' Exposure to the Hazard of Being Struck or Run Over By the Wheels of Travel Lifts
(OSHA HIB 03-05-1986 - ) (English: HTML )

Employer Rights and Responsibilities Following an OSHA Inspection
(OSHA 3000 - ) (English: EPUB MOBI PDF )
(OSHA 3195 - ) (Spanish: EPUB MOBI PDF )

Employers: New Businesses Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Engulfment in a Sugar Hopper: Fatal Facts
(OSHA 3816 - ) (English: PDF )

Ergonomics for the Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders - Guidelines for Shipyards
(OSHA 3341 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )

Ergonomics Program Management Guidelines For Meatpacking Plants
(OSHA 3123 - ) (English: HTML )

Ergonomics: Guidelines for Nursing Homes: Ergonomics for the Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders

OSHA's Guidelines for Nursing Homes focuses on practical recommendations for employers to reduce the number and severity of workplace injuries by using methods found to be successful in the nursing home environment.

(OSHA 3182 - ) (English: PDF )

Ergonomics: Guidelines for Retail Grocery Stores - Ergonomics for the Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders

OSHA's Guidelines for Retail Grocery Stores provide practical recommendations to help grocery store employers and employees reduce the number and severity of injuries in their workplaces. 

(OSHA 3192 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )

Ergonomics: Solutions for the Prevention of Musculoskeletal Injuries in Foundries
(OSHA 3465 - ) (English: PDF )

Ethylene Oxide (EtO): Understanding OSHA's Exposure Monitoring Requirements
(OSHA 3325 - ) (English: PDF )

Ethylene Oxide Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Ethylene Oxide: OSHA's Small Business Guide for Ethylene Oxide
(OSHA 3359 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )

Evacuating High-Rise Buildings Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Evaluation of Fire and Rescue Services Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3925 - ) (English: PDF )

Exposure to Hazards Associated with Temporary Enclosures
(OSHA TIB 05-30-2002 - ) (English: PDF )

Eye Protection against Radiant Energy during Welding and Cutting in Shipyard Employment
(OSHA FS 3499 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS-3588 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Eyewash: Health Effects from Contaminated Water in Eyewash Stations InfoSheet
(OSHA 3818 - ) (English: PDF )

Fall From a Telecommunications Tower: Fatal Facts
(OSHA 3710 - ) (English: PDF )

Fall from Derrick: Fatal Facts
(OSHA 3617 - ) (English: PDF )

Fall Prevention Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3533 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 3534 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA FS 3545 - ) (Polish: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA FS 3549 - ) (Russian: PDF )

Fall Prevention Poster
(OSHA 3531 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 3532 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Fall Prevention Wallet Card
(OSHA 3557 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 3564 - ) (Spanish: PDF )
(OSHA 3664 - ) (Portuguese: PDF )

Fall Prevention: Safety Pays. Falls Cost. Sticker
(OSHA 0078 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 0086 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )

Fall Prevention: Training Guide - A Lesson Plan for Employers
(OSHA 3666 - ) (English: EPUB MOBI PDF )
(OSHA 3727 - ) (Spanish: EPUB MOBI PDF )

Fall Protection in Construction
(OSHA 3146 - ) (English: PDF )

Fall Protection in General Industry QuickCard

(updating to reflect current policy - refer to fact sheet)

(OSHA 3257 - ) (English: PDF )

Fall Protection in Residential Construction Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Fall Protection Safety for Commercial Fishing Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Fall Protection: Lanyards and Lifelines can be Severed on Exposed Edges during Falls Hazard Alert
(OSHA 4414 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 4415 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Fall Protection: Reducing Falls during Residential Construction: Erecting Exterior and Interior Walls
(OSHA FS 3554 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 3581 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Fall Protection: Reducing Falls during Residential Construction: Floor Joist Installation and Decking
(OSHA FS 3555 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 3582 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Fall Protection: Reducing Falls During Residential Construction: Installing Roof Trusses Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3477 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 3574 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Fall Protection: Reducing Falls During Residential Construction: Installing Standing Seam Metal Roofs Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3502 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 3578 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Fall Protection: Reducing Falls During Residential Construction: Installing Tile Roofs Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3478 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 3575 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Fall Protection: Reducing Falls During Residential Construction: Re-Roofing Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3503 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 3579 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Fall Protection: Reducing Falls During Residential Construction: Roof Repair Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3479 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 3576 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Fall Protection: Reducing Falls During Residential Construction: Roof Sheathing Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3501 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 3577 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Fall Protection: Reducing Falls during Residential Construction: Working in Attics
(OSHA FS 3553 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 3580 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Fallen Workers Brochure
() (English: PDF )
() (Spanish: PDF )
() (Chinese Simplified: PDF )
() (Chinese Traditional: PDF )
() (French: PDF )
() (Haitian: PDF )
() (Korean: PDF )
() (Polish: PDF )
() (Russian: PDF )
() (Somali: PDF )
() (Ukrainian: PDF )
() (Vietnamese: PDF )

Farmworker Electrocution: Fatal Facts
(OSHA 3817 - ) (English: PDF )

Federal Employees: Occupational Safety and Health for Federal Employees Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-4470 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS-4471 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Federal Employer Rights & Responsibilities Following an OSHA Inspection
() (English: HTML )

Fire Ants Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Fire Hazard From Carbon Adsorption Deodorizing Systems
(OSHA HIB 07-30-1997 - ) (English: HTML )

Fire Hazard of Polyurethane and Other Organic Foam Insulation Aboard Ships and in Construction
(OSHA HIB 05-10-1989 - ) (English: HTML )

Fire Safety Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3527 - ) (English: PDF )

Fire Service Features of Buildings and Fire Protection Systems

Explains how fire service operations can be influenced by different building features and offers considerations for design professionals that can help facilitate these operations. The manual includes chapters and narratives on building and site design, sprinkler systems, standpipe systems, fire department connections, fire alarm and communications systems, as well as various firefighting systems.

(OSHA 3256 - ) (English: EPUB MOBI PDF )

Fire Watch Safety during Hot Work in Shipyards QuickCard
(OSHA 3494 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3777 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )

Fireworks Safety Pocket Card
(OSHA 3248 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )

Fireworks Safety Poster - Display Operators
() (English: PDF )

Fireworks Safety Poster - Retail Fireworks Sales
() (English: PDF )

First Aid: Best Practices Guide - Fundamentals of a Workplace First-Aid Program

This guide identifies four essential elements for first-aid programs to be effective and successful; management leadership and employee involvement, worksite analysis, hazard prevention and control, and safety and health training. It also includes best practices for planning and conducting safe and effective first-aid training.

(OSHA 3317 - ) (English: PDF )

Flash Fire From Crude Oil Vapors: Fatal Facts
(OSHA 3618 - ) (English: PDF )

Flu: Influenza in Workers and Pigs - Guidance for Commercial Swine Farmers and Pork Producers Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Flu: Seasonal Influenza (Flu) Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-4290 - ) (English: PDF )

Flu: Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Fact Sheet - Important Protection for Healthcare Workers Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3260 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS-4221 - ) (Spanish: PDF )
(OSHA FS-4222 - ) (Polish: PDF )

Flu: Swine Production Workers Protection from Influenza QuickCard
(OSHA 3374 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )

Food Processing: Severe Injuries in the Food Processing Industry Hazard Alert
(OSHA HA-4407 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA HA-4408 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Forklift Safety QuickCard
(OSHA 3949 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3949 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )

Formaldehyde Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Formaldehyde: Hair Smoothing Products That Could Release Formaldehyde - Hazard Alert
() (English: PDF )
() (Spanish: PDF )
() (Vietnamese: PDF )

Fungi Hazards and Flood Cleanup Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

General Industry Digest
(OSHA 2201 - ) (English: EPUB MOBI PDF )
(OSHA 3573 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

General Industry Walking-Working Surfaces and Fall Protection; Final Rule Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3903 - ) (English: PDF )

General Respiratory Protection Guidance for Employers and Workers
(OSHA HIB 2011 - ) (English: HTML )

Generator Safety: Grounding Requirements for Portable Generators Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Generator Safety: Using Portable Generators Safely Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3286 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS-4476 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Glutaraldehyde: Best Practices for the Safe Use of Glutaraldehyde in Health Care
(OSHA 3258 - ) (English: PDF )

Grain Bins: Dangers of Engulfment and Suffocation in Grain Bins Hazard Alert
() (English: PDF )

Grain Bins: Worker Entry into Grain Storage Bins Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Grain Handling
(OSHA 3103 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )

Grain Handling Safety Wallet Card
(OSHA 3329 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )

Grain Safety: Grain Safety Stand-Up Poster
(OSHA 3967 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 4113 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Grease Trap Hazards - Hazard Bulletin
(OSHA 3986 - ) (English: PDF )

Green Tobacco Sickness
(OSHA 3765 - ) (English: PDF )

Guardrail System for Tunnel Form Stripping Platform
(OSHA SHIB 08-08-2006 - ) (English: PDF )

Hand and Power Tools
(OSHA 3080 - ) (English: PDF )

Hand Hygiene and Gloves in Hurricane-Affected Areas Fact Sheet
() (English: PDF )

Hand Hygiene QuickCard
(OSHA 3262 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3262 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3598 - ) (Portuguese: PDF )

Hazard Alert: Hazards Associated with the Release of Liquid Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide During Flash Freezing Processes
(OSHA HA-4450 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA HA-4451 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Hazard Communication Guidance for Combustible Dusts
(OSHA 3371 - ) (English: PDF )

Hazard Communication Safety Data Sheets QuickCard
(OSHA 3493 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3518 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Hazard Communication Standard Labels QuickCard
(OSHA 3492 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3492 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )

Hazard Communication Standard Pictogram QuickCard
(OSHA 3491 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3491 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )

Hazard Communication Standard: Comparison of NFPA 704 and HazCom 2012 Labels QuickCard
(OSHA 3678 - ) (English: PDF )

Hazard Communication Standard: Dec. 1st, 2013 Training Requirements for the Rev. Standard Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3642 - ) (English: PDF )

Hazard Communication Standard: Labels and Pictograms - Brief
(OSHA BR-3636 - ) (English: PDF )

Hazard Communication Standard: Safety Data Sheets - OSHA Brief
(OSHA BR-3514 - ) (English: PDF )

Hazard Communication: Final Rule Modifying the Hazard Communication Standard to Maintain Alignment with the GHS Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-4437 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS-4438 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Hazard Communication: Hazard Classification Guidance for Manufacturers, Importers, and Employers

NOTE: When accessing this large 8MB PDF file, we recommend you "RIGHT CLICK" on the link and save the file directly to your computer. Attempting to view or print large PDF files through your browser with a plug-in viewer, can result in various technical difficulties.

(OSHA 3844 - ) (English: PDF )

Hazard Communication: Hazard Communication in the Maritime Industry Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3694 - ) (English: PDF )

Hazard Communication: Hazard Communication Wallet Card
(OSHA 3658 - ) (English: PDF )

Hazard Communication: Small Entity Compliance Guide for Employers That Use Hazardous Chemicals
(OSHA 3695 - ) (English: EPUB MOBI PDF )

Hazard Communication: Steps to an Effective Hazard Communication Program for Employers That Use Hazardous Chemicals Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3696 - ) (English: PDF )

Hazard of Laser Surgery Smoke
(OSHA HIB 04-11-1988 - ) (English: HTML )

Hazard of Potential Sidewalk Grate System Failure
(OSHA SHIB 12-30-2004 - ) (English: PDF )

Hazardous Waste & Emergency Response
(OSHA 3114 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )

Hazardous Waste Incinerators
(OSHA GAO/RCED 95-17 - ) (English: PDF )

Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Hazardous Waste: Occupational Safety & Health Guidance Manual for Hazardous Waste Site Activities
(OSHA NIOSH USCG EPA - ) (English: PDF )

Hazards Associated with All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) in the Workplace
(OSHA SHIB 08-03-2006 - ) (English: PDF )

Hazards Associated with De-Watering of Pipelines
(OSHA SHIB 06-21-2004 - ) (English: PDF )

Hazards Associated with Hand-Feeding Bar Straightening Machines
(OSHA SHIB 05-20-2004 - ) (English: PDF )

Hazards Associated with Operating Skid-Steer Loaders with Bypassed and/or Improperly Maintained Safety Devices
(OSHA SHIB 01-12-2009 - ) (English: PDF )

Hazards Associated with Strand Restraint Devices in Manufacturing Prestressed Concrete Beams
(OSHA SHIB 06-02-2004 - ) (English: PDF )

Hazards Associated with Striking Underground Gas Lines
(OSHA SHIB 05-21-2003 - ) (English: PDF )

Hazards Associated with the "Unintended (Double) Cycling" of Mechanical Power Presses
(OSHA SHIB 02-02-2010 - ) (English: PDF )

Hazards Associated with Transporting Granite and Marble Slabs
(OSHA SHIB 09-08-2005 - ) (English: PDF )

Hazards of Auger Drilling
(OSHA SHIB 04-16-2008 - ) (English: PDF )

Hazards of Delayed Coker Unit (DCU) Operations
(OSHA SHIB 08-29-2003 - ) (English: PDF )

Hazards of Improper Elevator Controller Wiring
(OSHA SHIB 08-16-2004 - ) (English: PDF )

Hazards of Inadequately Securing Hydraulic Excavator Buckets When Using Quick Coupling Devices
(OSHA SHIB 07-22-2005 - ) (English: PDF )

Hazards of Manually Lifting Balloon Framed Walls
(OSHA SHIB 11-17-2005 - ) (English: PDF )

Hazards of Misusing Wire Form Anchorage Connectors for Fall Protection
(OSHA SHIB 09-01-2004 - ) (English: PDF )

Hazards of Operating Unguarded Stone Cutters and Splitters in Landscaping and Other Worksites
(OSHA SHIB 01-25-2013 - ) (English: HTML )

Hazards of Transporting, Unloading, Storing and Handling Granite, Marble and Stone Slabs
(OSHA SHIB 08-12-2008 - ) (English: HTML )

Hazards of Unintended Movement of Dump Truck Body Beds
(OSHA SHIB 09-18-2006 - ) (English: PDF )

Hazards of Using Flammable Liquids in Cutting Laminated Glass
(OSHA SHIB 10-06-2008 - ) (English: HTML )

Hazards of Using Job-Made Boxes/Baskets/Platforms
() (English: PDF )

Hazards of Wood Chippers
(OSHA SHIB 04-16-2008 - ) (English: PDF )

Hazards when Purging Hydrogen Gas-Cooled Electric Generators
(OSHA SHIB 01-22-2016 - ) (English: PDF )

Hazards while Servicing Light Truck, Automobile, and Other Small Tires
(OSHA SHIB 04-29-2004 - ) (English: PDF )

Head Protection: Safety Helmets in the Workplace
(OSHA SHIB 3-6-2024 - ) (English: PDF )

Hearing Conservation
(OSHA 3074 - ) (English: PDF )

Hearing Conservation for the Hearing-Impaired Worker
(OSHA SHIB 12-27-2005 - ) (English: PDF )

Heat Emergency Wallet Card
(OSHA 4403 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 4404 - ) (Spanish: PDF )
(OSHA 4430 - ) (Chinese Traditional: PDF )
(OSHA 4428 - ) (Portuguese: PDF )
(OSHA 4429 - ) (Vietnamese: PDF )

Heat Illness Illustrated Fact Sheet
(OSHA 3422 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 3423 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4296 - ) (Chinese Simplified: PDF )
(OSHA 4297 - ) (Chinese Traditional: PDF )
(OSHA 4298 - ) (Korean: PDF )
(OSHA 4299 - ) (Portuguese: PDF )
(OSHA 4300 - ) (Vietnamese: PDF )

Heat Illness Prevention: Don’t Wait… Hydrate! Sticker
(OSHA 0110 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 0111 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )

Heat Illness Prevention: Keeping Workers Well-Hydrated Fact Sheet
(OSHA 4372 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 4373 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Heat Illness Prevention: Personal Risk Factors and Heat Exposure Fact Sheet
(OSHA 4374 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 4375 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Heat Illness Prevention: Prevent Heat Illness Among Pregnant Workers Fact Sheet
(OSHA 4376 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 4377 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Heat Illness Prevention: Protecting Workers from the Effects of Heat Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3743 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 4371 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Heat Illness Prevention: Working in the Heat: Know the Hazards Brochure
(OSHA 4401 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4402 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4427 - ) (Chinese Traditional: PDF )
(OSHA 4425 - ) (Portuguese: PDF )
(OSHA 4426 - ) (Vietnamese: PDF )

Heat Illness: OSHA-NIOSH Heat Illness InfoSheet: Protecting Workers from Heat Illness

At times, workers may be required to work in hot environments for long periods. This fact sheet provides information to employers on measures they should take to prevent heat-related illnesses and death.

(OSHA 3438 - ) (English: PDF )

Heat Illness: Prevent Heat Illness at Work Brochure
(OSHA 4135 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 4135 - ) (Spanish: PDF )
(OSHA 4219 - ) (Arabic: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4146 - ) (Chinese Simplified: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4145 - ) (Chinese Traditional: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4260 - ) (Czech: PDF )
(OSHA 4218 - ) (Eastern Punjabi: PDF )
(OSHA 4203 - ) (French: PDF )
(OSHA 4202 - ) (Haitian: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4258 - ) (Italian: PDF )
(OSHA 4147 - ) (Korean: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4379 - ) (Lao: PDF )
(OSHA 4259 - ) (Nepali: PDF )
(OSHA 4150 - ) (Polish: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4199 - ) (Portuguese: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4148 - ) (Romanian: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4201 - ) (Russian: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4144 - ) (Tagalog: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4200 - ) (Ukrainian: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4149 - ) (Vietnamese: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4217 - ) (Western Punjabi: PDF )

Heat Illness: Prevent Heat Illness at Work Poster
(OSHA 3431 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3432 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4220 - ) (Arabic: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4211 - ) (Chinese Simplified: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4210 - ) (Chinese Traditional: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4212 - ) (Korean: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4378 - ) (Lao: PDF )
(OSHA 4209 - ) (Polish: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4208 - ) (Romanian: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4213 - ) (Tagalog: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4214 - ) (Vietnamese: PDF )

Heat Illness: Prevent Heat Illness at Work: OSHA Alert
(OSHA 3975 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 4067 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Heat Injury and Illness Prevention - Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Fact Sheet
(OSHA 4142 - ) (English: PDF )

Heat Rulemaking Factsheet
() (English: PDF )
() (Spanish: PDF )

Heat: Extreme Heat Can Be Deadly to Workers Hazard Alert
(OSHA HA-4279 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA HA-4280 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Hexavalent Chromium
(OSHA 3373 - ) (English: PDF )

Hexavalent Chromium: Controlling Exposure to Hexavalent Chromium in Aerospace and Air Transport Painting
(OSHA FS 3650 - ) (English: PDF )

Hexavalent Chromium: Controlling Hazardous Fume and Gases during Welding Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3647 - ) (English: PDF )

Hexavalent Chromium: Controlling Hexavalent Chromium Exposures during Electroplating
(OSHA FS 3648 - ) (English: PDF )

Hexavalent Chromium: Health Effects of Hexavalent Chromium Fact Sheet
() (English: PDF )

Hexavalent Chromium: Hexavalent Chromium Hazards in Bridge Painting
(OSHA FS 3649 - ) (English: PDF )

Hexavalent Chromium: Small Entity Compliance Guide for the Hexavalent Chromium Standards

The guide describes the steps that employers are required to take to protect employees from hazards associated with exposure to hexavalent chromium. It provides detailed information on permissible exposure limits (PEL), exposure determination, regulated areas, methods of compliance, respiratory protection, protective work clothing and equipment, hygiene areas and practices, housekeeping, and medical surveillance.

(OSHA 3320 - ) (English: PDF )

Hispanic Outreach Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Hospital Safety: How Safe is Your Hospital for Workers? A Self-Assessment--CMS
(OSHA 3690 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )

Hospital Safety: How Safe is Your Hospital for Workers? Learn More--CMS FactSheet
(OSHA 3688 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )

Hospital Safety: Integrating Patient and Workplace Safety Programs. Lessons -- CMS Fact Sheet
(OSHA 3730 - ) (English: PDF )

Hospital Safety: Safe Patient Handling Programs, Effectiveness--CMS Fact Sheet
(OSHA 3729 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )

Hospital Safety: Worker Safety in Your Hospital. Know the Facts -- CMS FactSheet
(OSHA 3689 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )

Human Remains: Health and Safety Recommendations for Personnel Who Handle Human Remains Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-4448 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS-4449 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Human Trafficking Fact Sheet
(OSHA 4206 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 4207 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Hydraulic Fracturing and Flowback Hazards Other than Respirable Silica Guide
(OSHA 3763 - ) (English: PDF )

Hydraulic Systems Modifications
(OSHA HIB 07-11-1991 - ) (English: HTML )

Hydraulic Systems Preventive Maintenance
(OSHA HIB 07-14-1992 - ) (English: HTML )

Hydraulic Tractor/Semi-Trailer Dumper Platform
(OSHA HIB 06-16-1986 - ) (English: HTML )

Hydrogen Sulfide Fact Sheet
() (English: PDF )

Hydrogen Sulfide QuickCard
(OSHA 3300 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3300 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )

Hydrogen Sulfide Release: Fatal Facts
(OSHA 4204 - ) (English: PDF )

Improper Installation of Wood Dust Collectors in the Woodworking Industry
(OSHA HIB 05-02-1997 - ) (English: HTML )

Improper Support of an Elevator Car During Installation
(OSHA HIB 06-22-1995 - ) (English: HTML )

Improving Workplace Ventilation During Cold Weather: OSHA Alert
(OSHA 4172 - ) (English: PDF )

Incinerators: Summary Report on OSHA Inspections Conducted at Superfund Incinerator Sites
() (English: PDF )

Indoor Air Quality in Commercial and Institutional Buildings
(OSHA 3430 - ) (English: PDF )

Industrial Hygiene
(OSHA 3143 - ) (English: HTML )

Injury & Illness Recordkeeping Forms - 300, 300A, 301
() (English: HTML )

Innovative Workplace Safety Accommodations for Hearing-Impaired Workers
(OSHA SHIB 07-22-2005 - ) (English: PDF )

Insect Sting: Fatal Facts
(OSHA 4137 - ) (English: PDF )

Inside the Green Line - OSHA Responds to Disaster
(OSHA 3189 - ) (English: PDF )

Inspection of Suspension-Type Highway Trailers Prior to Loading and Unloading with Powered Industrial Trucks
(OSHA TIB 07-31-2000 - ) (English: PDF )

Inspections Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3783 - ) (English: PDF )

Internal Combustion Engines as Ignition Sources Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3589 - ) (English: PDF )

Isocyanates: Do You Have Work-Related Asthma? A Guide for You and Your Doctor Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3707 - ) (English: PDF )

Job Hazard Analysis Guide
(OSHA 3071 - ) (English: PDF )

Job Safety and Health -- It's The Law Poster
(OSHA 3165 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3167 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3838 - ) (Arabic: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3962 - ) (Cebuano: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3724 - ) (Chinese: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3839 - ) (Haitian Creole: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3725 - ) (Korean: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4183 - ) (Marshallese: PDF )
(OSHA 3726 - ) (Nepali: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3347 - ) (Polish: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3495 - ) (Portuguese: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4420 - 8.5" x 14" - ) (Russian: PDF )
(OSHA 4420 - ) (Russian: PDF )
(OSHA 4273 - ) (Somali: PDF )
(OSHA 4273 - 8.5" x 14" - ) (Somali: PDF )
(OSHA 4406 - 8.5" x 14" - ) (Swahili: PDF )
(OSHA 4406 - ) (Swahili: PDF )
(OSHA 3921 - ) (Tagalog: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4419 - 8.5" x 14" - ) (Ukrainian: PDF )
(OSHA 4419 - ) (Ukrainian: PDF )
(OSHA 3837 - ) (Vietnamese: PDF Add to cart )

Keep Workers Alive During Diving Operations: OSHA Alert
(OSHA 4141 - ) (English: PDF )

Keeping Workers Safe during Disaster Cleanup and Recovery Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3698 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 3699 - ) (Spanish: PDF )
(OSHA FS 4355 - ) (Chinese Simplified: PDF )
(OSHA FS 4356 - ) (Chinese Traditional: PDF )
(OSHA FS 4357 - ) (Korean: PDF )
(OSHA FS 4358 - ) (Portuguese: PDF )

Keeping Workers Safe during Flood Cleanup: OSHA Alert
(OSHA 3972 - ) (English: PDF )

Key Switch Controlled Elevating and Rotating Aerial Lifts
(OSHA TIB 02-04-2011 - ) (English: PDF )

Labor Trafficking Wallet Card
(OSHA 4205 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4205 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4334 - ) (Arabic: PDF )
(OSHA 4335 - ) (Cebuano: PDF )
(OSHA 4336 - ) (Chinese Simplified: PDF )
(OSHA 4337 - ) (Chinese Traditional: PDF )
(OSHA 4338 - ) (Eastern Punjabi: PDF )
(OSHA 4339 - ) (Haitian Creole: PDF )
(OSHA 4340 - ) (Karen: PDF )
(OSHA 4341 - ) (Korean: PDF )
(OSHA 4342 - ) (Marshallese: PDF )
(OSHA 4364 - ) (Mayan: PDF )
(OSHA 4343 - ) (Nepali: PDF )
(OSHA 4344 - ) (Polish: PDF )
(OSHA 4345 - ) (Portuguese: PDF )
(OSHA 4346 - ) (Russian: PDF )
(OSHA 4347 - ) (Somali: PDF )
(OSHA 4348 - ) (Tagalog: PDF )
(OSHA 4349 - ) (Ukrainian: PDF )
(OSHA 4350 - ) (Vietnamese: PDF )
(OSHA 4351 - ) (Western Punjabi: PDF )

Laboratory Safety Guidance
(OSHA 3404 - ) (English: PDF )

Laboratory Safety: Autoclaves/Sterilizers Quick Facts
() (English: PDF )

Laboratory Safety: Biosafety Cabinets (BSCs) Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Laboratory Safety: Centrifuges Quick Facts
() (English: PDF )

Laboratory Safety: Chemical Fume Hoods Quick Facts
() (English: PDF )

Laboratory Safety: Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Laboratory Safety: Cryogens and Dry Ice Quick Facts
() (English: PDF )

Laboratory Safety: Electrical Hazards Quick Facts
() (English: PDF )

Laboratory Safety: Ergonomics for the Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Laboratory Safety: Labeling and Transfer of Chemicals Quick Facts
() (English: PDF )

Laboratory Safety: Latex Allergy Quick Facts
() (English: PDF )

Laboratory Safety: Noise Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Laboratory Safety: OSHA Laboratory Standard Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Laboratory Safety: Working with Small Animals Quick Facts
() (English: PDF )

Ladder Safety QuickCard
(OSHA 3246 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 3247 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Ladder Safety: Falling Off Ladders Can Kill: Use Them Safely
(OSHA 3625 - ) (English: EPUB MOBI PDF )
(OSHA 3625 - ) (Spanish: EPUB MOBI PDF )

Ladder Safety: Reducing Falls in Construction: Safe Use of Extension Ladders Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3660 - ) (English: PDF )

Ladder Safety: Reducing Falls in Construction: Safe Use of Job-made Wooden Ladders Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3661 - ) (English: PDF )

Ladder Safety: Reducing Falls in Construction: Safe Use of Stepladders Fact Sheet
(OSHA 3662 - ) (English: PDF )

Lead Exposure: Protecting Workers at Indoor Firing Ranges QuickCard
(OSHA 3771 - ) (English: PDF )

Lead Hazards Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Lead Hazards: Protecting Workers at Indoor Firing Ranges Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3772 - ) (English: PDF )

Lead in Construction
(OSHA 3142 - ) (English: PDF )

Lead in Construction QuickCard
(OSHA 3291 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3291-SP - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )

Lead: If You Work Around Lead, Don't Take it Home! QuickCard
(OSHA 3680 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3736 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )

Legionnaires' Disease Risk for Workers in the Plastic Injection Molding Industry
(OSHA HIB 12-09-1998 - ) (English: HTML )

Lethal Exposure to Methylene Chloride during Bathtub Refinishing: Fatal Facts
(OSHA 3883 - ) (English: PDF )

Lightning Safety: OSHA/NOAA Fact Sheet - Lightning Safety When Working Outdoors
(OSHA FS 3863 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 4046 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Limitations of Radiofrequency Presence Sensing Devices
(OSHA HIB 09-21-1987 - ) (English: HTML )

Lockout/Tagout Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3529 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS-4416 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Lockout/Tagout: Control of Hazardous Energy Lockout-Tagout
(OSHA 3120 - ) (English: PDF )

Longshoring and Marine Terminals: Five Ways to Stay Safe When Working on Chassis in Marine Terminals Poster
(OSHA 4165 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )

Longshoring and Marine Terminals: Five Ways to Stay Safe When Working on Refrigerated Containers “Reefers” in Marine Terminals Poster
(OSHA 4163 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )

Longshoring and Marine Terminals: Line Handling Safety Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-4392 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS-4393 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Longshoring and Marine Terminals: Protecting Workers during Lashing Operations Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-4182 - ) (English: PDF )

Longshoring and Marine Terminals: Roll-On Roll-Off (RO-RO) Ship and Dock Safety
(OSHA 3396 - ) (English: PDF )

Longshoring and Marine Terminals: Safe Plugging and Unplugging Reefer Units QuickCard
(OSHA 3652 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )

Longshoring and Marine Terminals: Six Ways to Stay Safe When Working on Cranes in Marine Terminals Poster
(OSHA 4164 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )

Longshoring Industry
(OSHA 2232 - ) (English: PDF )

Longshoring: Freeing Inoperable Semi-Automatic Twist Locks (SATLs) in Longshoring
(OSHA FS 3583 - ) (English: PDF )

Longshoring: Preventing Semi-Tractor Driver Injuries during Container Lifting Operations Fact Sheet
(OSHA 3858 - ) (English: PDF )

Longshoring: Servicing Multi-Piece and Single-Piece Rim Wheels QuickCard
(OSHA 3584 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3778 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Lyme Disease Alert Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Marine Cargo Handling First Aid QuickCard
(OSHA 3368 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )

Marine Cargo Handling: Gangway Safety QuickCard
(OSHA 3369 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )

Marine Cargo Handling: Lifesaving Facilities QuickCard
(OSHA 3367 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )

Marine Terminal Fall Protection for Personnel Platforms Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3960 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 3961 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Marine Terminals: Five Ways to Stay Safe When Working with Rail Cars in Marine Terminals Poster
(OSHA 4367 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 4368 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Marine Terminals: Radio Communication in Marine Terminals Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Marine Terminals: Safe Operation of Semi-tractors in Marine Terminals
(OSHA 3653 - ) (English: PDF )

Marine Terminals: Safely Operating and Working Around Cargo Handling Equipment in Marine Terminals QuickCard
(OSHA 3640 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 3864 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Marine Terminals: Safely Performing Hot Work on Hollow or Enclosed Structures in Marine Terminals Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3732 - ) (English: PDF )

Marine Terminals: Servicing Multi-Piece and Single-Piece Rim Wheels in Marine Terminals Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3654 - ) (English: PDF )

Marine Terminals: Traffic Safety
(OSHA 3337 - ) (English: PDF )

Marine Terminals: Work Safety Zones for On-Dock Container Rail Operations in Marine Terminals Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3711 - ) (English: PDF )

Maritime - Protecting Workers from Heat Illness in Confined Spaces
(OSHA 4274 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 4275 - ) (Spanish: PDF )
(OSHA 4352 - ) (Chinese Simplified: PDF )
(OSHA 4353 - ) (Chinese Traditional: PDF )
(OSHA 4354 - ) (Korean: PDF )
(OSHA 4276 - ) (Portuguese: PDF )
(OSHA 4277 - ) (Vietnamese: PDF )

Maritime Industry: Evaluation and Control of Hazards from Preservative Coatings during Hot Work on Vessels
(OSHA FS 4169 - ) (English: PDF )

Maritime Industry: Five Ways to Respond in an Emergency Poster
(OSHA 4431 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 4432 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Maritime Industry: Six Ways to Stay Safe When Working in Marine Terminal Mechanic Shops Poster
(OSHA 4171 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )

Maritime Industry: Stay Safe at Maritime Facilities Poster
(OSHA 4433 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 4434 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Maritime: Person in Water-- Prevention, Recovery and Survival in the Maritime Industry QuickCard
(OSHA 3651 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 3890 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Material Hoist Collapse: Fatal Facts
(OSHA 3718 - ) (English: PDF )

Materials Handling and Storage
(OSHA 2236 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )

Meatpacking: Safety and Health Guide for the Meatpacking Industry
(OSHA 3108 - ) (English: PDF )

Mechanics Working in 'the Yard' during Marine Terminal Operations QuickCard
(OSHA 3561 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3624 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Mechanics Working in "the Yard" on Powered Equipment during Marine Terminal Operations QuickCard
(OSHA 3562 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )

Medical & Dental Offices - A Guide to Compliance with OSHA Standards
(OSHA 3187 - ) (English: PDF )

Medical Examiners: Reporting a Work-related Death to OSHA
(OSHA 3593 - ) (English: PDF )

Medical Records: Access to Medical and Exposure Records
(OSHA 3110 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )

Mental Health: Workplace Mental Health Fact Sheet
(OSHA 4395 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 4396 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Mercury: Avoiding Exposure from Fluorescent Bulbs QuickCard
(OSHA 3536 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )

Mercury: Protecting Workers from Mercury Exposure While Crushing and Recycling Fluorescent Bulbs Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3535 - ) (English: PDF )

Metal Scrap Recycling: Guidance for the Identification and Control of Safety and Health Hazards in Metal Scrap Recycling
(OSHA 3348 - ) (English: PDF )

Methylene Chloride
(OSHA 3144 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )

Methylene Chloride: OSHA/NIOSH Hazard Alert - Hazards for Bathtub Refinishers
(OSHA 3623 - ) (English: PDF )

Mold Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Mold Hazards during Disaster Cleanup
(OSHA FS 3713 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 3901 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Mold: Mold QuickCard
(OSHA 3691 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3692 - ) (Spanish: PDF )
(OSHA 3599 - ) (Portuguese: PDF Add to cart )

Mold: Preventing Mold-Related Problems in the Indoor Workplace
(OSHA 3304 - ) (English: PDF )

Motor Vehicle Guidelines for Employers

This document offers useful information to help employers design an effective driver safety program in their workplace. It features a 10-step program outlining what an employer can do to improve traffic safety performance and minimize the risk of motor vehicle crashes. It also includes success stories from employers who have benefited from effective driver safety programs.

() (English: PDF )

Motor Vehicle Safe Driving Practices QuickCard
(OSHA 3314 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 3314 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Motor Vehicle Safety Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Mpox/Monkeypox Virus Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-4191 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS-4225 - ) (Spanish: PDF )
(OSHA FS-4226 - ) (Polish: PDF )

Multi-Piece Rim Matching Chart - Tire Chart

[High Resolution for printing: PDF 11 MB]

(OSHA 3403 - ) (English: PDF )

N-Nitrosamine in the Rubber Industry
(OSHA HIB 10-10-1989 - ) (English: HTML )

N-Nitroso Compounds in Industry
(OSHA HIB 03-15-1990 - ) (English: HTML )

Nail Gun Safety: A Guide for Construction Contractors
(OSHA 3459 - ) (English: EPUB MOBI PDF )
(OSHA 3505 - ) (Spanish: EPUB MOBI PDF )

Nail Salon Workers: Stay Healthy and Safe While Giving Manicures and Pedicures
(OSHA 3542 - ) (English: EPUB MOBI PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3560 - ) (Spanish: EPUB MOBI PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3559 - ) (Korean: EPUB MOBI PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3793 - ) (Nepali: PDF )
(OSHA 3558 - ) (Vietnamese: EPUB MOBI PDF Add to cart )

Nanotechnology: Working Safely with Nanomaterials
(OSHA 3634 - ) (English: PDF )

National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction Poster
(OSHA 3774 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 3775 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Noroviruses Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Occupational Exposure to Flavoring Substances: Health Effects and Hazard Control
(OSHA SHIB 10-14-2010 - ) (English: HTML )

Oil and Gas: Health and Safety Risks for Workers Involved in Manual Tank Gauging and Sampling at Oil and Gas Extraction Sites Hazard Alert
(OSHA 3843 - ) (English: PDF )

Oil Spill Cleanup: Safety and Health Awareness for Oil Spill Cleanup Workers

OSHA has partnered with the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) in publishing "Safety and Health Awareness for Oil Spill Cleanup Workers." OSHA and NIEHS will continue to update this booklet/PowerPoint.

(OSHA 3388 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3391 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3394 - ) (Vietnamese: PDF Add to cart )

Oil Spill Response: Training Marine Oil Spill Response Workers under OSHA's Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Standard
(OSHA 3172 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )

On-Site Consultation: Safety and Health Advice You Can Trust for Your Small Business
(OSHA 3357 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3372 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4229 - ) (Arabic: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4236 - ) (Brazilian Portuguese: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4230 - ) (Chinese Simplified: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4231 - ) (Chinese Traditional: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4232 - ) (French: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4233 - ) (German: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4234 - ) (Japanese: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4235 - ) (Korean: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4237 - ) (Russian: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4238 - ) (Tagalog: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4239 - ) (Vietnamese: PDF Add to cart )

On-Site Consultation: The OSHA On-Site Consultation Program Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-4435 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS-4436 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Operating Hazards of Baler Discharge-Door Locks
(OSHA SHIB 08-13-2013 - ) (English: HTML )

(OSHA 2001 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )

OSHA At-A-Glance
(OSHA 3439 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 3454 - ) (Spanish: PDF )
(OSHA 3469 - ) (Portuguese: PDF )
(OSHA 3453-B - ) (Vietnamese: PDF Add to cart )

OSHA Penalty Adjustments
(OSHA FS 3879 - ) (English: PDF )

OSHA: All About OSHA

An OSHA handbook providing an overview of the Agency, its regulatory responsibilities, policies, procedures and programs.

(OSHA 3302 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 3173 - ) (Spanish: PDF )
(OSHA 3520 - ) (Vietnamese: PDF )

OSHA's Respirable Crystalline Silica Standard for General Industry and Maritime Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3682 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 3701 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Overhead Launching Gantry Crane
() (English: PDF )

Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response Guidance for Healthcare Workers and Healthcare Employers
(OSHA 3328 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )

Pandemic Influenza: Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for an Influenza Pandemic

Developed in coordination with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), this publication provides general guidance for all types of workplaces, describes the differences between seasonal, avian and pandemic influenza, and presents information on the nature of a potential pandemic, how the virus is likely to spread and how exposure is likely to occur.

(OSHA 3327 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3364 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Pandemic Influenza: Healthcare Workplaces Classified as Very High or High Exposure Risk for Pandemic Influenza Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Pandemic Influenza: How to Protect Yourself in the Workplace during a Pandemic QuickCard
(OSHA 3365 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 3365 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Pandemic Influenza: Pandemic Flu Respiratory Protection QuickCard
(OSHA 3366 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )

Pandemic Influenza: What Employers Can Do to Protect Workers from Pandemic Influenza Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Pandemic: Protecting Workers during a Pandemic Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3747 - ) (English: PDF )

Parking Garage Collapse: Fatal Facts
(OSHA 3792 - ) (English: PDF )

Partnership Brochure
(OSHA 3251 - ) (English: PDF )

Perchloroethylene: Reducing Worker Exposure to Perchloroethylene (PERC) in Dry Cleaning

This document provides information on the health hazards and current regulations, as well as recommendations on methods for reducing worker exposures. It also provides information on training, personal protective equipment, and some of the new technologies available in the dry cleaning industry.

(OSHA 3253 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3253 - ) (Korean: PDF Add to cart )

Personal Protective Equipment
(OSHA 3151 - ) (English: PDF )

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS - ) (Spanish: PDF )
(OSHA FS 3603 - ) (Portuguese: PDF Add to cart )

Pest Control Pyrotechnics QuickCard
(OSHA 3313 - ) (English: PDF )

Portable Generators: Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning While Working with Portable Generators: OSHA Alert
(OSHA 4105 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 4106 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Portland Cement: Preventing Skin Problems for Working with Portland Cement
(OSHA 3351 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )

Possible Failure of Metal Halide Lamps
(OSHA TIB 09-13-2000 - ) (English: PDF )

Potential Asbestos Contamination in Soft Concrete
(OSHA HIB 10-08-1998 - ) (English: HTML )

Potential Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Asphyxiation Hazard When Filling Stationary Low Pressure CO2 Supply Systems
(OSHA HIB 06-05-1996 - ) (English: HTML )

Potential Ejection Hazard Associated with High Speed Separators in Rendering Operations
(OSHA TIB 06-20-2001 - ) (English: PDF )

Potential Fire with Florescent Light Bulbs within Plastic Tubes
(OSHA HIB 07-15-1997 - ) (English: HTML )

Potential Flammability Hazard Associated with Bulk Transportation of Oilfield Exploration and Production (E&P) Waste Liquids
(OSHA SHIB 03-24-2008 - ) (English: PDF )

Potential for Feed Water Pipes in Electrical Power Generation Facilities to Rupture Causing Hazardous Release of Steam and Hot Water
(OSHA HIB 10-31-1996 - ) (English: HTML )

Potential for Natural Gas and Coal Dust Explosions in Electrical Power Generating Facilities
(OSHA TIB 11-06-2000 - ) (English: PDF )

Potential for Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens From Cleaning Needles Used in Allergy Testing Procedures
(OSHA HIB 09-21-1995 - ) (English: HTML )

Potential for Occupational Exposure to Lyme Disease
(OSHA HIB 02-11-2003 - ) (English: PDF )

Potential for Sensitization and Possible Allergic Reaction to Natural Rubber Latex Gloves and other Natural Rubber Products
(OSHA SHIB 01-28-2008 - ) (English: PDF )

Potential Hazards Associated With The Refurbishing of Gas Meters
(OSHA HIB 12-21-2001 - ) (English: PDF )

Potential Hazards Associated with the Use of Replacement Materials for Machine Guarding
(OSHA HIB 06-23-2000 - ) (English: PDF )

Potential Hazards of Mislabeled Steel Toe Logger Boots
(OSHA SHIB 09-30-2004 - ) (English: PDF )

Potential Health Hazards Associated with Handling Pipe used in Oil and Gas Production
(OSHA HIB 01-26-1989 - ) (English: HTML )

Potential Over Pressurization of Bromochlorodimethylhydantoin (BCDMH) Treatment Systems
(OSHA HIB 08-30-1994 - ) (English: HTML )

Poultry: Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders in Poultry Processing (Updated Guidelines)
(OSHA 3213 - ) (English: EPUB MOBI PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3749 - ) (Spanish: EPUB MOBI PDF Add to cart )

Poultry: Workers' Rights Poster - OSHA/USDA
(OSHA 3769 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 3770 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4187 - ) (Marshallese: PDF )

Poultry: Workers' Rights Wallet Card
(OSHA 3820 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3820 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4186 - ) (Marshallese: PDF )

Powered Platforms Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

PPE for Emergency Response and Recovery Workers
(OSHA 4117 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4117 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )

Precast Concrete Panels-Hazardous Storage
(OSHA SHIB 02-10-2004 - ) (English: PDF )

Preventing Adverse Health Effects from Exposure to Beryllium in Dental Laboratories
(OSHA HIB 04-19-2002 - ) (English: PDF )

Preventing and Mitigating the Effects of Fire and Explosions
(OSHA SHIB 07-31-2005  - ) (English: HTML )

Preventing Fire and/or Explosion Injury from Small and Wearable Lithium Battery Powered Devices
(OSHA SHIB 06-20-2019 - ) (English: PDF )

Preventing Hearing Loss Caused by Chemical (Ototoxicity) and Noise Exposure
() (English: HTML )

Preventing the Uncontrolled Release of Anhydrous Ammonia at Loading Stations
(OSHA SHIB 12-05-2005 - ) (English: PDF )

Process Safety Management
(OSHA 3132 - ) (English: PDF )

Process Safety Management Depends on You! - Poster
(OSHA 3316 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )

Process Safety Management Depends on You! QuickCard
(OSHA 3315 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )

Process Safety Management for Explosives and Pyrotechnics Manufacturing
(OSHA 3912 - ) (English: PDF )

Process Safety Management for Petroleum Refineries
(OSHA 3918 - ) (English: PDF )

Process Safety Management for Small Businesses
(OSHA 3908 - ) (English: PDF )

Process Safety Management for Storage Facilities
(OSHA 3909 - ) (English: PDF )

Process Safety Management Guidelines for Compliance
(OSHA 3133 - ) (English: PDF )

Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals Fact Sheet
() (English: PDF )
() (Spanish: PDF )

Process Safety Management: The Use of Metrics in Process Safety Management (PSM) Facilities Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3896 - ) (English: PDF )

Protect Rescue Workers and Emergency Responders After an Earthquake: OSHA Alert
(OSHA 3984 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 3985 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Protect Workers from Wet Grain Engulfment Hazards: OSHA Alert
(OSHA 3987 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 3988 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Protect Workers Operating and Working Near Forklifts: OSHA Alert
(OSHA 3973 - ) (English: PDF )

Protecting Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-4388 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS-4389 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Protecting Young Workers: Prohibition Against Young Workers Operating Forklifts
(OSHA SHIB 09-30-2003 - ) (English: PDF )

Radiofrequency Radiation-caused Burns
(OSHA HIB 09-05-1990 - ) (English: HTML )

Recordkeeping: Electronic Submission of OSHA Form 300 and 301 Data Fact Sheet
(OSHA 4272 - ) (English: PDF )

Recordkeeping: Highlights of OSHA's Reporting and Recordkeeping Rule Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3744 - ) (English: PDF )

Recordkeeping: Recordable Injuries and Illnesses: What Workers Need to Know Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-4444 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS-4445 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Reducing the Risk of Worker Exposure to Disease-Carrying Ticks Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-4190 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS-4223 - ) (Spanish: PDF )
(OSHA FS-4224 - ) (Polish: PDF )

Remediation Technology and Health Safety Standards: Thermal Desorption
(OSHA SHIB 02-03-2003 - ) (English: PDF )

Remote Control Plant Locomotives
(OSHA HIB 08-08-1988 - ) (English: HTML )

Reporting: New Reporting Requirements Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3745 - ) (English: PDF )

Reporting: OSHA Reporting Requirements for Employers Wallet Card
(OSHA 3754 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 3764 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Reporting: OSHA's Recordkeeping Rule Update - Who Keeps Records Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3746 - ) (English: PDF )

Resource for Development and Delivery of Training to Workers
(OSHA 3824 - ) (English: PDF )

Respirator Medical Evaluation Questionnaire InfoSheet
(OSHA 3790 - ) (English: PDF )

Respirators QuickCard
(OSHA 3280 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3280 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3600 - ) (Portuguese: PDF )

Respirators: Start-Up Oxygen in CSE SR-100 Self-Contained Self-Rescuers OSHA Alert
(OSHA 3541 - ) (English: PDF )

Respiratory Protection Standard: Small Entity Compliance Guide
(OSHA 3384 - ) (English: PDF )

Respiratory Protection: Assigned Protection Factors for the Revised Respiratory Protection Standard
(OSHA 3352 - ) (English: PDF )

Respiratory Protection: NIOSH/OSHA/CDC Hospital Respiratory Protection Program Toolkit
(OSHA 3767 - ) (English: DOCX EPUB MOBI PDF )

Respiratory Protection: Respiratory Infection Control - Respirators Versus Surgical Masks Fact Sheet
(OSHA 3219 - ) (English: PDF )

Rigid Pipe Threading Machines
(OSHA HIB 08-17-1992 - ) (English: HTML )

Rodent, Snakes & Insects QuickCard
(OSHA 3274 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 3274 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Roof Tarping (Blue Roof) Safety Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3926 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 3938 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )

Root Cause: The Importance of Root Cause Analysis During Incident Investigation Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3895 - ) (English: PDF )

Rotary Valve/Airlock and Lock-Out/Tag-Out Hazards: Preventing Amputation Injuries
() (English: PDF )

Safe Baggage Handling at Cruise Terminals Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3924 - ) (English: PDF )

Safe Housekeeping and Sanitation Practices Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3871 - ) (English: PDF )

Safe Patient Handling-- Preventing Musculoskeletal Disorders in Nursing Homes
(OSHA 3708 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )

Safe Practices for Tractor Trailer Drivers
(OSHA 3944 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 3963 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Safe Work Practices in Poultry Processing QuickCard
(OSHA 3959 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3959 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )

Safely Installing, Maintaining and Inspecting Cable Trays
(OSHA SHIB 01-16-2008 - ) (English: PDF )

Safety and Health During International Travel
(OSHA TIB 04-12-2002 - ) (English: PDF )

Safety and Health Programs: Recommended Practices
(OSHA 3885 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 4170 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Safety and Health Programs: Recommended Practices in Construction
(OSHA 3886 - ) (English: PDF )

Safety and Health Programs: Safe + Sound - Ten Ways to Get Your Program Started
(OSHA 3887 - ) (English: PDF )

Safety and Health Programs: Using Leading Indicators to Improve Safety and Health Outcomes
(OSHA 3970 - ) (English: PDF )

Safety Walk-Around for Managers
() (English: PDF )

Sandbags: Filling, Moving and Placing Sandbags During Flooding Disasters Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Sandbags: Filling, Moving and Placing Sandbags During Flooding Disasters QuickCard
(OSHA 3361 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3383 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )

SARS Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

(OSHA 3150 - ) (English: PDF )

Scaffolding: Narrow Frame Scaffolds Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3722 - ) (English: PDF )

Scaffolding: Ladder Jack Scaffolds Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3857 - ) (English: PDF )

Scaffolding: Tube and Coupler Scaffolds - Erection and Use Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3759 - ) (English: PDF )

Scaffolding: Tube and Coupler Scaffolds - Planning and Design Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3760 - ) (English: PDF )

Scissor Lifts: Working Safely with Scissor Lifts Hazard Alert
(OSHA HA 3842 - ) (English: PDF )

Screening and Surveillance: A Guide to OSHA Standards
(OSHA 3162 - ) (English: PDF )

Search and Rescue Operations Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Semiconductors: Safety in Semiconductor Manufacturing Fact Sheet
() (English: PDF )

Servicing Multi-Piece and Single-Piece Rim Wheels 29 CFR 1910.177 Manual - Tire Chart
(OSHA 3421 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )

Shipboard Pedestal Crane Safety Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3913 - ) (English: PDF )

Shipbreaking Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3846 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS-4413 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Shipbreaking: Safe Work Practices
(OSHA 3375 - ) (English: PDF )

Shipyard Employment Hazards during the Repair and Maintenance of Refrigeration Systems on Vessels Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3836 - ) (English: PDF )

Shipyard Employment: 29 CFR Part 1915 - Fire Protection in Shipyard Employment; Final Rule
() (English: HTML )

Shipyard Employment: Evaluating Shipyard Competent Person Programs Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3923 - ) (English: PDF )

Shipyard Employment: Fall Protection Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-4421 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS-4422 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Shipyard Employment: Fire Watch Duties during Hot Work Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-4188 - ) (English: PDF )

Shipyard Employment: General Working Conditions in Shipyard Employment - Final Rule Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: HTML )

Shipyard Employment: General Working Conditions in Shipyard Employment - Lockout/Tags-Plus Coordinator and Log Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-4409 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS-3882 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Shipyard Employment: General Working Conditions in Shipyard Employment - Medical Services and First Aid Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: HTML )

Shipyard Employment: General Working Conditions in Shipyard Employment - Motor Vehicle Safety Equipment, Operation and Maintenance Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: HTML )

Shipyard Employment: General Working Conditions in Shipyard Employment - Sanitation Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: HTML )

Shipyard Employment: Hazards Associated with Spray Painting in Shipyard Employment Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3897 - ) (English: PDF )

Shipyard Employment: Personal Protective Equipment Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3951 - ) (English: PDF )

Shipyard Employment: Preventing Fires on Vessels Brochure
(OSHA 4386 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 4387 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Shipyard Employment: Protecting Workers from Physical Hazards in Confined Spaces Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-4198 - ) (English: PDF )

Shipyard Employment: Safe Use of Portable and Hand-Held Power Tools Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3950 - ) (English: PDF )

Shipyard Employment: Safe Use of Small Boats in Shipyard Employment Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-4411 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS-4412 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Shipyard Industry Standards
(OSHA 2268 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )

Shipyards: Guidelines for Safely Entering and Cleaning Vessel Sewage Tanks Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3587 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 3866 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Shipyards: Hot Work Safety on Hollow or Enclosed Structures QuickCard
(OSHA 3585 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3779 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Shipyards: Safe Lighting Practices in the Shipyard Industry Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3677 - ) (English: PDF )

Shipyards: Safely Performing Hot Work on Hollow or Enclosed Structures in Shipyards Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3586 - ) (English: PDF )

Shipyards: Safety While Working Alone in Shipyards Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3591 - ) (English: PDF )

Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Crushing Machines Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3935 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 4255 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Dowel Drilling Rigs for Concrete Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3930 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 4250 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Drivable Saws Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3928 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 4248 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Fiber-Cement Board Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3927 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 4247 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Handheld and Stand-Mounted Drills Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3630 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 4246 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Handheld Grinders for Mortar Removal (Tuckpointing) Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3632 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 4245 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Handheld Grinders for Tasks Other Than Mortar Removal Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3628 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 4241 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Handheld Power Saws Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3627 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 4240 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Heavy Equipment and Utility Vehicles Used During Demolition Activities Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3936 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 4256 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Heavy Equipment and Utility Vehicles Used for Grading and Excavating Tasks Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3937 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 4257 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Jackhammers or Handheld Powered Chipping Tools Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3629 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 4242 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Large Drivable Milling Machines (Half Lane and Larger) Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3934 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 4254 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Overview of Standard Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3681 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 3700 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Rig-Mounted Core Saws or Drills Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3929 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 4249 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Small Drivable Milling Machines (Less than Half Lane) Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3933 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 4253 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Stationary Masonry Saws Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3631 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 4244 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Vehicle-Mounted Drilling Rigs for Rock and Concrete Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3931 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 4251 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Walk-Behind Milling Machines and Floor Grinders Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3932 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 4252 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Walk-Behind Saws Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3633 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 4243 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Silica: OSHA/NIOSH Hazard Alert - Worker Exposure to Silica during Countertop Manufacturing, Finishing and Installation
(OSHA HA-3768 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA HA-4390 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Silica: OSHA/NIOSH Hazard Alert - Worker Exposure to Silica during Hydraulic Fracturing
(OSHA HA-3566 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA HA-3567 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Silica: Silica Exposure during Hydraulic Fracturing InfoSheet
(OSHA 3622 - ) (English: PDF )

Silica: Small Entity Compliance Guide for the Respirable Crystalline Silica Standard for General Industry and Maritime
(OSHA 3911 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 4391 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Silica: Small Entity Compliance Guide for the Respirable Crystalline Silica Standard in Construction
(OSHA 3902 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 4398 - ) (Spanish: PDF )
(OSHA 4440 - ) (Portuguese: PDF )
(OSHA 4441 - ) (Vietnamese: PDF )

Small Business Safety and Health Handbook
(OSHA 2209 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 4261 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Snow Removal: Falls and Other Hazards to Workers Removing Snow from Rooftops and Other Elevated Surfaces
(OSHA 3513 - ) (English: PDF )

Snow Removal: Know the Hazards Pamphlet
(OSHA 3966 - ) (English: PDF )

Solutions for Tree Care Hazards
(OSHA 3940 - ) (English: PDF )

Special Purpose Particle Accelerators
(OSHA SHIB 07-31-2009 - ) (English: PDF )

Spirometry Testing in Occupational Health Programs: Best Practices for Healthcare Professionals
(OSHA 3637 - ) (English: PDF )

Spirometry: OSHA/NIOSH Spirometry InfoSheet

A spirometry breathing test shows how well you can move air in and out of your lungs. Testing may be performed on workers who perform jobs that may cause exposure to possible lung hazards, are physically demanding, or require wearing a respirator. The test shows how well you can move air in and out of your lungs. Spirometry testing is required for some workers by OSHA standards.
Developed by OSHA and NIOSH. Available online only.

(OSHA 3415 - ) (English: PDF )

Spirometry: OSHA/NIOSH Spirometry Worker Info
(OSHA 3418 - ) (English: PDF )

Spud Barge Safety Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Stairways and Ladders
(OSHA 3124 - ) (English: PDF )

Standup Forklift Under-ride Hazards
(OSHA SHIB 07-27-2009 - ) (English: PDF )

Star ME-1 Dry Fire Sprinklers
(OSHA SHIB 01-07-2004 - ) (English: PDF )

Static Electricity Buildup in Plastic Pipe
(OSHA HIB 09-30-1988 - ) (English: HTML )

Storage Tanks: Soybean Soapstock Storage Tank Explosion Hazard Alert
(OSHA 4140 - ) (English: PDF )

Strategic Partnership Program Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3734 - ) (English: PDF )

Struck By (changing bales): Fatal Facts
(OSHA 3616 - ) (English: PDF )

Struck By (pulling well casing): Fatal Facts
(OSHA 3615 - ) (English: PDF )

Suicide Prevention in Construction: 5 Things You Should Know Poster
(OSHA 4446 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 4447 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Suicide Prevention: 5 Things You Should Know Poster
(OSHA 4180 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4181 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )

Suicide Prevention: Role of Employers in Preventing Suicides
(OSHA 4369 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 4370 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Suspension Trauma/Orthostatic Intolerance
(OSHA SHIB 03-24-2004 - ) (English: PDF )

Swine: Workers' Rights Poster - OSHA/USDA
(OSHA 3969 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 3978 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )

Temporary Worker Initiative (TWI) Bulletin No. 1 - Injury and Illness Recordkeeping Requirements
(OSHA 3748 - ) (English: PDF )

Temporary Worker Initiative (TWI) Bulletin No. 10 - The Control of Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout)
(OSHA 3964 - ) (English: PDF )

Temporary Worker Initiative (TWI) Bulletin No. 11 - Safety and Health in Shipyard Employment
(OSHA 3981 - ) (English: PDF )

Temporary Worker Initiative (TWI) Bulletin No. 12 – Exposure to Outdoor and Indoor Heat-Related Hazards
(OSHA 4185 - ) (English: PDF )

Temporary Worker Initiative (TWI) Bulletin No. 13 – Ergonomics for the Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders
(OSHA 4382 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 4383 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Temporary Worker Initiative (TWI) Bulletin No. 14 – Warehousing Industry Employment
(OSHA 4384 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 4385 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Temporary Worker Initiative (TWI) Bulletin No. 2 - Personal Protective Equipment
(OSHA 3780 - ) (English: PDF )

Temporary Worker Initiative (TWI) Bulletin No. 3 - Whistleblower Protection Rights
(OSHA 3781 - ) (English: PDF )

Temporary Worker Initiative (TWI) Bulletin No. 4 -Safety and Health Training
(OSHA 3859 - ) (English: PDF )

Temporary Worker Initiative (TWI) Bulletin No. 5 - Hazard Communication
(OSHA 3860 - ) (English: PDF )

Temporary Worker Initiative (TWI) Bulletin No. 6 - Bloodborne Pathogens
(OSHA 3888 - ) (English: PDF )

Temporary Worker Initiative (TWI) Bulletin No. 7 - Powered Industrial Truck Training
(OSHA 3889 - ) (English: PDF )

Temporary Worker Initiative (TWI) Bulletin No. 8 - Respiratory Protection
(OSHA 3952 - ) (English: PDF )

Temporary Worker Initiative (TWI) Bulletin No. 9 - Noise Exposure and hearing Conservation
(OSHA 3953 - ) (English: PDF )

Temporary Workers: Recommended Practices: Protecting Temporary Workers
(OSHA 3735 - ) (English: PDF )

Temporary Workers' Rights Pamphlet
(OSHA 3751 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3751 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )

That Was No Accident! Using Your OSHA 300 Log to Improve Safety and Health
() (English: PDF )

The Electric Power Industry: Lighting the Way for Safety and Health Programs
() (English: PDF )

The Potential Hazard Caused By The Deterioration Of Polyethylene Bottles Containing Corrosive Chemical
(OSHA HIB 04-12-1990 - ) (English: HTML )

The Use of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe in Above ground Installations
(OSHA HIB 05-20-1988 - ) (English: HTML )

The Use of Thermoplastic Pipe in Above Ground Locations
(OSHA HIB 12-13-1990 - ) (English: HTML )

Tilt-Up Panel Construction Hazard
(OSHA SHIB 10-15-2003 - ) (English: PDF )

Toluene: Toluene Safety in the Workplace InfoSheet
(OSHA 3646 - ) (English: PDF )

Top/Side Handler Safety in Marine Terminals QuickCard
(OSHA 3621 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )

Total Flooding Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Fire Extinguishing System
(OSHA TIB 12-22-2001 - ) (English: PDF )

Tractor Safety: Rollover Protection and Operating Tractors Safely Pamphlet
(OSHA 3965 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3965 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )

Traffic Lanes and Personnel Safety Zones Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3540 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 3922 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Training Requirements in OSHA Standards
(OSHA 2254 - ) (English: EPUB MOBI PDF )

Training: Hazard ID Finder Wallet
(OSHA 3738 - ) (English: PDF )

Training: OSHA Training Institute (OTI) Education Centers Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3709 - ) (English: PDF )

Tree Care Work Hazards - Hazard Bulletin
(OSHA HB 3731 - ) (English: EPUB MOBI PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA HB 3740 - ) (Spanish: EPUB MOBI PDF Add to cart )

Tree Care Work: Electricity and Tree Care Work Pamphlet
(OSHA 3861 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3861 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )

Tree Care Work: Know the Hazards Pamphlet
(OSHA 3752 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3752 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )

Tree Trimming Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Trench Collapses Can Be Deadly: OSHA Alert
(OSHA 3971 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 4184 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Trench Safety QuickCard
(OSHA 3243 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 3243 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Trench Safety: Slope It. Shore It. Shield It. Sticker
(OSHA 0088 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 0089 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )

Trenching and Excavation Safety
(OSHA 2226 - ) (English: PDF )

Trenching and Excavation Safety Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3476 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS-3480 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Trenching Poster
(OSHA 3215 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3255 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )

Trenching Safety: 5 Things You Should Know to Stay Safe
(OSHA 3974 - ) (English: PDF )

Truck Cranes
(OSHA HIB 05-02-1989 - ) (English: HTML )

Tubular Wire Straining Machine
(OSHA HIB 05-12-1986 - ) (English: HTML )

Unauthorized Modification of a Forklift Carriage Assembly
(OSHA HIB 06-20-1996 - ) (English: HTML )

Underground Storage Tanks (USTs)
(OSHA HIB 08-31-1990 - ) (English: HTML )

Understanding Your Role as a Shipyard Competent Person
(OSHA 4138 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4139 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )

Use of Blunt-Tip Suture Needles to Decrease Percutaneous Injuries to Surgical Personnel

OSHA and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), (2007, October). Supersedes NIOSH Publication 2007-132.

(OSHA NIOSH 2008-101 - ) (English: HTML )

Use of Hydrofluoric Acid in the Petroleum Refining Alkylation Process
(OSHA HIB 11-19-1993 - ) (English: HTML )

Use of Open Containers in Transporting Corrosive Chemicals
(OSHA HIB 05-23-1989 - ) (English: HTML )

Using Dolly-Type Devices to Spread Flammable Liquid Adhesives on a Roof Can Cause Fires
(OSHA SHIB 03-13-2014 - ) (English: HTML )

Using duct tape with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at Hazardous Waste Sites and Related Operations
(OSHA HIB 04-11-88 - ) (English: HTML )

Variance Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Vehicle-mounted Elevating and Rotating Devices
(OSHA HIB 09-14-1990 - ) (English: HTML )

Vehicle, Highway Incident: Fatal Facts
(OSHA 3614 - ) (English: PDF )

Ventilation: Ventilation in Shipyard Employment
(OSHA 3639 - ) (English: PDF )

Voluntary Protection Programs Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Walk-Arounds for Safety Officers
() (English: PDF )

Warehouse Fall from Pallet Elevated by Forklift: Fatal Facts
(OSHA 3916 - ) (English: PDF )

Warehousing - Pocket Guide
(OSHA 3220 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )

Water-Reactive Chemicals, Hazardous Materials Not Covered Under 29 CFR 1910.119
(OSHA HIB 07-03-1996 - ) (English: HTML )

Welder's Anthrax Hazard Alert
(OSHA HA-4271 - ) (English: PDF )

West Nile Virus Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS - ) (Spanish: PDF )

West Nile Virus QuickCard
(OSHA 3278 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3278 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )

Whistleblower Protection for Commercial Motor Vehicle Workers Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3946 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 3956 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Whistleblower Protection for Consumer Product Industry Workers Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 4118 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 4119 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Whistleblower Protection for Employees in the Aviation Industry Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3670 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 3671 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Whistleblower Protection for Employees Reporting Unsafe Intermodal Cargo Containers Fact Sheet
(OSHA 4153 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 4154 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Whistleblower Protection for Employees Who Report Federal Tax Law Violations Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 4047 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 4048 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Whistleblower Protection for Nuclear Industry Workers Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3948 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 3954 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Whistleblower Protection for Pipeline Facility Workers Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 4072 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 4073 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Whistleblower Protection for Public Transportation Agency Workers Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3876 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 3958 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Whistleblower Protection for Railroad Workers Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3945 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 3955 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Whistleblower Protection for Reporting Criminal Antitrust Violations Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-4174 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS-4175 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Whistleblower Protection for Reporting Money Laundering Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-4176 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS-4177 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Whistleblower Protection for Workers Concerned About Asbestos in Elementary and Secondary Schools
(OSHA FS-4167 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS-4168 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Whistleblower Protection: Filing Whistleblower Complaints under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3490 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 3723 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Whistleblower Protection: Health Privacy and OSHA Whistleblower Complaints Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3947 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 3957 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Whistleblower Protection: OSHA's Whistleblower Protection Program Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3638 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS-3655 - ) (Spanish: PDF )
(OSHA FS-4423 - ) (Haitian Creole: PDF )

Whistleblower Protections and the Environment Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3668 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 3669 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Whistleblower: Aviation Workers Have Rights! (Card)
(OSHA 3851 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3851 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )

Whistleblower: Commercial Motor Carrier Workers Have Rights! (Card)
(OSHA 3853 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3853 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )

Whistleblower: Filing Whistleblower Complaints Related to COVID-19 Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 4151 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 4152 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Whistleblower: Filing Whistleblower Complaints under the Affordable Care Act
(OSHA FS 3641 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 3712 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Whistleblower: Filing Whistleblower Complaints under the Clean Air Act Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3784 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 3830 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Whistleblower: Filing Whistleblower Complaints under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3813 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 3829 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Whistleblower: Filing Whistleblower Complaints under the Consumer Financial Protection Act (CFPA) Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3720 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 3721 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Whistleblower: Filing Whistleblower Complaints under the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3714 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 3715 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Whistleblower: Filing Whistleblower Complaints under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3785 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 3831 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Whistleblower: Filing Whistleblower Complaints under the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP21) Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3716 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 3717 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Whistleblower: Filing Whistleblower Complaints under the Safe Drinking Water Act Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3786 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 3832 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Whistleblower: Filing Whistleblower Complaints under the Seaman's Protection Act Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3762 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS-3782 - ) (Spanish: PDF )
(OSHA FS-3977 - ) (Portuguese: PDF )

Whistleblower: Filing Whistleblower Complaints under the Solid Waste Disposal Act Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3815 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 3833 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Whistleblower: Filing Whistleblower Complaints under the Toxic Substances Control Act Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3814 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 3834 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Whistleblower: Protection From Retaliation for Engaging in Safety and Health Activity under the OSH Act Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3812 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS-3841 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Whistleblower: Railroad Workers Have Rights! (Card)
(OSHA 3854 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3854 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )

Whistleblower: Recommended Practices for Anti-Retaliation Programs
(OSHA 3905 - ) (English: PDF )

Whistleblower: Retaliation for Speaking Up Is Not Ok Poster
(OSHA 4269 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4270 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4405 - ) (Haitian Creole: PDF Add to cart )

Whistleblower: Workers Have Rights (Card)
(OSHA 3850 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3850 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4262 - ) (Arabic: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4417 - ) (Brazilian Portuguese: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4418 - ) (Haitian Creole: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4263 - ) (Karen: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4264 - ) (Somali: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4265 - ) (Vietnamese: PDF Add to cart )

Whistleblower: Workers Have Rights Under SOX! (Card)
(OSHA 3852 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3852 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )

Whistleblower: Workers Have the Right to Report Tax Fraud! (Card)
(OSHA 4136 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4136 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )

Winter Driving Safety
() (English: PDF )

Woodworking: A Guide for Protecting Workers from Woodworking Hazards Small Business Safety Management Series
(OSHA 3157 - ) (English: PDF )

Work Practices Employed by the Electric Utilities Industry Regarding Sulphur Hexaflouride Gas-Insulated Circuit Breakers
(OSHA HIB 01-30-1989 - ) (English: HTML )

Work Zone Traffic Safety Fact Sheet
() (English: PDF )

Work Zone Traffic Safety QuickCard
(OSHA 3284 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3284 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 4291 - ) (Chinese Simplified: PDF )
(OSHA 4292 - ) (Chinese Traditional: PDF )
(OSHA 4293 - ) (Korean: PDF )
(OSHA 4294 - ) (Portuguese: PDF )
(OSHA 4295 - ) (Vietnamese: PDF )

Worker Rights: We Are OSHA - We Can Help Brochure
(OSHA 3334 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 3419 - ) (Spanish: PDF )
(OSHA 3468 - ) (Chinese Traditional: PDF )
(OSHA 3420 - ) (Vietnamese: PDF Add to cart )

Worker Rights: We Can Help - Horizontal Wallet Card
(OSHA 3387 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3390 - ) (Spanish: PDF )
(OSHA 3428 - ) (Chinese Simplified: PDF )
(OSHA 3429 - ) (Chinese Traditional: PDF )
(OSHA 3434 - ) (Korean: PDF )
(OSHA 3496 - ) (Portuguese: PDF )
(OSHA 3399 - ) (Vietnamese: PDF )

Worker Safety is Your Business: Keep Drivers Safe
(OSHA 3416 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3416 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )

Workers Memorial Day 2023 Poster
(OSHA 4178 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 4179 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Workers: OSHA Requirements When a Worker Experiences a Job-Related Injury or Illness Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS - ) (English: PDF )

Workers' Rights - Bookmark
(OSHA 3381 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3382 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3472 - ) (Portuguese: PDF )
(OSHA 3397 - ) (Vietnamese: PDF Add to cart )

Workers' Rights - Vertical Wallet Card
(OSHA 3392 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 3393 - ) (Spanish: PDF )
(OSHA 4266 - ) (Arabic: PDF )
(OSHA 4306 - ) (Cebuano: PDF )
(OSHA 4307 - ) (Chinese Simplified: PDF )
(OSHA 4308 - ) (Chinese Traditional: PDF )
(OSHA 4309 - ) (Eastern Punjabi: PDF )
(OSHA 4310 - ) (Haitian: PDF )
(OSHA 4267 - ) (Karen: PDF )
(OSHA 4311 - ) (Korean: PDF )
(OSHA 4312 - ) (Marshallese: PDF )
(OSHA 4363 - ) (Mayan: PDF )
(OSHA 4313 - ) (Nepali: PDF )
(OSHA 4314 - ) (Polish: PDF )
(OSHA 3497 - ) (Portuguese: PDF )
(OSHA 4315 - ) (Russian: PDF )
(OSHA 4268 - ) (Somali: PDF )
(OSHA 4316 - ) (Tagalog: PDF )
(OSHA 4317 - ) (Ukrainian: PDF )
(OSHA 3400 - ) (Vietnamese: PDF )
(OSHA 4318 - ) (Western Punjabi: PDF )

Workers' Rights Booklet
(OSHA 3021 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 3473 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Workers' Rights: As a Worker, You Have the Right...- Magnet
(OSHA 3385 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 3386 - ) (Spanish: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3398 - ) (Vietnamese: PDF Add to cart )

Workers' Rights: Filing a Workplace Complaint - Choosing the Right One Wallet Card
(OSHA 4410 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 4410 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Workers' Rights: Nail Salon Worker Rights Card
(OSHA 3797 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 3799 - ) (Spanish: PDF )
(OSHA 3801 - ) (Korean: PDF )
(OSHA 3803 - ) (Thai: PDF )
(OSHA 3805 - ) (Vietnamese: PDF )

Workers' Rights: Nail Salon Worker Rights Flyer
(OSHA 3796 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 3798 - ) (Spanish: PDF )
(OSHA 3800 - ) (Korean: PDF )
(OSHA 3802 - ) (Thai: PDF )
(OSHA 3804 - ) (Vietnamese: PDF )

Working Safely in Cold Weather: OSHA Alert
(OSHA 3983 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 3983 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Working Safely Near Overhead Power Lines: OSHA Alert
(OSHA 3979-08 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA 3980-08 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Working Safely on the Apron or Highline during Marine Terminal Operations QuickCard
(OSHA 3539 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3865 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Working Safely While Repairing Intermodal Containers in Marine Terminals Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3626 - ) (English: PDF )

Working Safely with Mobile Ladder Stands
(OSHA SHIB 09-27-2019 - ) (English: PDF )

Working Safely with Wire Rope
() (English: PDF )

Workplace Precautions Against West Nile Virus
(OSHA SHIB 08-29-2003 (B) - ) (English: HTML )

Workplace Violence Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3509 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS-3524 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Workplace Violence: Guidelines for Preventing Workplace Violence for Healthcare and Social Service Workers
(OSHA 3148 - ) (English: EPUB MOBI PDF )

Workplace Violence: NIOSH/OSHA Fact Sheet - Preventing Workplace Violence Against Taxi Cab Drivers
(OSHA 3976 - ) (English: PDF )

Workplace Violence: Recommendations for Workplace Violence Prevention Programs in Late-Night Retail Establishments
(OSHA 3153 - ) (English: PDF )

Young Worker - Bookmark
(OSHA 3330 - ) (English: PDF )

Young Worker: I have rights - Youth Poster
(OSHA 3231 - ) (English: )

Zika Virus Protection for Outdoor Workers QuickCard
(OSHA 3880 - ) (English: PDF Add to cart )
(OSHA 3881 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Zika Virus: Interim Guidance for Protecting Workers from Occupational Exposure to Zika Virus Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3855 - ) (English: PDF )
(OSHA FS 3856 - ) (Spanish: PDF )

Zika Virus: Preventing and Managing Laboratory Worker Exposure to Zika Virus Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3917 - ) (English: PDF )

Zip-Line Safety: Protecting Zip-Line Workers Pamphlet
(OSHA 3845 - ) (English: PDF )